
26°C. And remember mid-summer here is 63 (一月)! And the winter temperatures don’t usually fall below 10°C. 64 (二)of the main languages here are Xhosa and English. The population of Cape Town is about 3.5 $ million.

Cape Town is the city that has 65 (一切). It will make your vacation unforgettable. 题材:景点介绍 【主旨大意】


56. biggest/largest【解析】根据汉语意思考虑到单词big/large,从下一分句but it is the most popular city及空前the推知,这里应用形容词的最高级;句意:开普敦在南非不是首都城市,也不是最大的城市,但却是最受人欢迎的城市。故填biggest/largest。

57. visit【解析】根据汉语意思考虑到单词visit;句意:每年上百万的旅行者参观开普敦。从句子every year知,本句用一般现在时态表达,且句子主语millions of tourists为复数,其谓语动词也为复数形式。故填visit。

58. offers/provides【解析】根据汉语意思考虑到单词offer/provide;句意:对于户外或运动迷梦来说,开普敦提供了像徒步旅行和攀爬等许多刺激的活动。从句意和语境知,这里用一般现在时态表达,因句子的主语Cape Town为单数,其谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。故填offers/provides。

59. shark【解析】根据汉语意思考虑到shark;从空前a知,这里用名词单数。故填shark。 60. along/down【解析】根据汉语提示并分析句子结构知,这里填介词along/down等。 61. sights/views/scenes【解析】根据汉语提示考虑到sight/view/scene等;这里说的“自然风景”肯定是很多,应用名词复数。故填sights/views/scenes等。

62. local【解析】根据汉语意思考虑填local,分析句子结构知,本空需填一形容词作定语修饰名词temperature。故确认填local。

63. January【解析】根据汉语意思知填January。

64. Two【解析】根据汉语意思考虑到单词two/second;句意:这儿其中主要的两种语言为科萨语和英语。由此知这里用基数词Two,注意首字母大写。

65. everything/anything/all【解析】根据汉语意思知填everything/anything/all等。


(2017·浙江金华) A ceremony(仪式) where boys become crocodile(鳄鱼) men

When does a teenager grow up and become an adult? In many countries, it happen on your 18th ____51____ (生日), but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to ____52____ (进入) the world of grown-ups.

On an Oceanian island, some people live near the Sepik River, which is____53____ (充满的) of crocodiles. They believe that crocodiles made the ____54____ (地球) and its people. When it is time for teenage boys to become men, a “crocodile ceremony” takes place.

The boys are taken to a small house ____55____ (叫作) the “Crocodile Nest”. In the house, the boys are told to think of their crocodile “fathers and mothers”. Old people in the village say

that if the boys think of their crocodile parents, they will be stronger and ____56____ (勇敢的) because the ceremony will cause great pain. To take their minds off the pain, the boys tell jokes in the house, rather than just stay ____57____ (沉默的). Surprisingly, some of the boys even sleep ____58____ (在…期间) the most painful parts of the ceremony! It will be ____59____ weeks before they leave the house.

When the boys ____60____ (最后) leave the crocodile house, there is singing and dancing in the village to welcome new crocodile men.

51. birthday 52. enter 53. full 54. earth 55. called/named 56. braver 57. silent 58. during/in 59. eight 60. finally

(2017·浙江嘉兴舟山) All About “A-thons”

A marathon(马拉松) is a long-distance running race. Now it is not only a competition, but some people organize marathons for charity(慈善). Runners get friends, families and other people to

51 (支持) them. They promise to provide a certain amount of money for every race. For example, if the runner runs one 52 (千米), the providers each give the runner $1 for the charity.

A 53 (许多) of money can be raised this way. However, not everyone can run, so people in the USA have thought of other ways to raise money, using the idea of a marathon.

Walk-a-thons A walk-a-thon is similar to a marathon, but people walk 54 (代替) of

running. This is one of the most 55 (受欢迎的) ways for people to raise money.

Read-a-thons Many schools organize read-a-thons to raise money. Students can get money 56 (简单地) for the number of books they read in a given amount of time. They may have

57 (十) weeks to read. Little kids can also get money according to how many 58 (页) they read. The read-a-thons are 59 (举行) not only to raise money, but also to encourage teenagers to read.

Bowl-a-thons Bowling is an 60 (有趣的) sport for many Americans. In a bowl-a-thon, people raise money for every point they get in the game. The higher the score is, the more money they make for the charity.

51. support 52. kilometer/kilometre 53. lot 54. instead 55. popular/welcome 56. simply/easily 57. ten 58. pages 59. held 60. interesting/enjoyable



Hi, guys! Listen, if you want to succeed in doing business, I have some useful suggestions for you.

First, you should wear smart 57 (衣服) and behave well. Wear a nice suit and a 58

(领带), and you should be sure to arrive on time for a meeting, OK?

When you first meet the customer, you should give him your business card and you shouldn’t 59 (忘记) his name —that’s important. If he is Ben, don’t call him Ken; if he is Ken, don’t call him Ben. They don’t like that kind of thing.

60 (假定) you’re smoker. Well, then, when you 61 (出席) a meeting, you shouldn’t smoke during it. And you should always be 62 (有礼貌的). Remember to say “Please”, “Thank you”. “Excuse me” and “Sorry”.

Now, it’s important that you make friends with the customers, but you shouldn’t tell them your 63 (整个的) life story. They don’t want to hear that.

And 64 (最后)—don’t talk all the time. You should always listen to the customer. Is that clear? Try to follow all the above, guys! I’m sure luck will 65 (敲) at your door! 题材:观点建议


57. clothes【解析】分析句子结构可知,横线上的词在句中作宾语;应当用名词;衣服是集合名词;所以填clothes.

58. tie 【解析】根据前面的不定冠词a和所给汉语提示可知,此处应填单数名词tie。 59. forget【解析】shouldn’t是情态动词,后面应当用动词原形;表示“忘记”的动词,且不与地点状语连用,应当用forget.

60. Suppose【解析】这是一祈使句,应当以动词原形开头;单词位于句首,首字母应当大写。结合汉语意思可知应当填写Suppose.

61. attend【解析】分析句子结构可知,这个句子叙述是经常性的动作,应当用一般现在时;从句主语you是第二人称,结合汉语意思可知应当填写attend.

62. polite 【解析】分析句子结构可知,横线上是形容词在句中作表语;结合汉语意思可知应当填写polite。

63. whole 【解析】横线上的词“整个的”位形容词性物主代词your之后,只能用whole。 64. finally【解析】根据前文“First”可知,这里是说明介绍的顺序,结合汉语意思可知填写finally。

65. knock【解析】will是助动词,后面跟动词原形构成一般将来时;再根据横线后的介词at,结合汉语意思,可知填写knock。 (2017·浙江义乌) B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

(2017·浙江义乌) Daniel Kristiansen is a 14-year-old schoolboy from Denmark. Recently, while doing his history homework about World War Ⅱ, he had a surprising discovery 51 (在……后面) his family’s home. He found the remains of a 52 (德国的) World War Ⅱ plane.

After telling his father about his history homework, Daniel was encouraged to go out onto their farm. He and his father hoped they might find some old 53 (瓶子) or something to show at school. Much to their surprise , on the 54 (第四) day , they found some broken plane pieces. So they 55 (借) a special machine from a neighbour. When they 56 (挖)down seven meters, they suddenly came across pieces of 57 (灰色的) clothes. They reported what they found to the government 58 (立刻) , and the news was widely heard across Denmark. Each day their house was 59 (拥挤的) with news reporters.

Daniel’s father, Klaus, remembered being told by his 60 (爷爷) that a plane had hit their farm during World War Ⅱ. But Klaus thought it was just a good story. New it turns out to be true. 51. behind 52. German 53. bottles 54. fourth/4th 55.borrowed

56. dug 57. grey/gray 58. immediately 59.crowded

