总分复查人 座位号 2012年全国外贸业务员考试
(考试时间:2012年5月13日 上午9:00—11:00)
题 号 得 分 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 阅卷组长
得 分 评卷人 复查人 一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,
B.装运港船上 D.目的港船上 B.CFR D.FCA
1.根据《INCOTERMS? 2010》的规定,CFR贸易术语下,买卖双方风险的分界点是( )。
A.装运港船舷 C.目的港船舷 A.FOB C.CIF 之内。 A.4个 C.6个 A.战争 C.失火
的主管退税机关申请办理出口退税认定。 A.15天 C.45天 改革,取消现场核销。 A.5个 C.7个
2.我国海关法规定,进口货物完税价格是指( )。
3.根据《UCP600》的规定,开证行的合理审单时间是收到单据次日起的( )工作日
B.5个 D.7个 B.罢工 D.串味
4.在国际货物运输保险中,下列风险属于一般外来风险的是( )。
5.根据我国有关规定,对外贸易经营者应于取得出口经营权之日起( )内,向所在地
B.30天 D.60天
6.从2011年12月1日开始,国家外汇管理局在( )省市开展出口收汇核销制度试点
B.6个 D.8个
外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第1页 (共12页)
7.开证行授权指定银行向受益人预付全部或部分信用证金额,由开证行保证偿还利息的信用证是( )。 A.可转让信用证 C.背对背信用证
B.红条款信用证 D.对开信用证
8.我国对于国家鼓励发展产业的外商投资项目,在投资总额内进口的自用设备,除《外商投资项目不予免税的进口商品目录》所列商品外,可以免征( )。
A.进口关税和进口报关费用 B.进口环节消费税和进口环节增值税 C.进口关税和进口环节增值税 A.即期付款信用证 C.议付信用证 A.保险单 C.预约保险单 A.有条件接受 C.实质性更改
D.进口关税和进口环节消费税 B.延期付款信用证 D.承兑信用证 B.保险凭证 D.保险批单 B.部分接受 D.非实质性更改
9.以下采用哪种信用证支付方式时受益人一般不出具汇票?( )
10.以下哪种保险单据称为“小保单”?( )
11.如果外贸业务员对国外客户的发盘内容( ),则不属于还盘。
入海中,使船舶起浮,继续航行至目的港。搁浅和抛货造成的损失( )。 A.都属共同海损 C.都属单独海损
B.前者属共同海损,后者属单独海损 D.前者属单独海损,后者属共同海损
13.我国知识产权司法保护主要是指权利人以( )的方式,通过人民法院对知识产权
行政、民事或刑事案件的司法审判来寻求对自身合法权益的保护。 A.仲裁 C.诉讼 A.类 C.税目
B.协调 D.抗议 B.章 D.子目 B.FCL/LCL D.LCL/FCL
14.我国现行《商品名称及编码协调制度》规定,商品编码的第五、六位数字表示( )。
15.与“拼箱/拼箱”货物交接方式对应的英文缩写是( )。
16.我国外汇管理局规定,出口企业对预计不能在报关日期( )内收汇的,应当在货
物出口报关后60天内凭远期备案书面申请、远期收汇出口合同或协议、核销单、报关单及其他相关材料向外汇管理局办理远期收汇备案。 A.60天 C.120天
B.90天 D.180天
外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第2页 (共12页)
17.根据《UCP600》的规定,若信用证没有规定是否允许转让和加保兑,则视为( )。
A.允许转让和加保兑 C.允许转让和不加保兑
B.禁止转让和不加保兑 D.禁止转让和加保兑
公吨,FOB锦州港,信用证金额为12 000美元。则该公司最多能装运多少数量,开证行会支付多少美元给该公司?最少能装运多少数量,开证行会支付多少美元给该公司?( )
A.20公吨 12 000美元;20公吨 12 000美元 B.20公吨 12 000美元;18公吨 10 800美元 C.22公吨 12 000美元;18公吨 10 800美元 D.22公吨 13 200美元;18公吨 10 800美元
19.承兑是( )对远期汇票表示承担到期付款责任的行为。
C.出票人 A.订舱 C.核销
B.收款人 D.担保人 B.投保 D.退税
20.在T/T支付方式、CFR条件下,以下不属于出口商工作的是( )。
21.According to INCOTERMS? 2010, what is the trade term when the seller doesn’t undertake to
pay for the cost of transport of the goods to a specified destination?( ) A.FOB C.CIP
22.According to INCOTERMS? 2010, when the seller pays for all charges up to an including the
loading of a consignment on board the carrying vessel, the term is ( ). A.DDP C.FOB A.promissory notes C.checks contract for carriage? ( ) A.DAT C.CIP
B.FAS D.CIF B.FCA D.CIF B.bills of lading D.bills of exchange
23.Financial documents include the following except ( ).
24.According to INCOTERMS? 2010, under which term does the seller have no obligation to
25.The basic functions of a bill of lading is (are)( ).
A.a receipt for the goods which evidences the taking-over or loading by the carrier B.an evidence of contract of carriage between the carrier and the shipper. C.a document of title to goods. D.All of the above.
外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第3页 (共12页)
26.According to INCOTERMS? 2010, which of the following terms requires the seller to pay for
the insurance?( ) A.CFR C.FOB
27.The risk of leakage is considered to be the ( ).
A.Free of Particular Average B.With Average C.General additional risks D.Special additional risks 28.Foreign trade can be conducted on the following terms of payment ( ).
A.remittance C.credit
the freight charges respectively? ( ) A.seller, seller C.buyer, seller A.WTO C.the World Bank
B.seller, buyer D.buyer, buyer B.IMF D.APEC B.collection D.all of the above
29.An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on CIF and FCA terms. Who is responsible for
30.Which of the following organization replaced the GATT? ( )
Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
The exporter, as drawer of a draft (bill of exchange), hands the draft to his bank, the remitting bank, who in turn forwards it to the buyer through a collecting bank in the buyer’s country. A draft (also called a bill) is a written order to a bank or a customer to pay someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future a certain sum of money. If shipping documents accompany the draft, the collection is called “documentary collection.”
Documentary collection falls into two major categories: one is documents against payment(D/P); the other, documents against acceptance (D/A).
Documents against payment, as the term suggests, is that the collecting bank will only give the shipping documents representing the title to the goods on the condition that the buyer makes payment.
Where the paying arrangement is D/A, the collecting bank will only give the buyer the shipping documents after buyer’s acceptance of the bill drawn on him, i.e. the buyer signs his name on the bill promising to pay the sum when it matures. In return he gets what he needs – the shipping documents.
Under D/A, the seller gives up the title to the goods – shipping documents before he gets payment of the goods. Therefore, an exporter must think twice before he accepts such paying arrangement.
外贸业务基础理论试卷(含英语)(A卷) 第4页 (共12页)