

1. fall in love (with) 爱上,相爱 be in love with 跟…谈恋爱

2. survey, inspection, investigation 辨析 ?survey指全局性的检查或全面调查。

eg. make a survey of the economic system ?inspection指检查,视察


3. majority (cn.) 大多数 minority (反义) 少数 be in the majority 占多数 语法

the majority of…的谓语动词应与后面的名词的数保持一致 eg. The majority of boys like football and basketball.

4. in any case 无论如何

in case (+从句) 假如,以防(万一),免得 in case of (+名词) 假如,以防(万一) in the case of 就(对)…来说,至于

① cn. ~ to sth. / to do sth. 承诺,保证,承担

eg. I’m overworked at the moment --- I’ve taken on too many commitments. ② un. 致力,献身(于某事)

eg. We’re looking for someone with a real sense of commitment on the job. 我们正在寻找对此工作真正能尽职尽责的人。

Understanding Short Conversations Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. 1. M: Excuse me. You’ve been here for six hours. Are you waiting for someone? W: I’m afraid so. I’m supposed1 to meet my new girlfriend. I can’t believe how late she is!

Q: What surprises to the man?

2. M: I heard a song on the radio by Elvis, called “A Big Hunk o’Love”.

W: I know that song, it’s really happy though, which is why I don’t like it. Love song should be sad, like love.

Q: Why does the woman NOT like the song?

3. M: You found love in India? How romantic! It’s my dream to fall in love in a foreign country!

W: It was really exciting at first. After I got used to it rough, it was kind of


Q: How did the man’s feeling of love change?

4. M: More than once, I thought about killing myself after I lost my boyfriend. W: Just about everyone gets depressed, but you can’t let those feelings get the better of2 you.

Q: According to the man, why does everyone experience after a breakup (破裂)?

5. M: You look so happy! What’s going on to make you smile like that?

W: For the first time in years, my sister has found love. I’m going to meet the guy today.

Q: Why is the man happy?

6. M: I can help you find your old girlfriend if you can give me more information about her.

W: Name, old address…that’s all I can tell you. But maybe it doesn’t matter3. I probably should try to forget her.

Q: Why can the man’s old girlfriend NOT be found?

7. M: Hey, you look great! Am I wrong, or has something changed about you?

W: Something big! I found a man who really makes me happy. He’s brightened up4 my life.

Q: What do you know about the woman’s new boyfriend?

8. M: You’ve been writing me letters for years. When are you going to admit your love for me?

W: what? Love? No, I’m just being friendly. You think everyone loves you! Q: According to the woman, what mistake has the man made?

9. M: So, what makes you think that your marriage will last, when 50 percent fail? W: Fifty? Nah, That number is more like 30 or 40 percent. And in my family, there are no divorces.

Q: What is the divorce rare in the man’s family?

10. M: Honey, don’t you have any objections5 to our daughter having a boyfriend? W: None whatsoever6! Having a boyfriend will teach her how to become a loving wife someday.

Q: What is the relationship between the man and the woman? 注释:

1. be supposed to do 应该,有义务

2. get the better of 占…上风,胜过…,打败 be better off ( be well off) 生活好,生活富裕 had better do 应该,最好还是

3. it doesn’t matter --- no matter eg. It’s of no matter. 这无关紧要

4. brighten v. ~ (sth.) (up) 使某人/某事焕发光彩,更愉快,更有希望 eg. He brightened up when he heard the good news. Flowers brighten (up) a room.

5. object to (doing) sth.

eg. They objected to the plan.

6. whatsoever (whatever) adv.

(用于no+名词,nothing, none等后,以加强语气)

eg. There can be no doubt whatsoever about it. 这件事毫无疑问。 Are there any signs of improvement? “None whatsoever”. 有改进的迹象吗?“一点儿都没有”。

Understanding a Long Conversation

Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

W: Another letter. M: For me?

W: Who else? It’s from…

M: Hey, don’t look at that! It’s private1! Give it here!

W: OK! Sorry! I was just a bit curious. You’ve been getting a lot of these letters lately. And they’re always in these pink envelopes. It makes me wonder if you’ve got a girlfriend. That’s all.

M: If you must know, yeah, I have a girlfriend. W: I thought so! So, what does she look like?

M: I don’t really know. So far, we’ve only communicated by mail. I’ve never seen her.

W: Not much of a girlfriend, then, is she?

M: I think I’m in love with her. Isn’t that what it means to have a girlfriend? W: Well, that wouldn’t have been enough for your father and me. We wouldn’t have fallen in love without meeting. To be in love, you have to see a person, at least. M: The love I have for my girlfriend is spiritual2; I don’t have to see her. You wouldn’t understand.

1. Why does the woman want to see the letter? B 2. What does the woman want to know? A

3. According to the man, what doesn’t know? C

4. According to the woman, what must all people in love have? D 5. What is the relationship between the speakers? B


1. private: personal 私有的,私人的 in private = secret 私下的,秘密地

2. spiritual adj. ①精神上的,心灵的 ②神的,神圣的,宗教的

n. spirit(精神) —— matter(物质) adj. spiritual —— material

material civilization 物质文明 spiritual civilization 精神文明

Understanding a Passage

Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

“Going to war was the greatest thing to have ever happened to me,” said Albert Thomson, a former1 soldier. Some people might find this strange, especially considering that Thomson lost an arm and the use of both legs in combat. “Of course, I don’t like the fighting,” Thomson said. What he did like is that, by going to the war, he met the woman who would become his wife and the mother of his four children.

On effect of World War II was that it brought many young people from different countries together. When peace was achieved, these young people often fell in love with people of different nationalities2. During World War II, an estimated3 1,000,0000 American soldiers married women from over 50 different countries. In the Pacific, 16,000 of the 1,000,000Americans soldiers married Australian and New Zealand women. Of these, 12,000 went to the . Many of the relationships failed, but some were as happy as Thomson’s.

1. What did Thomson lose during the war? C 2. What did Thomson enjoy about the war? B

3. What is spoken of as a positive effect of World War II? D

4. How many . soldiers married Australian or New Zealand women? B 5. What do we know about these marriages? A


1. the former…the latter… 前者…后者… *former用于(两者之中)的“前者…后者”,如前句中提到的人或事为三个以上时,要表示“前者”之意思,应用the first

*late 已故的 former 以前的,过去的

2. nationality n. 国籍 (C) 民族 eg. Our nationality is Chinese. (√) Our nationality is China. (×)
