
Unit 2综合能力测评

Part 2 Listening


一、1. D 2. b 3. no 4. black 5. meet 二、1. green blue 2. show stand 3. yellow white 4. good meet 5. ground down 三、1. I see a flower. 2. Show me white. 3. Good afternoon. 4. Nice to meet you. 5. Dad, this is Mr Jones. 6. Stand up.

7. I can sing a rainbow. 四、1. This is a ruler. It's white. 2. I have a bag. It's blue. 3. Colour the pencil orange. 4. My book is red.

五、1. W:Hello, my name's Green. 2. M:Hi, I'm Mr Jones. 3. Goodbye, Chen Jie. 4. Mike, nice to meet you. 六、1. Hi, Mum. This is Mike. 2. Good afternoon, Mike. 3. Good afternoon. 4. Nice to meet you. 5. Nice to meet you, too. 答案:

一、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C

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二、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A

三、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 四、1—C 2—A 3—D 4—B 五、1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 六、5 1 3 2 4

Part 3 Reading & Writing读和写



三、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B 四、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

五、1. C 点拨:回答“Nice to meet you. ”要用“Nice to meet you,too. ” 2. B 点拨:A项意为:你好!B项意为:我也是。C项意为:谢谢。故选B。 3. A 点拨:“Colour it green. ”意为:把它涂成绿色。A项意为“好的。”B项意为“你好!”C项意为“再见!”故选A。 4. A 5. C

六、1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A

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Unit 3综合能力测评

(40分钟 100分)

开始计时: ________

Part 1 Speaking说(20%)

一、跟读下列字母。(5%) E G F I H 二、跟读下列单词。(10%)

arm foot leg body hand head ear face nose mouth 三、跟读下列句子。(2%) 1. Look at me! 2. Let's go to school! 四、跟读下列对话。(3%)

1. —How are you? —I'm fine, thank you!

2. —Hi, Mike! How are you? —Very well, thanks. 3. —Let's make a puppet! —Great!

Part 2 Listening听(30%)

一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(5%) ( ) 1. A. E ( ) 2. A. H ( ) 3. A. face ( ) 4. A. body ( ) 5. A. good

B. G B. I B. foot B. book B. look

C. D C. F C. pencil C. brown C. school



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四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5%) ( ) 1. A. Let's go to school! ( ) 2. A. This is my face. ( ) 3. A. Look at me! ( ) 4. A. Close your mouth. ( ) 5. A. I see the foot.

B. Let's make a puppet! B. This is my head. B. Look at it! B. Open your mouth. B. I see the legs.

五、听录音,选择你所听到的句子的正确应答语。(8%) ( ) 1. A. Good morning! ( ) 2. A. I'm fine, thank you. ( ) 3. A. Great! ( ) 4. A. This is my nose.

B. Good afternoon! B. Nice to meet you, too. B. Look! B. OK.

Part 3 Reading & Writing读和写(50%)

一、将下列字母按字母表顺序写在四线三格内。(5%) Gg Ii Ff Ee Hh


( ) 1. A. ear B. eye C. face

( ) 2. A. leg B. foot C. body

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