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63£®´ð°¸£ºA ¾ÝµÚÎå¶ÎµÄ¡°To have a telephone conversation over the Internet, the person you want to talk to no longer needs a computer.¡±Åжϡ£

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65£®´ð°¸£ºC ¸ù¾Ý¡°Thus someone who says that¡®she is a 12 year-old girl¡¯could really be an old man.¡±¿ÉÖª£ºÈËÃÇÔÚÉÏÁÄÌìʱÓÉÓÚÄÑÒÔ¿´µ½¶Ô·½»òÌýµ½¶Ô·½µÄÉùÒô£¬ËùÒÔÓÐЩÃñ¾Í±àÔì¸öÈËÐÅÏ¢À´ÃÉÆ­¶Ô·½¡£misrepresent±íʾ¡°Îó´«£»ÍáÇú¡±¡£

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68¡ª75 DBCAB CAD

´ð°¸£º1.improve 2.longer/extended 3.reorganized 4£®basic 5.necessarily

6.advantages 7.better 8.changes 9£®development 10munity

Boys and girls, Attention, please!

Our school will start an activity called \Civilized Classes and a Harmonious Campus\bad habits around school such as dropping litter, spitting, boys wearing long hair and girls wearing exotic clothes, we require that students wear school uniforms and be polite to

others.Civilization guards are going to check up whether you're polite or not. We'll also hold a picture show and a competition of classroom and dormitory decorations.

Those who're interested in becoming civilization guards and taking part in the picture show should come and fill in an entry form and hand in your theme photos or paintings at the Students' Union.

the Students¡¯ Union


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ÌýÏÂÃæ5¶Î¶Ô»°¡£Ã¿¶Î¶Ô»°ºóÓÐÒ»¸öСÌ⣬´ÓÌâÖÐËù¸øµÄA¡¢B¡¢CÈý¸öÑ¡ÏîÖÐÑ¡³ö×î¼ÑÑ¡Ï²¢±êÔÚÊÔ¾íµÄÏàӦλÖá£ÌýÍêÿ¶Î¶Ô»°ºó£¬Ä㶼ÓÐ10ÃëÖÓµÄʱ¼äÀ´»Ø´ðÓйØСÌâºÍÔĶÁÏÂһСÌ⡣ÿ¶Î¶Ô»°½ö¶ÁÒ»±é¡£ 1. What does the man want?

A. A shooting game. B. A tennis game. C. An online game. 2. What will the man do next? A. Wash the dishes. 3. What does the man mean?

A. He is too busy to open the window. B. He prefers to keep the window closed. C. He will open the window at once. 4. What is the time now? A. About 630.

A. Calling the service centre. C. Pressing the emergency button.


ÌýÏÂÃæ5¶Î¶Ô»°»ò¶À°×¡£Ã¿¶Î¶Ô»°»ò¶À°×ºóÓм¸¸öСÌ⣬´ÓÌâÖÐËù¸øµÄA¡¢B¡¢CÈý¸öÑ¡ÏîÖÐÑ¡³ö×î¼ÑÑ¡Ï²¢±êÔÚÊÔ¾íµÄÏàӦλÖá£Ìýÿ¶Î¶Ô»°»ò¶À°×Ç°£¬Ä㽫ÓÐʱ¼äÔĶÁ¸÷¸öСÌ⣬ÿСÌâ5ÃëÖÓ£»ÌýÍêºó£¬¸÷СÌ⽫¸ø³ö5ÃëÖÓµÄ×÷´ðʱ¼ä¡£Ã¿¶Î¶Ô»°»ò¶À°×¶ÁÁ½±é¡£ ÌýµÚ6¶Î²ÄÁÏ£¬»Ø´ðµÚ6¡¢7 Ìâ¡£ 6. What did the woman spend $10 on?

A. The hot dogs. B. The popcorn and drinks. C. The taxi. 7. Where did the speakers go just before they went home?

A. To the movies. B. To the new hot dog place. C. To the convenience store.

ÌýµÚ7¶Î²ÄÁÏ£¬»Ø´ðµÚ8ÖÁ10Ìâ¡£ 8. What relation is Ms. Leska to the woman? A. Her roommate.

B. Her workmate.

C. Her cousin.

9. Who will probably meet evin at the bus station?

B. About 600. C. About 530.

B. Doing nothing for a short while.

5. What does the man suggest doing?

B. Make dinner. C. Watch TV.
