
Unit 1 Differences Between Cultures

Thinking Ahead

Students are asked to discuss the following questions in groups. The reference answers for the questions are offered below:

1. How do you think about the word ¨Dculture¡¬?

Culture is a word for people¡®s ¨Dway of life¡¬, meaning the way they do things.


A group ofpeople has a separate culture when that group sets itself apart from others through its actions.


Cultures are what make countries unique. Each country has different cultural activities and cultural rituals. Culture is more than just material goods, that is things the culture uses and produces. Culture is also the beliefs and values of the people in that culture. Culture also includes the way people think about and understand the world and their own lives.


2. Why should we study cross-cultural communication?

Cross-cultural communication refers to the study of successful communications across different cultures. It concerns the understanding of tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing.



The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication.


The challenge is that even with all the good will in the world, miscommunication is likely to happen, especially when there are significant cultural differences between communicators. Miscommunication may lead to conflict, or aggravate conflict that already exists. So it is very important that we should study cross-cultural communication.


(From http://www.tzsy.cn/english/news/culture/200805/13-86570.html)

Part I VideoTime

In this part, students will have 2 tasks to accomplish.

Task 1

In task 1, students will watch a video clip from Gua Sha and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, students are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the video.


Mrs.Xu: How come it doesn¡®t look like the courtroom on TV? ΪʲôËü¿´ÆðÀ´²¢²»ÏñµçÊÓÉÏ·¨Í¥£¿

Judge: Because it isn¡®t a courtroom, Mrs. Xu. Does either of the counselor have problem with my holding hearings in chambers?To tell you the truth, because I can¡®t stand that awful echo in the courtroom, you know, winds in the gallery.



(People were chuckling.)

Lawyer Quinlin: No problem, your honor. John Quinlin, attorney for the defense.


Judge Horowizs: Why that I¡®ve never seen you around before, Mr. Quinlin?


LawyerQuinlin: I¡®ve never had the honor, your honor. Er, I deal mostly with the intellectual property rights cases.


Judge:Apples and oranges£¨·çÂíÅ£²»Ï༰£©, Mr Quinlin; The two areas of law have virtually nothing to do with each other. ·¨¹Ù£ºÆ»¹ûºÍ½Û×Ó£¨·çÂíÅ£²»Ï༰£©£¬À¥À¼ÏÈÉú;·¨ÂɵÄÕâÁ½¸öÇøÓò¼¸ºõÓë±Ë´ËÎ޹ء£¡£

Lawyer Quinlin: Well, yes, of course. So I told my client. But he insisted on my representing him. Also I¡®d like to have the record show that my client only had two days¡® notice of this hearing; also for me only 24 hours¡® preparation time.

ÂÉʦÀ¥ÁÖ£ºàÅ£¬Êǵģ¬µ±È»¡£ËùÒÔÎÒ¸æËßÎҵĿͻ§¡£µ«Ëû¼á³ÖÒªÎÒ´ú±íËû¡£´ËÍ⣬ÎÒÏëÓмǼÏÔʾ£¬Îҵĵ±ÊÂÈËÖ»Óб¾´ÎÌýÖ¤»áµÄÁ½Ìì֪ͨ;»¹¶ÔÎÒÀ´ËµÖ»ÓÐ24СʱµÄ×¼±¸Ê±¼ä¡£ Judge: I think we are putting the cart before the horse£¨±¾Ä©µ¹Öã©, your counselor. This hearing is for the purpose of determining whether there is sufficient evidence to advance court proceedings, so take off your lawyer caps. And before we get caught to these formalities, let¡®s just talk about the matter. Will the Child Welfare Agency care to start?


Lawyer Davis: Yes, your honor. We are prepared to proceed in any way you save it. Three days ago, we received a telephone call from the social worker on duty at St. Matthew hospital informing us of a possible case of child abuse discovered as a result of medical examination by Doctor Michael Longman. Upon administrating treatment in the ER to Denis Xu, Doctor


Longman had reason to suspect that Denis had been the subject of physical abuse.


Judge: I¡®ve read the report, Ms. Avery. Very thorough as usual. ·¨¹Ù£ºÎÒ¶Á¹ý±¨¸æ£¬°¬¸¥ÀïŮʿ¡£·Ç³£Í¸³¹ºÍÍù³£Ò»Ñù¡£

Lawyer Davis: As you can see, the medical report indisputably proves that Denis Xu has been a subject of deliberate, long-term neglect and abuse.


Lawyer Quinlin: Objection! No foundation, just conjecture and speculation!


Judge: This is a hearing, not a trial, Mr. Quinlin, but you make a fine point.


Lawyer Davis: In order to supplement the medical report, you will know that we provided additional evidence. (Lawyer Davis opened a suitcase.)


Lawyer Quinlin: Your honor, we haven¡®t received any copies of evidence or report related to this case.


Margaret Avery (murmuring): I thought you provided them with copies. Âê¸ñÀöÌØ¡¤°£¸¥ÀäÈäÈ£©£ºÎÒ»¹ÒÔΪÄãΪËûÃÇÌṩ¸±±¾¡£ Lawyer Davis: En. Sorry, your honor, no recite.


Margaret Avery: I don¡®t know how this could have happened. Âê¸ñÀöÌØ¡¤°¬¸¥ÀÎÒ²»ÖªµÀÕâµ½µ×ÊÇÔõô·¢ÉúµÄ¡£

