大学英语精读第3册 第1课 课后阅读

d. three years.

5. Rudman said that he had shot because he wanted to ____ . a. kill the policemen b. scare away people c. defend himself

d. blow their rear quarters off

6. Who is supposed to pay the policeman $ 35,000? a. smith's lawyer. b. Kerry Rudman.

c. the jury.

d. Rosemont's insurance company.

7. Rosemont's insurance company proposed to give Rudman $6,000 as a settlement mainly because ____ .

a. it was not worth their while fighting his suit

b. they thought the legal expense might cost them more in the end c. they considered Rudman as a dummy

d. Rudman had sued Smith for ill-treatment. So he was entitled to be awarded the money

8. In the author's opinion, who is more unfortunate? a. Kerry Rudman. b. James T. Balog. c. Joel Smith.

d. Rosemont's insurance company.

9. The title of the article means ___ . a. it is justice that shot the policeman

b. it is the judge who shot the policeman

c. the policeman is unfairly treated by the court d. justice will be done when the policeman is shot

10. Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. smith asked for $ 15,000 in damages.

b. smith got divorced as a result of the shooting. c. smith was physically disabled.

d. smith would live in Tennessee in future.

Exercise C

Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the passage.


1 Arrange the following sentences in logical order so that they form a coherent piece:

1. one night he went out for a walk alone.

2. the man was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman found that his watch was gone.

3. A Frenchman had arrived at a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there

4. he thought it was the Italian who had taken his watch.

5. The Frenchman threatened the Italian with his first and pointed to his watch-pocket.

6. when he returned to the hotel the Frenchman told his wife what had happened.

7. suddenly he saw a young Italian hurrying past him.

8. He decided to follow him.

9. In the end the puzzled Italian was forced to give up his watch to Frenchman.

10. Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed the Italian of his watch.

11. soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian.

12. He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table.

13. Neither of them understood the other's language.

2 write a story about A Funny Mistake in 150 words or so on the basis of the following dialogue:

(A police officer saw a man climbing down a drainpipe(排水管) from an open bedroom window. The officer caught him by the arm the moment he reached the ground.)

police Officer: It's 8:!5 on a Sunday morning, and this sort of thing seems an unlikely adventure at such a time. Would you mind explaining?

Man: I know what you're thinking, officer, but it isn't true. This is a very funny mistake.

Police officer: Well, you've just left this house in a manner other than the usual one. That may be quite innocent, but I'd like to make sure. Name, address and occupation.?

Man: Charlie Crane, lorry (AmE truck) driver, from Nottingham, 51Brecon Street.

Police Officer: Yes, What were you doing like a fly on that wall, Mr. Crane?

Man: Well, I had a breakdown(汽车抛锚) yesterday and had to stay the night here. The landlady's name is Mrs. Fern. She gave me breakfast at seven, and I got out of here in the right way. Later I realized I'd left 80 under the pillow here in her house. So I came rushing back. I rang the bell for ten minutes but no one answered the bell. And then I spotted my bedroom window still open. Up I went, then, up this pipe. She hadn't made the bed, and the money was still there. You know the rest, and I hope you believe it ...

Mrs. Fern: (from the kitchen window): Mr. Crane, whatever are you doing here? I thought you'd gone away an hour ago.

Exercise B

1.a 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.b 7.b 8.c 9.c 10.a

Exercise C

1. 他叫克里 . 拉德曼, 33 岁,惹是生非已经不是第一次了。

2. 那就是说,枪击并可能致残一位警察只服了约一年的刑,抢劫珠宝店也仅服刑一年。

3. 他可不是傻瓜,赶紧接受了。没有几个人枪伤了警察,还能因此捞进 6 千美元。

4. 于是在一项显得非同寻常的裁决中,法官要保险公司开一张支票给他本人

5. 可是,如果他果真照此办理,拉德曼便能得到这笔钱。

Unit 1 A Brush with the Law

Key to Study & Practice

Understanding the Text III.

1.d 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.d 7.a 8.b


VI .

1. at first 2. turn... against 3. a couple 4. takes his time 5. due 6. confirmed 7. complain

8. subsequent 9. stands a chance 10. has committed


1. due 2. commit 3. regarded as 4. has saved up 5. stood a chance 6. were awarded

7. Meanwhile 8. conducted 9. casual 10. around (which student life) revolves


1. put off 2. went on 3. regarded as 4. Called on /upon 5. looked in

6. turned (Joe) against (his twin brother) 7. getting on 8. give in 9. ask for 10. will depend on IX.

1. Yes, but they complained about the high cost of living.
