2017-2018学年牛津译林版英语三年级下册全册教案(含教学反思) - 图文

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 3 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 2.Free talk T:Where are you now? S:We’re in class. T:I have a book.What do you have? S:I have? T:Do you have any?? S:Yes,I do./No, I don’t. T:How many?do you have? T:I like dogs.What do you like? S:I like? Step 2 Warm up 1.单词复习(提醒学生注意学科首字母大写) 游戏:一句话 游戏规则:用一句话来描述,让其他学生来猜是什么学科。 例如: I’m Mike. I can play basketball in class. It’s ( PE ). I like it very much./It’s fun. 2.Story time 出示课题,读课题。 T:Let’s open the books ,and turn to Unit 1. T: Now, let’s try to read it again. 1)Read after the tape 注意语音语调的纠正 (2)Read together (3)Act it. 让学生脱离书本,配上自己动作和表情把书本的对话分角色表演出来。 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like? 4.能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 1.能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 2.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 1.Greeting T:Good morning,class. S:Good morning,Miss Meng. T:What subjects do you have? S:We have? T:What subjects do you like? S:I like? T:What about ?? (通过free talk 环节复习与本课相关的句型,为接下来的学习做好铺垫)

小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3 Fun time T:You know more about subjects now.Can you ask your friends?Try to finish Fun time. 1.Finish the form in class. S1:What subjects do you like? S2:I like English and Art. 2.Check it.----Ask and answer (通过这一部分的问答练习,帮助学生再次复习单词及句型,达到本课的教学目标1、2、3) Step 4 Cartoon 2.True or false. 小组活动:小组一起阅读,判断对错,在对话中划出线索。 T:Now, you can read in groups ,and try to judge the sentences.You can underline the sentences. (1)Billy likes Music. 对:I like Music. (2)They have PE and Chinese this afternoon. 错:What lessons do we have this afternoon,Sam? We have PE and Science. (3)Sam doesn’t like PE.错:I like PE.It’s fun. 3.理解文中最后一句话 But I don’t like that. 3.理解课文 逐图讲解,出示课文图片 (1)理解词组this morning, this afternoon, this evening (2)渗透lesson 和subject的区别 Step 5 Consolidation 1.让学生讨论自己班级的星期一课程表 例句:Look at our timetable. What subjects do you like? I like? What lessons do you have this morning/afternoon? Step 6 Homework 背诵Cartoon time 分层作业: 1. 完成课时练习的所有题目 2.完成课时练习的翻译词组、选择题目 1.Watch the cartoon. T:Well done.Let’s have a rest.It’s time for cartoon. What lessons do Bobby and Billy have on Monday? 教读单词:lesson 教读单词:Monday monkey day ----Monday 星期一 on Monday Answer:They have Music and Maths. 4.Read---- Cartoon time (1)Read after the tape注意语音语调(2)Read by yourself (3)角色扮演 We have? It’s fun. 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学 鼓励学生书写并记忆单词的同时,一定注意强调将中文意思一同记忆,否则记住英文拼写,而不知其意,同样达不到学以致用的目的。 反思

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 4 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Good morning,class. S:Good morning,Miss Zhang. 2.Say a rhyme 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music,timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?;What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 1.能总结归纳Aa的发音/ei/ 2.能会读小诗:Subjects 补充与调整 Let’s learn 3.Free talk T:What subjects do you have? S:We have? T:What subjects do you like? S:I like? T:What about ?? T:What lessons do you have this morning /afternoon? S:We have? Step 2 Reading time 自 学 预 习 1.Story time 2.Cartoon time 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵

小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3 Sound time 1.Magic eyes 游戏规则:快速闪现单词,词组 Chinese,English, Science, Art,like Music, have Maths and PE,don’t skate, make a cake 出示词组don’t skate, make a cake skate,make,cake 让学生读单词,体会字母Aa的发音/ei/ T:I can say /ei/,/ei/,cake. What can you say? 让学生归纳以前所学单词中字母Aa的发音/ei/ T:How to read this word? 出示Kate /keit/ 2.Sound time T:I have a rhyme for you. Kate,Kate,don’t skate. Come and make a cake. 注意语音语调,以及节奏 Step 4 Rhyme time 1.Enjoy a rhyme 2.Fill in the blanks Music,Music, they like Music. Chinese, Chinese, you like Chinese. English,English, we all like English. 3.Make a new rhyme 小组活动,创作一个新的小诗 Learning tip:Change some words of the rhyme. See page 58 . 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 Step 5 Consolidation 完成课时练习。 Step 6 Homework 完成练习册。 学生能熟练掌握Read and write。但还要加强英语句子的书写,掌握书教学反思

