
Learning English with / without grammar

Unit 5 Relax and explore


1. Talk about different kind of holidays and interesting places 2. Introduce a town/city in China


1. Listen for people’s preference of holidays by indentifying comparatives

2. make and take orders in a restaurant

教学过程: Opening-up

1. Read the statements. Then underline the alternatives which are true for you or fill in the blanks according to your own experiences. 2. Work in pairs and compare your answers. Listening to the world 1. Sharing

1) Watch a podcast for its general idea. 2) Watch part 1 and choose the thing you hear

3) Notes: New England (Northeastern corner of United states,

consisting of six states of Maine ) 2. Listening: fill the blanks in the chart 3. Viewing

1) Notes: Buenos Aires 2) Notes: Argentina Questions:

1 What difficulties you encountered while learning English? 1) I have a limited vocabulary

2) I have difficulty understanding authentic listening materials. 2. In your opinion, what factors affect intelligence? Why? I prefer going to the cinema because it provides better sound effects. Besides, with more people around, the atmosphere is much better than when I watch movies alone at home. Role-play

Work in pairs and role-play one of the following situations by using skills for taking orders in a restaurant. Situation 1: Making orders based on menu A Situation 2: Making orders based on menu B Assignment:

Work in groups of four. Share briefly with your group members a recent event you went to, e.g. a festival, a concert, a sports event, an exhibition, a play, a party, or a film.
