
For a long time, he has been suffering from the discord between his life and his beliefs

Objections to slavery in the mid-Western states did have a moral ingredient ,but the driving energy was territorial and did not imply sympathy for blacks

※- - - - - -动词时态填词- - - - - -※ Unit2

I was waiting all the morning. You should have told me you weren’t coming There must have been a bad accident here. Look at all the broken glass around. I should like to have been told the result earlier You needn’t have carried all those parcels by yourself .The shop would have delivered them if you had required it

No one dared to question the order of the commander at that time

I can’t find my mobile phone. I may have left it in the restaurant yesterday Since you’ve finished with these magazines, you may as well sell them and make some money.

----Look! Those people who are coming into the hall are carrying wet umbrellas ----It must be raining /must have been raining outside Unit6

1. I wouldn’t have gotten lost if I had asked for directions. (ask) 2. If I hadn’t to study I would have gone to the concert. (go)

3. If I had had enough money I would have paid cash for the house.(pay)

4. If she had written it down on the calendar, she wouldn’t have forgotten it.(forget).

5. She wouldn’t had bought that car even if she had had enough money. (have) 6. They would have gone on the trip if it hadn’t rained. (rain).

7. Had they known you didn’t have training, they would have hired you.(hire) 8. It is rewarding and perfectly harmless, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it . (do)

9. She suggested that we should set as deadline for handing in the proposals. (set)

10. I am lucky that I am interested in the subject I have chosen, otherwise I would be depressed. (depress)

※- - - - - -句子改错题- - - - - -※ Unit1

Eventually he realizes (what)that they are asking themselves a question which has never occurred to him

Modern drugs have a new role (to be played)to play in controlling diseases of the mind she has a cheerful disposition and has kept in contact (for) with most of her friends from college

After another round of negotiations ,they (called on )called for the immediate release of the hostages

There were some delays on the road because of heavy traffic and it (spend) took

him there hours to get to the airport. Unit2

Believe it or not ,his success was due (in) to luck

The changes have been apparent (at) over the past five years.

In addition (for) to English, the students learn art ,music and history

Tim likes outdoor activities. He will to out (another) rather than stay home. She hasn’t made up her mind as (for) to where she will spend her holiday Unit3 The police (says) say that they have arrested twenty people following the disturbance Business managers focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available (mean)means

The taste of vitamins is not so nice ,so the flavour sometimes(need ) needs to be disguised

In Wai Wen Bookshop (is) are to be found books in various languages

An expert together with some assistants (were) was sent to help resolve the problem They’ve got two hundred books ,one hundred and twenty are in Chinese and the rest (is) are in English

Lake Superior is such a large freshwater lake that the waves (that breaks) that break on its shores are like the waves of the sea

(Here are things) The things you can do in the European “good outdoors ”include camping, snow –mobiling, skiing, hunting and horseback riding Unit 5

In a war in which every state was providing its sons for the army , every election (deflected ) reflected reactions to the ebb and flow of successes in the field he did not blame her at all; (by ) on the contrary; he remembered with love and gratitude the forty long years of their life together

Voters were inclined towards one party or the other according to how they saw their interests being (effected ) affected at any particular moment

Nationally, he has raised the discussion of (which ) what was at stake to a high moral level and shown himself to be a worthy opponent of the country’s most formidable orator

The only company he had was his fellow-workers and illiterate boys with whom he had nothing (for ) in common ,though they were kind to him in their rough way He was thus by the age of twenty-three (full ) fully independent ,conscious that he could depend on no one but himself ,but with a good appreciation of his own abilities

He relaxed as energetically as he did everything else ,squeezing every ounce of interest and pleasure (on ) out of the Italian adventure

Not content to rest on his laurels ,Orlando has accepted what may be his most (ambition ) ambitious role to date in the movie The Trojan War

Professor Smith supervised her senior thesis in nuclear physics and provided her (for ) with a wonderful research experience and with his friendship

It was made clear to the first generation of Canadian-born children (who) that the path to opportunity was through education

※- - - - - -英译汉- - - - - -※

1、Science fiction is a literature genre developed in the 20th century in which the fiction writer addresses how scientific discoveries, technological developments, and future events and societal changes affect human beings. The description of these influences may be a careful and informed extrapolation of scientific facts and principles, or it may range into farfetched areas flatly contradictory of such facts and principles.


2、Managerial economics is the study of the application of economic principles of decision-making in business firms or in other management units. The basic concepts are derived mainly form microeconomic theory, which studies the behavior of individual consumers, firms, and industries, but new tools of analysis have been added. Statistical methods, for example, are becoming increasingly important in estimating current and future demand for products.


3、The unique contribution of the United States to those who love the great outdoors are the National Parks and State Parks. They are beautifully organized and give particular thought to campers. There are also campsites by the sea, which are hidden from the beach by a lion of sand dunes, or a thick belt of trees. Wherever you go, you can nearly always find picnic places complete with wooden tables, benches, garbage cans and restrooms.


4、Basically, all the nervous elements which underlie the experience of pain by human beings are to be found in all mammalian vertebrates at least; this is hardly surprising as pain is a response to a potentially harmful stimulus and is therefore of great biological importance for survival. Is there any reason, for supposing that animals, though equipped with all the necessary neurological structures, do not experience pain? Such a view would seem to presuppose a profound qualitative difference in the mental life of animals and men. 一般来说,参与人体痛觉经历的神经组织至少在哺乳类动物身上都可以找到,这并不令人惊讶,因为疼痛是一种对潜在危险刺激的反应,从而具有使动物生存下去的重要的生物学意义。那么,在动物拥有所有必要的神经结构的情况下,我们有什么理由认为它们不能感受疼痛呢?那种认为动物不能感受疼痛的看法似乎认定动物和人在精神生活中存在本质的区别。 5、Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We have met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as

a final resting place for those who here gave their lives so that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate ---we can not consecrate ---we can not hallow ----this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say.



6、Although ethics has always been viewed as a branch of philosophy, its all-embracing practical nature links it with many other areas of study, including anthropology, biology, economics, history, politics, sociology, and theology. Yet, ethics remains distinct from such disciplines because it is not a matter of factual knowledge in the way that the sciences and other branches of inquiry are. Rather, it has to do with determining the nature of normative theories and applying these sets of principles to practical moral problems.


※- - - - - -汉译英- - - - - -※


Science fiction was made possible only by the rise of modern science itself, notably the great revolutions in astronomy and physics, Science fiction proper began toward the end of the 19th century with the scientific romances of Jules Verne, whose science was rather on the level of invention.


Good management is a vital element in achieving personal and social objectives. Good management can creat high quality and high productivity, minimize conflicts and maximize cooperation, all of which lend to an improving economy which lays an excellent foundation for personal development and social progress.

