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This paper describes the basic concepts of filters introduced analog active filter design principles and approximation theory. Including Butterworth approximation, Chebyshev type I approximation, Chebyshev ¢ò type approximation, elliptic function approximation and Bezier approximation. The first author studied the analog active filter design process and performance testing.
Combines the traditional hardware design methods and software programming techniques£¬ the MATLAB simulation of a variety of filter approximation technique of amplitude-frequency characteristic curve and an illustrative example. Butterworth filter instance on simulation studies, by the program to quickly get the minimum order and the cutoff frequency, replacing the traditional complex calculations; conveniently achieved by the analog low-pass filter to the high-pass, low-pass and band-stop filter the conversion; complex on quad op amp circuit design simulation, through its different points strike output transfer function to simulate the second-order low-pass, high pass, band pass and band-stop filter frequency characteristic curve and get better simulation results.
Keywords:Analog and Active Filter;Theory of Approximation, Amplitude-frequency characteristics£¬MATLAB program design
Compiling and organizing data
After you have established the purpose of the report, you need to compile and organize the information needed to support it. The gathering of infor
mation may have given you a lot of materials, but you need to be a firm editor and retain only the essential data and throw out the rest.
Consider your readers, and think about how much background information they will need.
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Writing the report
A report consists of five parts: title, introduction, findings, conclusion and recommendations.
1. Title
This should run no longer than one line.
2. Introduction
This tells the reader what the purpose and objective of the report are. It might also give the reader some background information on the subject.
The purpose/objective/aim of this report is to...
This report aims to/is intended to...
3. Findings
This is the main part of the report. It tells the reader what you have found in your information gathering.
It is important to differentiate between fact and opinion. Which of the following phrases report facts and which report opinions?
We found that... (could be both fact and opinion)
It clearly shows that... (fact)
It was found that...(fact)
We discovered that...(fact)
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We observed that...(opinion)
There is evidence that...(fact)
4. Conclusion
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This part tells the reader about the results of the report based on the findings.
It's concluded/decided/agreed/felt that...
It can be seen that...
In conclusion...
No conclusions were reached regarding?...(¹ØÓÚ......Ò»ÊÂδµÃ³öÈκνáÂÛ)
We can conclude that...
5. Recommendations
Finally, recommendations are made on what future actions need to be taken.
Based on our findings, we (would) recommend that...
It is recommend-ed/proposed/suggested that?...
It seems to me that...
title, introduction, findings, conclusion and recommendations.