Tower 高于

How do we choose among what we experience, what we are taught, what we run into by chance, or what is forced upon us? What is the principle of selection? My sisters and I are not bound by any of our mother’s obligations, nor do we follow the rituals that seemed so important. My sister once asked, do you realize that when she’s gone that’s it? She was talking about how to make sushi, but it was more profound question nonetheless.

我们是如何在我们经历过的,我们被教授的,我们偶然遇到的或者是我们被强加于的抉择的呢?选择的原则是什么呢?我的姐妹和我并没有被我们母亲的责任所束缚,我们也没有遵循看起来很重要的习俗。我的姐妹曾经问我,有没意识到什么时候母亲不再做寿司了呢?我姐妹指的是如何做寿司,但是它依然是一个深奥的难题。 Be bound by 被。。束缚 Obligations 责任 义务 Profound 深奥的


第二段讲母亲搬离学校和其他人住在一起并且负责饭餐,于是顺理成章的出现了名为“Recipe of California ―的书。叙述者将这本书作为探寻熟悉又陌生生活的一种线索并且发现母亲在这本书上的遗留痕迹。




10. The thematic focus of the passage in on the (B) 文章主题是关于什么的?

A conflicts between the narrator’s mother and grandmother 主题是关于叙述者的母亲和外婆之间的冲突

B challenge of balancing conflicting values and practices 挑战关于冲突的价值和实践

C widespread assimilation of immigrants into the

culture of the US美国移民的广泛的同化

D desirability of maintaining traditions 维系传统的可取性

E irrelevance of traditional customs to modern society 传统习俗和现代社会的不相关性

分析:A选项 文章并没有说母亲和祖母之间存在任何的冲突 B选项 正确选项 见文章分析 文章主要讲了作为美国移民的价值取向和其原先文化的矛盾冲突



E 文章并没有写没到传统习俗和现代社会的不相关性,文章只是说明了在我家日本传统文化和美国文化的一些交锋和影响。

11. The grandmother’s comments in lines 5-7 imply that her daughter’s experience at the university were characterized by ( B)


A Success and camaraderie 成功和同志之爱

B accomplishment and assimilation 有造诣的并且同化

C enlightenment and introspection 启发和自省 D diligence and homesickness 勤勉的也思乡的 E scholarship and competition 奖学金和竞赛

分析:原文是my grandmother recalled that she received good grades and never wore a kimino again B选项即同义改写

12. In line 11, the word ―entertained‖ most nearly means ( ) D A regaled 娱乐人 B hosted 主持 C flaunted 夸耀 D harbored 怀有 E welcomed 欢迎

分析:根据原文上下文分析,entertained 应该做拥有的意思 13.






(―She…daughter‖) serves to (C)

A defend her mother’s interest in science 为她妈妈在科学上的兴趣辩护

B justify her mother’s decision to leave home 为她妈妈决定离家找正当借口

C explain why her mother became a teacher
