
3. Of course I never paid attention to this drill, always figuring that if we ever got to the point where we needed to use life jackets, I would have already died of terror. Synonyms: think, believe, imagine

4. She must have seen how scared I was and reached over. Antonyms: unafraid, brave, bold, fearless, dauntless

5. I loved her Southern drawl, her indiscriminate use of perfume, and her soulful squeeze. Synonyms: unselective, uncritical, random

6. Among the many feelings going through my head during those excruciating minutes was pride — pride in how well everybody on board was behaving. Antonyms: enjoyable, comfortable, agreeable, pleasant

7. He had been complaining that he wasn’t getting to see very much of me because of my book tour.

Synonyms: grumble

8. I felt almost tearful to be parting from the people whose lives had so intensely, if briefly, touched mine.

Antonyms: lightly, barely, hardly, scarcely

4. Word derivation

Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in the brackets.

1. After all he has done for us, it would be very ungrateful of us if we didn’t do this for him now.


2. With the world’s population increasing at the present rate, by the year 2050 it is feared there

will be a terrible food shortage. (short) 3. Penellpe has unfortunately failed her driving test again. (fortune) 4. This jewel is not simply valuable; it is invaluable. (value) 5. This coat is too short for me. Do you think you could lengthen it a little? (long) 6. The hurricane caused terrible destruction along the coast. (destroy) 7. Without the timely help of the PLA men, a lot more people would have lost their lives in the earthquake. (time)

8. It is said the 100% iron is rustless. (rust)

1. grateful (adj.) 感激的,感谢的

ungrateful (adj.) 忘恩负义的,讨人厌的 ungratefulness (n.) 徒劳

e.g. Nourish your life with a grateful heart. 用感恩的心来滋养你的生活。

I offered help, and she accepted gratefully. 我主动提出帮助,她感激地接受了。 I definitely am not an ungrateful person. 我绝对不是一个忘恩负义的人。


2. short (adj.) 短的,矮的 shortage (n.) 不足,缺少 shortly (adv.) 立刻,马上 shorten (v.) 弄短,变短

e.g. We regret that your claim on shortage cannot be accepted. 很遗憾,我方无法接受贵方关于货物数量不足的索赔。

The plane crashed shortly after take off. 飞机起飞后不久便坠毁了。 Envy and wrath shorten life. 嫉妒和愤怒会缩短生命。

3. fortune (n.) 财产,运气,命运 fortuneless (adj.) 不幸的

fortunately (adv.) 幸运地,幸亏 fortunate (adj.) 幸运的,侥幸的 misfortune (n.) 不幸,灾祸

misfortuned (adj.) 不幸的,遭受厄运的 unfortunately (adv.) 不幸地

unfortunate (adj.) 不幸的,令人遗憾的,不成功的

e.g. He brought good fortune to this village. 他为这个村庄带来了好运。

The show was delayed but fortunately we got to play. 演出被推迟,但幸运的是,我们还是演出了。

His misfortune preys upon her mind. 他的不幸使她心中苦恼。 Unfortunately, we arrived too late to catch the plane. 不幸的是,我们到得太晚,没赶上飞机。

4. value (n.v.)价值,重要性,价格 valuable (adj.) 贵重的,有价值的 valuation (n.) 评价,估价

valueless (adj.) 无价值的,不值钱的,不足道的 valuer (n.) 评价者,价格和定人 valuableness (n.) 有价值,贵重物品

unvalued (adj.) 不受重视的,无价值的,不足道的

e. g. I shall always value your friendship. 我会始终重视你的友谊。

Thanks for your valuable time and patience! 感谢您宝贵的时间及耐心! It's valueless to get angry over such a trifle. 不值得为这点小事惹气。 All valuableness is not best. 昂贵的不都是最好的。

5. long (adj. adv. vi.) 长的,很久的,冗长的 length (n.) 长,长度,距离 lengthy (adj.) 冗长的,漫长的 lengthen (v.) 加长,延长 lengthiness (n.) 冗长

e.g. Length is one dimension, and width is another. 长是一种度量,宽又是一种度量。 This lengthy lunch can last up to four hours! 这顿漫长的午餐持续四个小时之久呢! To save time is to lengthen life. 节约时间就是延长生命。

I apologize for the lengthiness of this post. 对于这封冗长的邮件,我表示歉意。


6. destroy (v.) 破坏,摧毁,消灭,杀死 destroyable (adj.) 可毁灭的

destruction (n.) 破坏,毁灭,破坏者 destructive (adj.) 破坏性的,有害的 destructiveness (n.) 破坏性 destruct (n.) 毁灭,自毁

destructor (n.) 破坏者,垃圾焚毁炉 destructible (adj.) 可破坏的 indestructible (adj.) 不能毁坏的

e.g. The earthquake destroyed several stores in the business district. 那次地震摧毁了商业区的几家商店。

Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil. 野心不仅是罪恶的根源,同时也是毁灭的根源。

The destruction of these big forests will have serious ecological consequences. 这些大森林被 毁坏会带来生态上的严重后果。

This kind of weapon has great destructiveness. 这种武器有极大的破坏性。

7. time (n.) 时间,次数,倍 timing (n.) 时间的掌握

timely (adj.) 及时的,适时的,及时的 timeless (adj.) 无限的,永恒的 untimely (adv. adj.) 不合时宜的

e.g. The bomb was timed to go off at 12 o'clock. 炸弹定在12点钟爆炸。 But timing is a problem. 然而时间的掌握是一个难题。

I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. 我要感谢哈佛及时给予我这个荣誉。 But that is now an untimely subject. 现在看来,这个题目不合适宜。

8. rust (n.) 锈,生锈

rusty (adj.) 生锈的,锈色的,荒废的,迟钝的 rusting (n.) 生锈

rustiness (n.) 生金秀,声音沙哑

rustless (adj.) 无金秀的,不生金秀的

e.g. Iron exposed to damp air will rust. 铁在空气潮湿的地方会生锈。 I'm a little rusty on them. 我对他们有一点点生疏了。

His rustiness had become a charming attraction to the public.他沙哑的声音也成了吸引公众的一大魅力。

II. Grammar Exercises

1. Modal auxiliary + infinitive

Modal auxiliaries are a special type of verb in English language. Syntactically, modal auxiliaries (or ―modals‖ for short) can only be the initial element of a finite verb phrase and are


invariably followed by a bare infinitive.

e.g. I could hear small pockets of soothing conversation everywhere. I shouldn’t be eating them anyhow. She must have seen how scared I was and reached over. *Notice that: when a modal auxiliary takes the predictive meaning, the infinitive after it may appear in the perfect form to denote past time as in the last example and in the progressive form to denote future time as in the second example. When the modal auxiliary takes the non-predictive meaning, the infinitive after it usually appears in its base form as in the first example.

Practice: Rewrite the following sentences, using \proper modal auxiliary + the correct form of the infinitive\

1. It’s possible that he knows the answer.

2. I can’t believe that he forgot his appointment. 3. It is our duty to help people in need. 4. You are not to talk like that.

5. It is reasonable to believe that she is in Paris now.


1. He may know the answer. (―May‖ is used to show that something is possible.)

2. He couldn’t have forgotten his appointment. (―Couldn’t‖ is used to show that it is impossible.) 3. We ought to help people in need. (―Ought to‖ is used to talk about obligation.) 4. You mustn’t talk like that. (―Mustn’t‖ denotes prohibition.)

5. She must be in Paris now. (―Must‖ is used to talk about predictability.)

2. \

We can use either ―will‖ or ―be going to‖ to talk about something that is planned, or something that we think is likely to happen in the future.

But we use ―will‖ rather than ―be going to‖ to make a prediction based on our opinion or experience and ― be going to‖ rather than ―will‖ to make a prediction based on some present evidence. And we use ―will‖ when we make a decision at the moment of speaking and ―be going to‖ for decisions about the future that have already been made. e.g. ―Shall I ask Sandra?‖ ―No, she won’t want to be disturbed.‖ The sky has gone really dark. There’s going to be a storm. I’ll pick him up at 8. (an offer; making an arrangement now)

I’m going to collect the children at 8. (this was previously arranged)

Practice: Decide which of the underlined parts is correct.

1. ―Did you post that letter for me?‖ ―Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I’m going to post it / I’ll post it now.‖

Key: I’ll post it (decision made at the moment of speaking)

2. ―What’s the matter with her?‖ ―It looks like she will faint / she’s going to faint. Key: she’s going to faint (prediction based on evidence)

3. ―Pineapples are on special offer this week.‖ ―In that case, I’m going to buy / I’ll buy two.‖ Key: I’ll buy (decision made at the moment of speaking)

