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1.(2019½ìÔÆÄÏÓñϪһÖжþ´Îµ÷ÑÐ,70)Now linguists are taking action to prevent this incredible cultural heritage from (disappear). ´ð°¸ disappearing

2.(2018ºÓÄÏÖ£ÖÝÒ»´ÎÖʼì,67)In my mind, they're helping us to become calm and consider (win)and solving real problems as well. ´ð°¸ winning

3.(2018ºþ±±»Æ¸ÔÔªÔµ÷ÑÐ,70)Sometimes, by caring only about the cups, we fail (enjoy)the coffee. ´ð°¸ to enjoy

4.(2018ºþ±±Î人2Ôµ÷ÑÐ,69)Aiming (carry)forward the spirit of peace, cooperation, openness and inclusiveness(°üÈÝ)for shared benefits through concrete projects, the New Silk Road has already received a warm response from more than 60 countries and a number of international organizations. ´ð°¸ to carry ¢ò.µ¥¾ä¸Ä´í

5.(2019½ì¸ÊËàÀ¼ÖÝÒ»ÖÐ9ÔÂÔ¿¼)He hopes create an environment for his students that is much more relaxing than the one he used to study in. ´ð°¸ hopesºóÌí¼Óto

6.(2018ºÓÄÏÖÐÔ­ÃûУÎå´ÎÁª¿¼)Mobile phone addicts can't help check their mobile phones all day, even when they are walking on the road. ´ð°¸ check¡úchecking»òhelpºó¼Óbut

7.(2018¸£½¨¸£ÖÝ3ÔÂÖʼì)In the beginning, I wasn't used to talk to strangers. ´ð°¸ talk¡útalking

8. (2017ɽ¶«ÁÙÒÊһģ)You can make more friends from different parts of the country by serve them when working there. ´ð°¸ serve¡úserving

¿¼µã¶þ ·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê×÷¶¨Óï

1.(2019½ìºÓÄÏפÂíµê¾­¼Ã¿ª·¢Çø¸ß¼¶ÖÐѧһ´ÎÔ¿¼,61)The Water-Splashing Festival of the Dai ethnic minority(ÉÙÊýÃñ×å) falls on April 13th to April 16th. It is the most important festival (observe) by the Dai people in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province.

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´ð°¸ observed

2.(2019½ìɽÎ÷ÐÂç­·ÚºÓÖÐѧһ´ÎÔ¿¼,65)At the 41st session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (hold) in Poland, Hoh Xil was approved as a new world heritage site, becoming the 51st world heritage site in China. ´ð°¸ held

3.(2018ºÓ±±Îå¸öÒ»ÁªÃ˶þ´ÎÁª¿¼,64)This site reports science news (cover)a wide range of subjects. ´ð°¸ covering

4.(2018¹ã¶«ÎåУЭ×÷ÌåÒ»´ÎÁª¿¼,62)The museum, (locate)next to the Wuzhen scenic spot, covers an area of5,000 square meters. ´ð°¸ located

5.(2017½­Î÷¾Å½­Ò»ÖÐÔ¿¼,69) There are always lots of people in the street, and there is always something (see)or do. ´ð°¸ to see

¿¼µãÈý ·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê×÷Ö÷Óï¡¢±íÓï

1.(2018ºþ±±Ò˲ý¸ðÖÞ°ÓÖÐѧÔ¿¼,46)The cart got (stick)in the mud, but the farmer made no effort to get it out. ´ð°¸ stuck

2.(2018ɽÎ÷³¤ÖζþÖеÈÎåУÁª¿¼,69)His new idea was (make)the shell shapes on the roof into the shape of a ball.

´ð°¸ to make/making

3.(2017½­Î÷¾Å½­Ê®Ð£¶þ´ÎÁª¿¼,69) But conservationists say that (make) ivory legal to sell would lead to even more illegal hunting. ´ð°¸ making

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1.(2018ºÓÄÏÖ£ÖÝÒ»ÖÐÁù´Î²âÊÔ,47)But by 1955, the paintings were beginning to become difficult (see). ´ð°¸ to see

2.(2018ºÓ±±ºâË®ÖÐѧÎå´Îµ÷¿¼,43)She first came across this phenomenon while (research)North American children living in India. ´ð°¸ researching

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3.(2018½­Î÷ÒË´ºÖÐѧһ´ÎÕï¶Ï,68) (compare)with the western medicine's high fees, TCM has a reasonable price that ordinary people can afford. ´ð°¸ Compared

4.(2018ºÓ±±²×ÖÝÖʼì,68)A total of 400,000 tons of steel were used in the project, equal to 60 times the steel used (build)the Eiffel Tower. ´ð°¸ to build ¢ò.µ¥¾ä¸Ä´í

5. (2019½ì¹ã¶«ÖÐɽһÖжþ´Îͳ²â)As is often the case, people tend to talk loud in public places annoyed others around.

´ð°¸ annoyed¡úannoying

6.(2019½ì¸ÊËàÃñÀÖÒ»ÖеÚһѧÆÚÒ»Õï)Known that our school is going to set up elective English courses, I'd like to give some advice. ´ð°¸ Known¡úKnowing

7.(2018ºÚÁú½­¹þÈýÖÐһģ)We gathered at the Sunshine Square and gave out leaflets to passers-by, tell them the importance of environmental protection. ´ð°¸ tell¡útelling

8.(2018¸ÊËàÀ¼ÖݶþÄ£)We were making dumplings together with the old, talking and laugh. ´ð°¸ laugh¡úlaughing

9.(2017ºÓÄÏÔ¥ÄϾÅУÖÊÁ¿¿¼ÆÀ¢õ) In addition, attracting by interesting topics, you are free to get involved in the weekly discussion. ´ð°¸ attracting¡úattracted

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1.(2018ºþÄÏÖêÖÞÖÊÁ¿¼ì²â¢ñ,65)Apart from the massive size, it also has unmatched accuracy and sensitivity, allowing scientists (find)previously hidden stars. ´ð°¸ to find

2.(2018¸£½¨ÓÀ´ºÒ»ÖеÈËÄУÁª¿¼¢ñ,65)During the Qin dynasty,to keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shihuang had all the walls (join)up. ´ð°¸ joined

3.(2018ºþÄϳ¤¿¤ÖÐѧÎå´ÎÔ¿¼,66)The robot is powered by a battery on its back, which can keep it (operate)for an hour. ´ð°¸ operating


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¿¼µãÒ» ·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê×÷±öÓï

1.(2018Ìì½ò,12)I didn't mean (eat)anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn't help trying it.

´ð°¸ to eat

2.(2017½­ËÕ,30)A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help (shape) your year ahead. ´ð°¸ shape

3.(2016Õã½­,19)I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do (work)with students. ´ð°¸ working

4.(2014ÉÂÎ÷,12)It's quite hot today.Do you feel like (go)for a swim? ´ð°¸ going

¿¼µã¶þ ·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê×÷¶¨Óï

1.(2017Ìì½ò,10)I was watching the clock all through the meeting,as I had a train (catch). ´ð°¸ to catch

2.(2017±±¾©,32)Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time (spend) with his students. ´ð°¸ spent

3.(2016Õã½­,10)To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study (conduct)in Australia in 2012. ´ð°¸ conducted

4.(2016½­ËÕ,28)In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message (hide)within the work. ´ð°¸ hidden

5.(2015±±¾©,23)The park was full of people, (enjoy) themselves in the sunshine. ´ð°¸ enjoying

6.(2014´ó¸ÙÈ«¹ú,23)Today there are more airplanes (carry)more people than ever before in the skies. ´ð°¸ carrying

¿¼µãÈý ·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê×÷Ö÷Óï¡¢±íÓï

1.(2018Ìì½ò,8)It took him a long time (acquire) the skills he needed to become a good dancer. ´ð°¸ to acquire

2.(2018±±¾©,3) (travel)along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.

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