
SPSS Web Page = Alt + H + M

Syntax Guide: Base = Alt + H + S + B

Syntax Guide: Regression Models = Alt + H + S + E Syntax Guide: Advanced Models = Alt + H + S + A Syntax Guide: Tables = Alt + H + S + T Syntax Guide: Trends = Alt + H + S + R Syntax Guide: Categories = Alt + H + S + C Syntax Guide: Conjoint = Alt + H + S + J Statistics Coach: Alt + H + C About SPSS: Alt + H + A Register Product: Alt + H + E

Other Data Editor Keystrokes:

(available only while the DATA EDITOR window is active)

Activate Menu Bar = F10 (use RightArrow and LeftArrow keys to move across menu bar) Go up = UpArrow Go down = DownArrow

Go to next cell on right = Right Arrow Go to next cell on left = LeftArrow

Go To beginning of current row = HOME or Ctrl + LeftArrow Go To end of current row = END or Ctrl + RightArrow Go To previous page in datasheet = PgUp Go To next page in datasheet = PgDown

Go To first cell in datasheet = Ctrl + HOME Go To last cell in datasheet = Ctrl + END

Select from current cell to beginning of row = Shift + HOME Select from current cell to end of row = Shift + END

Select from current row up (within current/selected column) = Shift + PgUp Select from current row down (within current/selected column) = Shift + PgUp

Select cell to right = Shift + RightArrow + RightArrow Select cell to left = Shift + LeftArrow + LeftArrow Select current row = Shift + Spacebar Select current column = Ctrl + Spacebar

Delete Selection = DEL or Shift + DEL or Backspace Copy selection = Ctrl + C Cut selection = Ctrl + X Paste selection = Ctrl + V

Edit contents of current cell = F2 (to exit edit mode, press Enter) Go To Next Application = Alt + ESC Close Active Window = Alt + F4 Go To Next Window = Alt + F6

Swtich between Data and Variable views = Ctrl + T See value label for current cell = Shift + F2 Cancel current process = ESC Activate PC Start Menu = Ctrl + ESC

Dialog Box Keystrokes

Activate a control = Alt+[underlined letter] Paste syntax = Alt + P Next control = Tab Previous control = Shift+Tab

\Cancel dialog box = Esc

Select several items in list box = Ctrl-click Select all items in list box = Ctrl+A Open a drop-down list = Alt+Down Arrow Select item in a drop-down list = Alt+Up Arrow

