北语 20春《英语国家概况(II)》作业_1234


一、单选题 ( 每题5分, 共10道小题, 总分值50分 )

1.Do you happen to know of the name of George Washington? Is he_________? A. one of the founding fathers of the United States B. the first Governor of the State of New York C. the author of the Declaration of Independence 答:A (131)(9666)(2906)

2.Three of the most famous primitive tribes living in the American continent created such brilliant civilizations. They are _____________. A. the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas

B. the Iroquois, the Pueblo, and the Pima Indians C. Yadkin, Coles Creeks, and Smoky Hills


3.Another piano style, which was emerging in Chicago in the late 1920's and early 1930's, was called _________. A. boogie-woogie B. ragtime C. folk music


4.Since the north is mainly unpopulated, the Canadian government, at one point, asked the ___________________to patrol the area. A. the Americans B. the local Inuits C. the Nato allies D. the ANZUS 答:B

5.Whitman is a 。 A. novelist B. poet 答:B

6.Canada recognized China in _____. A. 1949 B. 1956 C. 1969 答:C

7.Where do most of the Inuit people live in Canada? A. The arctic area B. The west coast

C. The Atlantic Ocean


8.The novel The English Patient is written by _______. A. a British writer B. a Canadian writer 答:B

9.Which Canadian prime minister referred to the two world wars as \the vortex of European militarism\

A. Lester Pearson B. Wilfred Laurier C. Pierre Trudeau D. Brian Mulroney


10.The first major religious revival in the middle of the ______ century injected new vigor into American religion. A. 17th B. 18th C. 19th D. 20th 答:B

二、判断题 ( 每题5分, 共10道小题, 总分值50分 )

1.Alexander Hamilton is the second Secretary of Treasure of the United States. 答:错误

2. Christopher Columbus never saw the mainland United States. 答:正确

3.The United States ranks the fourth in the world in both area and population.

4.The greatest challenge of the American Revolution to the old order in Europe was the challenge to inherited political power and the democratic idea that government rests on the consent of the governed.

5.In the United States, every church is a completely independent organization,and concerned with its own finance and its own building.

6.In Asia, the United States tried to contain the People’s Republic of China as well. The United States did not formally recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) for 30 years after its founding.

7.The major attraction in Aspen and Vail is skiing down mountain slopes.

8.By the 16th century, some new and powerful social forces began to emerge which led to the awakening of Europe and the discovery of American,i.e.,the development of capitalism, the Renaissance and the Religious Reformation.

9.New Zealand is one of the top five dairy exporters in the world.

10.The most important development in terms of delivery in the 1950s was the introduction of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).


一、单选题 ( 每题5分, 共10道小题, 总分值50分 )

1.Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe?

A. The growth of capitalism B. The Renaissance

C. The Religious Reformation

D. The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church

2.Blues was derived from a blend of field chantey and spiritual which is____________. A. a form of rock 'n' roll singing

B. a form of operatic singing originated in Europe C. a form of country music singing

D. a form of hymn singing prevalent in African-American Christian churches

3.Who first introduced the \A. Eli Whitney B. Samuel Slater C. Henry Ford D. Adam Smith

4.Which of the following provinces is the home of most French-speaking people in Canada? A. Manitoba B. Saskatchewan C. Ontario D. Quebec

5.\A. the settlers of Virginia B. the people of Pennsylvania C. the colonists in New England

D. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution

6.What is the idea behind checks and balances? A. To help the president get more power

B. To restrict governmental power and prevent its abuse C. To help the Congress to derive more authorities

7.In the early 1960s, Betty Friedan published a book called ______. A. The Feminine Mystique B. profiles in Courage C. The Other America D. Catcher in the Rye

8.Mark Twain is the author’s ______. A. real name B. a pen name

9.Which of the following industries account for more than half of the GDP in Canada? A. primary industries B. secondary industries C. tertiary industries D. none of them

10.Which of the following is a tourist attraction in the United States? A. Yellowstone National Park B. The Babylon Garden C. The English castle D. The coral reefs

二、判断题 ( 每题5分, 共10道小题, 总分值50分 )

1.In 1863, the United States created a truly national banking system with a standard paper currency.

2.National Basketball Association (NBA), the association of professional teams in the US, has two divisions: the Eastern Division and Western Division.

3.The famous so-called “X-Article” was published on the journal Foreign Affairs in 1947.

4.The invention of television marked the beginning of “The Age of Visual Information”.

5. Canada is officially bilingual both at the federal level and at the provincial level.

6. The Quakers of Penn's colony, like their counterparts across the Delaware River in New Jersey, established an extremely liberal government for the seventeenth century.

7.Rising wages and currency rates, among other factors, have dramatically narrowed the gap
