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burst like a balloon... POP! Waa!
Burst like a balloon. Pop!! What's that noise? ICE-CREAM!!
Ice-cream! Horray!
\to close the door. Ice cream. Ice cream! \the ice cream lady. \\
You forgot to close the door! Polly will have flown away! \I'm sure Polly is still inside. Polly's not here! Oh!
Whaaaaaaaaaaa! We've lost Polly. Grandpa and Granny are going to be very sad.
Maybe we should try the garden. Look! What's that?
What has Mummy Pig seen in the garden? Waaa!
It's Polly! Horray!!
\to get Polly down from the tree? \I'll rescue Polly. \Waaa!
Would you like a cup of tea? \
flown higher up the tree! OH! DEAR.
\Don't fall out the tree like you always do. \I'll be very careful. \
Waa! Birseed!!!
I wonderwhere George is going? George has got Polly's birdseed. Polly loves to eat birdseed. Waa!!!!
George has got Polly down from the tree! Horray!
What's that noise?
Daddy Pig's mobile phone is ringing!
What? Whoa...!
Please may I talk to Polly? \\
Are you having a nice holiday? \
Are you having a nice holiday?!
05 George s friend
George's Friend
Peppa and her friends are at the playground.
\Are you all ready? Ready!
Then let's go! Whee!
Faster! Faster!
George is a bit too little for the round about. He is playing on the swing.
\Richard Rabbit. Hello everyone! Hello!
Let's go really really fast. Richard Rabbit wants to
\\it means we can't go fast. Richard can play with George. \
would you like to play with George?
错误!文档中没有指定样式的文字。 6 / 65 06 Mysteries
George's dinosaur's just like yours. Let's go and see.
Richard Rabbit is the same age as George. Richard wants to see George's dinosaur. Grrr... dinosaur. \
can Richard play with your dinosaur? No.
George and Richard do not want to share their dinosaurs. \
it'll be much more fun if you share. That was really nice of George. Dinosaur.
George does not like sharing. \
let George hold the dinosaurs now. \What's all this crying about? George and Richard always cry when they play together.
They are just too little to play properly. Can you two big girls
teach them to play together? Of course we can help them make sand castles. Good idea!
Let's go to the sand pit!
George and Richard love the sand pit! \going to make sand castles.
\We turn the buckets over and give them a little tap. Now we lift the buckets. Hey presto!
Richard has made a sand castle. Hey presto!
And George has made a sand castle. \Oh dear!
This game has not gone very well. It was your brother's fault. He broke George's sand castle. \
broke my brother's sand castle first. \
you two big girls are meant to be teaching Richard and George to play nicely together. That. S right. We are big girls.
And George and Richard are too little to play together properly. \
\in the whole playground? Seesaw!
George loves the seesaw. Seesaw.
It is a bit difficult to
play on the seesaw on yourown. Richard wants to play on the seesaw. Seesaw. Look!
George and Richard are playing together! Seesaw.
George likes Richard. Richard likes George.
George and Richard like playing together. Seesaw.
06 Mysteries
Peppa and herfamily are watching their
\\the world famous detective. Oh!
\I can not find my floweranywhere.
\\That was easy. I can do that.
I want to be a famous detective.
\\you each need a hat.
Detectives always wear hats.
Now you look like two properdetectives.
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And we need one of those funny things that makes everything look big? A magnifying glass. I think we've got one in the kitchen drawer. Here they are.
A real magnifying glass. Wow! How does it work?
\and they look bigger. The magnifying glass
makes the little fish look big. Can I have a go? Wow!
The magnifying glass makes George's eyes look very big. Now what you detectives need is a mystery to solve.
\A mystery is something detectives \
like finding things that are lost. \
we can find George's toy dinosaur. That's always getting lost. Dinosaur.
Mr. Dinosaur is not lost.
\You. Re always losing them. \
I'm wearing my glasses. It's not fair.
Would you like me to make you a mystery? \
Daddy Pig is going to make a mystery. \\
a Jackin the box and Mr. Dinosaur. That. S right.
Now look very hard and try to remember them all. \
a Jackin the box and Mr. Dinosaur. Have you remembered them? Yes! Ok!
You just have to go outside for a moment. I'll call you when I'm ready.
It sounds like daddy is going upstairs. And now he is coming down again.
\One thing is missing from the table. Do you know what? \\So who's missing? \That. S right. Teddy's gone.
\It was quite easy for us. We're famous detectives.
\Where has teddy gone? \
What are those little things on the floor? The cake crumbs.
The magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see.
I wonder if teddy has been eating cake. And the crumbs lead this way. Teddy's been eating a lot of cake. The crumbs lead into
Peppa and George's bedroom. \How could we find teddy? Ask me some questions.
But I would only answeryes or no. \Yes.
Is teddy in George's bed? No.
Is teddy some where high up? Yes.
Teddy's in my bed. Hooray!
The mystery is solved.
Do you still want to be a detective \Being a detective is quite hard. \who makes mysteries. Like you. Dear daddy.
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07 Rock pools
Rock pools
Peppa and George are going to the seaside with Granny and Grandpa Pig.
Peppa and George love the seaside. \
\No sand?
But we wanted to make sand castles.
Peppa and George love making sand castles. \There are lots of exciting things to do on this rocky beach. Like what?
\of water in amongst the rocks. That called rock pools.
\that the sea has left behind. I can see something glittering. It's a coin.
Maybe it's a pirate's treasure.
Let's make a collection of all the things we find. \
we'll put them in George's bucket. What surprise is waiting in this pool? There's nothing special in this one. \Look closer!
The crab is pinching Grandpa Pig's finger. Ouch!
Mr. Crab is walking side ways. George is pretending to be a crab. \We're naughty crabs. \\
There are two naught crabs trying to pinch. We're naughty crabs. \\you naughty crabs.
Go back to your little rock pools. \What can you see? A seashell.
Can you hearthe sea in it? What do you mean?
\you could hear the sea. \I love my seashell.
That's not a shell. Oh.
Peppa's right. That's not a shell.
George has found a fossil. What's a fossil?
Afossil is the remains of an animal that lived long ago when there were dinosaurs. Dinosaur!
Rock pools are such fun! \But not forthis little fish. A fish! Where?
Poor little fish. She's trapped. The little fish says she wants to go back to the sea.
Maybe you could use your bucket to rescue her. Yes.
Peppa is rescuing the little fish in her bucket.
You'll soon be back with yourfriends. \Bye bye.
I love rock pools!
08 Windy Autumn Day
Windy Autumn Day
\Brrr! Lt's freezing cold! It is cold! Quick!