错误!文档中没有指定样式的文字。 1 / 65 01 Bubbles 泡泡
Peppa Pig第二季
01 Bubbles 泡泡
Peppa and George are drinking orange juice.
What a noise! Little piggies!(你们这两个小家伙可真吵) \乔治你看这些小小的泡泡
I can make bigger bubbles.我可以弄出更大的泡泡
Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink.佩奇在橙汁里吹了好多气泡
George wants to blow bubbles too乔治也想在里面吹泡泡.
\你们不应该这样玩你们的食物 \
Why don't you play with your bubble mixture?不如你们来玩泡泡器
Yes! My bubble mixture!是的玩我的泡泡器
Peppa is showing George how to blow bubbles.佩琪要教乔治怎么吹泡泡
Heeee... bubble!
\先把棍子在里面蘸一蘸 \拿起来
\吸一口气 and blow! 在吹出去
\乔治已经很使劲在那吹了 but he. S running out of breath! 他都快没气了
I know a way George can make bubbles. 我知道怎么样才能使乔治吹出泡泡
then lift it up and wave it around.拿起来四周挥一挥 Bubble!
It's even better if you run along. 跑起来泡泡会更多的 Wait for me! 等等我
and Peppa is having fun popping.佩奇戳泡泡戳的也很开心
I love bubbles!
\哦 糟糕,泡泡器里面都空了 \
There's no more bubble mixture! 泡泡器吹不出泡泡了 \别担心佩奇,我有办法
Yes! Daddy Pig.没问题猪爸爸
\佩奇去拿洗洁精 \
What is Daddy Pig doing?
\首先我需要一些水 \加洗洁精
Thank you!谢谢
Now watch this!现在仔细看好了 Woo... Wow!
Daddy Pig has made his own bubble mixture.猪爸爸自己做了一个泡泡器
Be careful! Daddy Pig! Don't slip and fall. 小心啊猪爸爸,别滑到了
I'll be fine! Wow...我会小心的
\你没事吧猪爸爸 \是的我没事 Wow!
Daddy Pig has made the biggest bubble ever!猪爸爸打出来最大的泡泡
Oh dear! I've spilled all my bubble mixture.哦 糟糕看来这个泡泡器也不能用了
But we can play jumping in muddy puddles! Look!但是我们可以在泥坑里跳来跳去,瞧啊。
Daddy Pig's bubble mixturehas made a big muddy puddle!猪爸爸的泡泡器在地上弄了一个大泥坑。 Hurray!好啊
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Peppa loves jumping up and downin muddy puddles!佩奇喜欢在坭坑里跳来跳去
Look! The bubble mixture has made the puddle all bubbly! 瞧,泡泡器让泥坑也能冒出好多泡泡来了
Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles!佩奇喜欢在泡泡泥坑里跳来跳去
Everyone loves jumping up and downin muddy bubbly puddles!大家都喜欢在泡泡泥坑里跳来跳去。
02 Teddy s day out
Teddy's day out
Peppa and her family are going out forthe day. Daddy Pig has made a picnic.
\\Are we all ready? \Then let's go! Dinosaur!
George has left Mr. Dinosaur behind. \
take more care of Mr. Dinosuar! Dinosaur!
Are we all absolutely sure
we haven't forgotten anything else? \Teddy! I've left Teddy!
Where did you leave teddy? \
Here we go again! All ready?
\Here we go!
This is the picnic area. We are here! Hooray!
Ah... I love this picnic spot! It's so quiet and peaceful!
Mr. Zebra the postman. Hello Mr. Zebra!
Have you got all post?
\It is my day off!
\So are we!
What a splendid picnic! Please make George and I
leave the table and play with Zoey! Yes Peppa!
\I've got my monkey! Dinosaur!
I've got a toy picnic set! Let's play picnics! \
They always turn up when we have a picnic. We've got pretend orange juice. And we've got pretend cake. \\the ducks want pretend cake!
\Mr. Dinosaurand teddy! \
\Peppa George home time! \Bye-bye!
Are we all ready? \
\\Peppa and herfamily are home. That's enough driving for one day. All I want to do now is relax!
Put my feet up and watch some... Teddy!
I forgot Teddy!
\all the way back to the picnic spot. Huh... Yes of course!
错误!文档中没有指定样式的文字。 3 / 65 03 Emily Elephant
\It is my day off! But Zoey's got a very special delivery for a Miss Peppa pig. \What is it? It's teddy!
\So we brought him home. Thank you Zoey!
Teddy certainly has had an exciting day out.
\Yes Mummy. You're a very naughty teddy!
You must promise not to wonderoff ever again. \
03 Emily Elephant
Emily Elephant
Peppa and herfriends are going to playgroup today. The children each have their own hook to hang their coats on. \Emily Elephant. \Hello.
Emily is a bit shy.
Who would like to show Emily where to hang her coat? Me! Me! Me! Me! We just need one.
\where to hang hercoat? \
We each have our own coat hooks. \Emily is hanging her coat on her very own coat hook. \
what would you like to do today? \
clay or building-blocks? Um. I don't know.
Maybe building-blocks.
\clay or building-blocks?
Building-Blocks!!! My goodness! Building-blocks are populartoday! Everyone wants to sit next to Emily Elephant. \on top of another. Like this. It's better
if you put them side-by-side. \
You're all being very helpful. \play with the blocks? Um. I'm not very sure. I might do it like this. Wow!
Emily Elephant is good at building-blocks. It is playtime. Horray!
\outside with the others? \
Can someone show Emily where we play?
Peppa and herfriends play in the school garden. Can't catch me! What a lot of noise!
Let's see who is the loudest! Ok. I. Il go first. Squeak! Squeak! That was quite loud.
Now Suzy Sheep. Baaaaa!
Now Danny Dog. Woof! Woof!
That was very loud. My turn! Meow! My turn! Whinnee!
错误!文档中没有指定样式的文字。 4 / 65 03 Emily Elephant
My turn! SNOOORT!!!!! Peppa is the loudest. \I'm not too sure. \Ok. I'll try.
AOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHGH! My goodness! That was loud. Wow!
Do it again!
AOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHGH! Emily is not shy anymore. \my favourite game?
What is yourfavourite game? Jumping in muddy puddles! \Peppa loves jumping up
and down in muddy puddles. Emily loves jumping up
and down in muddy puddles. This looks like fun. Yippee!
Madame Gazelle loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. \
your first day at our playgroup? \And I see you've made lots of new friends. Yes!
Emily elephant is my friend! And Emily is my friend. And mine!
And mine! And mine!
\and Rebecca and Pedro and Peppa!
04 Pollys Holiday
Polly's Holiday
Granny and Grandpa Pig are going on holiday.
They are bringing Polly Parrot to Peppa's house so Peppa and George can look after her. Waaa!
Polly is very excited about her holiday
with Peppa and George. \
Polly Parrot copies everything that is said.
This is Polly's food.
\what Polly likes to eat best? Chocolate Cake!
\Polly likes birdseed. Waa! Birdseed!
\Can I feed her? Yes!
It's very important
not to give Polly too much food. \\
can Polly come out of the cage? \
\so Polly doesn't fly away. \
\\\\\Would you like a cup of tea? Waa!
Would you like a cup of tea? George has got Polly's birdseed. George!
That is too much birdseed! Polly will grow very big and