小组合作学习在高中英语写作教学中的应用(教改实验报告) - 图文

Group3 姓名 Group9 姓名 Group15 姓名 leader 刘紫凡 member 黄伟坤 member 何剑兴 member 余伟霞 Group4 姓名 leader 吕早杰 member 丘曼君 member 黄静霞 member 曾懂平 Group5 姓名 leader 涂玄露 member 叶镇荣 member 陈秀兰 member 刘炯平 Group6 姓名 leader 王锐凌 member 陈重平 member 胡 惠 leader 张瑜萍 member 张桂花 leader 王育霞 member 雷国荣 member 徐 健 member 刘足林 member 林 栋 member 黄楚娟 Group10 姓名 Group16 姓名 leader 刘雯雯 member 邓淑梅 leader 徐钟池 member 丘愉权 member 李伟杰 member 陈玉凤 member 吴文祥 member 何秀虹 Group11 姓名 leader 林丽红 member 张秀娣 member 陈保锋 member Group12 姓名 leader 丘茂艺 member 张敏方 member 何海燕 member 刘丽珍 member 宁金顺 分组之后,我们还需确定组内成员的分工安排。组长为小组的总指挥,负责小组每周的课外学习内容,时间,地点的安排,并指定各组员具体负责的内容,在小组合作学习过程中,还应做好详细的活动记录。各组员应友好、自觉地配合组长的分工安排,顺利完成小组学习任务。




课堂上的合作学习主要根据教学内容,课堂任务来分组进行。如我在讲授必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics时,设计了很多任务,让学生按小组完成。

如在warming up中,给予的任务是:查找有关中国的自然文化遗产的资料,也可以在课前提早完成任务;在practice speaking中,给予的任务是“If you publish a book about cultural relics,which one do you like to put in?And give your reasons.” 在listening中,给予的任务是“How can we protect cultural relics?”,而在speaking中,给予的任务是“Why do we protect cultural relics?Which things can represent China?”。学生们通过集体讨论,查找资料,总结、归纳来完成小组合作学习。这样的教学活动任务,促使英语学科和其他学科之间更充分的渗透



选其中一个环节practice speaking为例,这个环节的目的是让学生了解世界及中国的自然历史和文化遗产,同时掌握口语句型:a:What shall we put in ? b:Maybe we could put in….Can’t we put in…?I’d like to ….Shall we …? What/How about doing…?Why don’t you do …? Why not do …? Let’s do…教师可以设计贴近生活实际的话题,如书包,铅笔盒,抽屉里可以放什么东西,来操练What shall we put in ?等句型,练透以后,教师再引入如果是出版一本有关文化遗产的书你会加入什么内容,让学生既操练了对话又开展了研究讨论话题的活动。选取其中一组为例,具体做法如下:



3)小组活动:课堂上信息交流,整合,分工合作,准备本组报告的内容。We put the great wall in this book. The great wall is one of the famous cultural relics not only in China but also in the world. It’s 6300m long and 7horses wide. It’s made of stones,which was used to protect our homeland in the Qing dynasty. Workers built it without modern equipment in old times,so it is known as wonder of the world.


以下是他们搜集到的情况。截止2009年6月,中国已有38处世界文化遗产,它们分别是:长城1987.12 北京故宫1987.12 陕西秦始皇陵及兵马俑 1987.12 甘肃敦煌莫高窟1987.12 周口店北京猿人遗址 1987.12 山东泰山1987.12 安徽黄山1990.12 湖南武陵源国家级名胜区 1992.12 四川九寨沟国家级名胜区 1992.12 四川黄龙国家级名胜区 1992.12 西藏布达拉宫1994.12 河北承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙 1994.12 山东曲阜的孔庙、孔府及孔林 1994.12 湖北的武当山古建筑群 1994.12 江西庐山风景名胜区 1996.12 四川峨眉山─乐山风景名胜区 1996.12 云南丽江古城1997.12 山西平遥古城1997.12 江苏古典园林1997.12 北京颐和园1998.11 北京天坛1998.11 重庆大足石刻1999.12 福建省武夷山1999.12 四川青城山和都江堰 2000.11 河南洛阳龙门石窟2000.11 明清皇家陵寝:明显陵(湖北钟祥市)、清东陵(河北遵化市)、清西陵(河北易县) 2000.11 安徽古村落:西递、宏村 2000.11 云冈石窟2001.12 云南三江并流 2003高句丽王城、王陵及贵族墓葬2004.7 澳门历史城区2005 四川大熊猫栖息地2006 河南安阳殷墟2006.7 广东开平碉楼及村落2007.6。



5)活动评价:评价是英语课程的重要组成部分。科学的评价体系是实现课程目标的重要保障。英语课程的评价应根据新课程标准的目标和要求,实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控。通过评价,使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的全面发展;促进英语课程的不断发展和完善。小组合作学习的评价以小组评价和个人评价为主。评价应关注学生综合语言运用能力的发展过程以及学习的效果,采用形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方式,既关注结果,又关注过程,使对学习过程和对学习结果的评价达到和谐统一。传统的评价把是否“成功”作为衡量学生优劣的唯一标准,只有少数学生获得分数意义上的成功,大部分学生则注定是学习的失败者。这显然脱离了大多数学生的实际,也不利于大多数学生的发展。合作学习的评价观给现代教育带来崭新的理念。只有小组成功才有个人成功。在具体操作中,英语课堂合作学习可以引入“基础分”和“提高分”, 这是合作学习评价的一个非常显著的特色和创新之处。所谓基础分是指学生以往学习成绩的平均分;而提高分则是指学生测验分数超过基础分的程度。其目的是尽可能让所有的学生都有机会为所在的小组赢得最大的分值,指导学生的着力点定位在争取不断的进步与提高上,自己与自己的过去比,只要比自己过去有进步就算达到了目标。同时,教师要指导学生将小组内讨论所形成的共识及主要分歧作小结疏理,代表整个学习小组发言;认真听取其他小组的意见、想法,进行必要的质疑与辩解;对经过小组讨论形成的主要成果进行疏理、归纳,信息重组,必要时可以提出自己的意见想法,但不要将自己设想的“标准答案”强加给他人;对各小组的学习情况(包括讨论过程与结果)作出客观的评价。

对于这个单元的Speaking, Reading and Writing部分,我让学生按学习小组就坐,小组合作共同完成speaking, reading,talking and writing等学习任务。本节课教案如下: Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural relics(P6-7) Speaking, Reading and Writing The General Idea of This Period: This period aims at encouraging the Ss to learn to decide which eyewitness has given the best evidence,and to find and write down reasons for their point of view (how to show their agreement and disagreement). And help the Ss to organize their ideas into a composition (writing a letter of reply). Teaching Aims: 1. Get the Ss to learn to discuss which person gives the best evidence. 2. Help the Ss learn how to organize a letter to show their agreement and disagreement. Teaching Important Points: 1. Get the Ss to learn to express their agreement and disagreement. 2. Enable the students to organize a letter in the proper and efficient way. Teaching Difficult Point: How to write a letter in a correct way. Teaching Methods: 1. Create some situations for the Ss to talk actively in public. 2. Practice to improve the students’ writing ability. Teaching Aid:


A multimedia computer and a blackboard. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Ask the students to tell something about their researches. Step 2 Speaking T:Last class we learnt a passage about how to divide a fact and an opinion,and finished the forms about the three people talking about what they know about the missing Amber Room,now please look at the forms again,and discuss which person gave the best evidence in groups. You can use the following expressions to help you: Are you sure he/she was telling the truth? How do you know that? How can you be sure he/she was telling the truth? Why / Why not? That can’t be true. I (don’t) agree with you. It can be proved. I think they have said useful things. I (don’t) believe...,because.... It is (not) a fact I don’t agree that... The truth is (not) easy to know. ...has no reason to lie. T:Now write down a short list of reasons for your choice. You may begin like this: “It can be proved that...because...” For example:It can be proved that he is an Englishman because he can speak authentic English. (The leader of each group should give a report after the discussion.) (Several minutes later) T:Who can give a short report about your list to the class? (Ask some leaders of the groups to give a report.) Ss... Step 3 Reading and writing T:We have talked about what we should do to protect the cultural relics,now we’ll learn a letter from a German newspaper. The writer gives his opinion about what should be done with a cultural relic that has been found. Now please turn to Page 7,read the letter and discuss the questions on the right in page 7. Of course, this is a moral choice that is faced whenever decisions are made about what to do with cultural relics. Q1: Who do you think the Amber Room belongs to? Q2: What should you do with things you have found even if the search cost you time and money? Q3: Do you agree with Johann? 1. Give the students three minutes to work in groups. 2. Ask some students to give their point of view to the whole class. 12
