
long he was reading more books than his determined mother required, and he couldn't wait to share them with her.

起初,本痛恨读书。后来,渐渐地,他发现了一个充满机会的崭新世界。(2) 没多久,他的阅读便超出了意志


7 His mother studied the book reports closely. \job, Bennie,\

beaming son. What she didn't tell Ben or Curtis was that, with only a third-grade education, she couldn't read.

母亲认真审阅读书报告。“写得不错,本尼,”她会对满面笑容的儿子说。她没有告诉本或柯蒂斯的是,她只上 过三年学,根本不会读书。

8 \be a doctor.\


9 Sonya Carson smiled, knowing Ben must have just read a book on doctors. \you want to be,\assured him. 索妮娅·卡森微微一笑,知道本准是刚读了一本有关医生的书。“心想事成,” 她深信不疑地对他说。

10 With a goal now, young Ben soared from the bottom of his class toward the top. His teachers

were astonished. There was one thing, however, that Ben couldn't seem to conquer: his violent

temper. (3) He boiled with anger ─ anger at his departed father, anger at the hardships his mother

faced, anger at all the wasted lives he saw around him.


那就是他的火爆脾气。(3) 他满腔愤怒 —— 对死去的父亲愤怒,对母亲承受的艰辛愤怒,对自己所目睹的身边所 有荒废的人生愤怒。

11 Then one afternoon, walking home from school, 14-year-old Ben started arguing with a friend.

Pulling a camping knife, Ben thrust at the boy. The steel blade struck the youngster's metal belt buckle, and the blade snapped. Ben's friend fled.



12 Ben stood stone-still. \quietly. There and then he made a

decision. If he was ever going to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor and save others, he was first

going to have to cure himself. Never again would he let his anger run away with him.


死扶伤,他首先必须医治好自己的恶习。他决不再让自己的脾气失控。 13 In 1969 Ben graduated third in his class from Southwestern High and received a full scholarship to Yale. After Yale he obtained grants to study at the University of Michigan Medical School. This was

the start of a career that was to lead him, at age 33, to be appointed senior brain surgeon at Johns

Hopkins hospital. From around the world, other surgeons came to seek his counsel.

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14 In April 1987 a German doctor arrived with the records of Siamese twins, newborns Patrick and

Benjamin Binder. The boys had separate brains, but at the back of the heads, where they were joined,

they shared blood vessels. Their mother refused to sacrifice either child to save the other. Surgeons

knew of no other way to proceed. In many cases, when Siamese twins are separated at the back of the

head, one child survives and the other either dies or suffers severe mental injury.



束手无策。在许多病例中,连体双胎在后脑部分割时,一个孩子存活,另一个则无法存活,或者将遭受严重脑力损 伤。

15 Carson came up with a plan to give both twins the best chance of survival: stop their hearts,

drain their blood supply completely and restore circulation only after the two were safely separated.


全停止供血,直到两人被安全分 离后再恢复血液循环。

16 The entire operation took 22 hours and required a 70-person team. After the twins' hearts were

stopped and their blood drained, Carson had only one hour to separate the damaged blood vessels. He

worked smoothly and quickly, easing his instruments deep into the brains of the two infants. Twenty

minutes after stopping the twins' circulation, he made the final cut. Now, working with his team, he

had 40 minutes to reconstruct the blood vessels that had been cut open and close Patrick's head.

Another team would do the same for Benjamin.





17 Just within the hour limit, the babies were fully separated, and the operating tables were wheeled apart.

就在一小时时限将到之时,两个孩子被完全分离,两张手术台被分别推开。 18 Tired but happy, Dr. Carson went out to the waiting room. \like to see first?\


19 The students of Detroit's Southwestern High sat silently as Ben Carson described his life's

journey from an angry street fighter to an internationally distinguished brain surgeon. \

that you know there are many ways to go,\them. \

perfectly possible. But you don't have to be a surgeon. There are opportunities everywhere. You just

have to be willing to take advantage of them. (4) Think big! Nobody was born to be a failure. If you

feel you're going to succeed ─ and work your tail off ─ you will succeed!\

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你并不一定要当外科医生。机会无处不在。但你得要肯去利用。(4) 要有雄心壮志!没有人生来就是失败者。如果

你觉得自己会成功 —— 于是发奋努力 —— 你就会成功!”

20 Pausing, Ben Carson turned to his mother who was sitting in the front row.


21 \all the success I've had.\


22 Southwestern High's entire graduating class stood and clapped for a solid five minutes. Tears welled in Ben Carson's eyes.


23 Afterward, Sonya Carson embraced her son fondly. \really true, Bennie,\

be anything you want to be. And you've done it!\

后来,索妮娅·卡森深情地搂住儿子。“真的没错,本尼,”她说。“心想事成。你已经做成了!” Unit 5 Romance

Part Ⅱ Text A A Valentine Story

A letter or telephone call comes from someone you have not met, and you find yourself imagining

what the person looks like, putting a face to the hidden voice. Are you any good at this? Sometimes it is easy to get it wrong.


个隐秘的声音一张面孔。这事儿你干得来吗?有时候是很容易搞错的。 A Valentine Story Doug Bell

1 John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his Army uniform, and studied the

crowd of people making their way through Grand Central Station. 爱情故事 道格·贝尔


2 He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face
