
was hidden in her other hand. 灵长目动物的骗术




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12 Towan, the colony's dominant male, watched this whole trick, and the next day he, too, looked

Shewman in the eye and pretended that he had not yet received an orange. \

have one?\gaze steadily and held out his hand. Giving in,

she gave him another one, then saw that he had been hiding his orange underneath his foot.



13 What is intelligence anyway? If life is about survival of a species ─ and intelligence is meant to

serve that survival ─ then we can't compare with pea-brained sea turtles, which were here long

before us and survived the disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs. Still, it is comforting to realize

that other species besides our own can stand back and assess the world around them, even if their horizons are more limited than ours.



想到除了我们人类,尚有其它物种,即便它们的视野比我们还狭小,却也能退后一步,清醒地审视周围的世界,_______不 由人深感宽慰。

Part Ⅲ Text B Do Animals Fall in Love?

Do animals fall in love? These striking tales suggest that they may, but read on and decide for yourself.


Do Animals Fall in Love?

Jeffery Moussaieff Masson and Susan McCarthy

1 Humans believe they know what love is, and value it highly. Yet many who study animal behavior

are cautious about saying animals experience love, preferring to say they are not displaying \

love\genes. 动物也有情?

杰弗里·M.·马森 苏珊·麦卡锡



2 Is it really as simple as all that? What about the animals who stay together until one dies?

Evolutionary biologists often say that pairing is a way to ensure adequate parental care, but it's not

always clear this is the case. Some animals continue to accompany each other when not raising

young. And they appear to exhibit sorrow or show a sense of loss when one of the pair dies.

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本照顾的一种方式,但实际情况是否如此,并不总是很清楚。有的动物不在生儿育女的时候依然相伴。而且它们在 配偶死后表现出悲哀或是一种失落感。

3 Konrad Lorenz, studying the behavior of geese, describes a typical example. Ado's mate,

Susanne-Elisabeth, was killed by a fox. He stood silently by her partly eaten body, which lay across

their nest. In the following days, he hung his head and his eyes became vacant. Because he did not

have the heart to defend himself from the attacks of the other geese, his status in the flock fell sharply.

A year went by. Finally Ado pulled himself together and found another mate.




4 Animals may fall in love dramatically. According to Lorenz two geese are most likely to \

love\separated and then meet again. (1) He

compared this to a man who meets a woman and ─ astonished that she is the same girl he used to

see running around in a school uniform ─ falls in love and marries her. According to parrot specialist

Sue Athan, it is common for some parrots to fall in love at first sight.

动物会戏剧性地相爱。据洛伦茨观察,幼时相知,而后分开,嗣后又重逢的两头鹅最可能?堕入情网?。 (1) 他



5 Instinct may urge animals to love, but it does not say whom they will love. Seeking a mate for a

male parrot, Athan purchased a fine-feathered young female and introduced the two birds. To

Athan's disappointment, \nevertheless acted like the female wasn't even in the room.\



6 A few months later Athan was given an older female in extremely poor condition. \

a feather from the neck down,\twisted. She had lines around her eyes.

And yet the male thought she was the love of his life.\birds immediately paired off and eventually produced young.


爪子都扭曲了。眼圈处还有皱纹。可那只雄鸟却认定此鸟乃其一生挚爱。”两只鸟很快就双飞双宿,最终还孵出了幼 鸟。

7 (2) Zookeepers know, to their despair, that many species of animals will not breed with just any

other animal of their species. Timmy, a gorilla in the Cleveland Zoo, declined to mate with two

female gorillas introduced to him. But when he met a gorilla named Kate, they took to each other at

once. When it was thought that Kate was unable to reproduce, because of her advanced age,

zookeepers decided to send Timmy to another zoo, where he might have a chance to breed successfully.

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(2) 动物园的饲养员知道,许多种动物不会随便就与同类动物交配,他们对此一筹莫展。克利夫兰动物园的一



8 Defending the zoo's decision to separate the animals, the zoo director said, \

people start to put human emotions in animals. We can't think of them as some kind of magnificent

human being: they are animals. When people start saying animals have emotions, they cross the

bridge of reality.\shed light on the emotional life of chimpanzees,

also writes, (3) I cannot think of chimpanzees developing emotions, one for the other, comparable

in any way to the tenderness, protectiveness, tolerance and spiritual joy that are the mark of human love in its truest and deepest sense.\

动物园园长在为该动物园将两头大猩猩分开的决定作辩护时说:“当人们将人类的情感 赋予动物时,本人深感


简·古多尔的研究工作使人们对黑猩猩的情感生活有所了解,但她在其著作中也写道:“(3) 我无法想象黑猩猩之间会


9 Yet there is evidence of love in the devotion that members of pairs heap on each other. Geese,

swans and mandarin ducks are all symbols of marital faithfulness; field biologists tell us this is true

to life. Coyotes, often thought of as representing trickery, would make equally good symbols of

devotion, since they also form lasting pairs. Observations indicate that they begin to form pair

attachments before they are sexually active.

