
2 It was signed Hannah and written to someone called Michael. She wrote that she could not see

him any more because her mother forbade it. She would always love him, but felt it would be best if they never met again.

信的署名是汉纳,是写给一个叫迈克尔的人的。她写道,她不能再见他了,因为她母亲不允许。她将永远爱他, 不过她觉得两人最好还是不再见面。

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3 It was a beautiful letter. (2)But there was no way, other than the name Michael, that the owner could be identified.

信写得很动人。(2) 但是除了迈克尔这个名字以外,没有其他任何能确定信件所有人身份的线索。

4 The return address was nearby, so I called in. I asked if anyone there knew of a Hannah, and was

told, \ago. She's in a nursing home now.\



5 They gave me the name of the home and I called the director. (3)I explained the situation and was

invited over, arriving to find him chatting to the door guard. We exchanged greetings and the

director took me up to Hannah's room on the third floor of the large building.

他们告诉我养老院的名字,我给院长打了电话。(3) 我解释了一下情况。 他邀请我去走一趟。我到达时,他正


6 She was a sweet, silver-haired old lady with a warm smile, full of life. I told her about finding the

wallet and took out the letter. The moment she saw it she recognized it. \

letter was the last contact I had with Michael. I never heard from him again.\

moment in deep thought and continued, \much. I was 16 at the time and my mother

felt I was much too young to even be seeing Michael. He was so handsome.\




沉思了片刻,接着说道:“那时我非常爱他。当时我十六岁,我母亲认为我还太年轻,与迈克尔见见面也不行。他真 是一表人才。”

7 Just then the director was called away and we were left alone. \

name,\regards and tell him I still think of him

often. That...\and added, \

know...\marry. I guess no one ever matched up to Michael.\就在这时,有人叫院长出去,只剩下我们俩。“没错,他叫迈克尔·戈尔德斯坦,”她又开口道___________。“要是你能找到他,



8 At that moment the director returned. I thanked her and said goodbye. Downstairs the guard at

the front door looked at me and asked, \lady able to help you?\

这时院长回来了。我向汉纳致谢后便告辞了。到了楼下,在前大门值班的门卫看到我便问:“运气怎么样?老太 太帮上什么忙没有?”

9 I told him she had given me a lead.\for a while. I spent almost a whole

day trying to find the owner of this wallet.\


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10 I took it out and showed it to the guard. 我取出钱包,给门卫看。

11 The guard took one look and said,\That's Mr. Goldstein's wallet. I'd know that anywhere. He's always losing it.\

门卫一见便说:“(4) 嗨!等一下。那是戈尔德斯坦先生的钱包。这钱包到哪儿我都能认出来。戈尔德斯坦先生 老是丢钱包。”

12 \shake.


13 \

Goldstein's wallet for sure. I'll take you up to him, if you like.\


14 We found Mr. Goldstein in his room and the security man asked if he had lost his wallet.


15 Mr. Goldstein put his hand to his back pocket and, realizing it was empty, said, \goodness. It is missing.\


16 \“这是你的吗?”我说着把钱包递了过去。

17 The second he saw it he smiled with relief and said, \yes... that's it. Thank you so much.\


18 \read the letter.\


19 The smile on his face disappeared. \他脸上的笑容消失了。“你读过信了?”

20 \“我不仅读过信,我还知道汉纳在哪里。”

21 The blood left his face as he suddenly grew pale. 他脸色唰的一下子变得灰白。

22 \as pretty as she was?\


23 The security man looked at me suggesting that I not say any more.

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门卫望着我,示意我别再说了。 24 I hesitated. 我迟疑着。

25 \“说呀,请快说!”他恳求道。

26 \softly.


27 \said, \

so in love with that girl that when that letter came, my life

seemed to come to an end. I never

married. I guess I'll always love her. Oh, she was beautiful... and so sweet.\“你能告诉我她在哪里吗?”他抓住我的手问道,“你肯定知道些情况……当时我那么爱那位姑娘,因此,这封信

一来,我的生活似乎就全完了。我一直没结婚。我想我会一直爱她。噢,她那么漂亮……那么甜蜜,”他暗自笑了起 来。

28 \“迈克尔,”我说,“跟我来。”

29 The three of us took the elevator down to the third floor. Hannah was sitting alone watching television.


30 \She adjusted her glasses. She looked for a moment but didn't say a word.

“汉纳,”门卫轻声道,“你认识这个人吗?” 她扶了扶眼镜,望了片刻,什么也没说。

31 \“汉纳,我是迈克尔。你还记得我吗?”

32 \“迈克尔?真难以相信!迈克尔?是你!迈克尔!”

33 He walked slowly to her side. Michael took her around the waist and she held him tight,

whispering, \他缓步走到她身边。迈克尔搂着她的腰,她也紧紧拥抱他,轻声道:“迈克尔……我亲爱的迈克尔……”

34 The two of them sat down on a sofa, holding hands, and started to talk. They had some sixty

years' worth to catch up on. The guard and I walked out, both of us crying.


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35 Three weeks later I got a call from the director: \invited to a wedding. Michael and

Hannah are finally going to tie the knot! You know, the two of them were in this building for years and

they never met, or if they did they didn't recognize each other.\

