
A worked out B figured out C helped out D found out 21. The elderly need special care in winter, because they are ____ to the sudden change of weather.

A similar B allergic C sensitive D sensible 22. He always buys _____ bananas for his mother every time he goes home.

A a bundle of B. a bunch of C a bar of D a pile of 23. The programme “Super Girl” on Huan TV _____especially to young people. A prefers B appeals C devotes D leads

24. The school has a good _____ for its good educational quality and a high rate of students entering schools of a higher grade.

A expectation B contribution C reputation D civilization 25. He couldn?t _______ his father that John was telling the truth.

A convince B believe C admit D display 26. The boys ________to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents. A managed B attempted C attended D admitted 27. David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam ,as he wanted to be sure of passing it at the first ________

A experiment B intention C attempt D aim

28. We all agreed on our basic aims but when we got down to ____actions it became more complicated.

A specific B special C especial D particular 29. The paintings _______in the gallery are form TaiWan palace Museum.

A on show B on display C on exhibition D all the above

30.Today?s executives(主管们) are hungry, competitive, and ______

A anxious B awkward C ashamed D aggressive 31. I?ve seen her performance on television ,but never________

A in the flesh B in a flash C in a rush D in the air 32. I?d choose the small car in preference _______ the large one.

A for B of C to D on

33. The middle and lower classes in the Middle East are hopping for ______ peace ,whoever takes the power of the government.

A permanent B forever C persistent D persuasive

选修六 Unit One Art 作业 (二) 答案

二 1----5 DBCAB 6---10 CBBCD 11----15ADCCC

16---20 ABADC 21---25 CBBCA 26-----30 BCADD 31---33 ACA

选修六 Unit One Art

作业 (三)


一. 从所给的选项中选出最佳答案。

1 ____ go down town this afternoon, please post the letter for me. Which choice is wrong? A Had you B Were you to C If you did D Should you 2 You didn?t let me drive. If we ____ in turn, you ____ so tired. A drove, didn?t get B drove, wouldn?t get C were driving, wouldn?t get D had driven, wouldn?t have got 3 If it ____ for the snow, we ____ the mountain yesterday.

A were not, could have climbed B were not, could climb C hadn?t been, could have climbed D hadn?t been, could climb 4 The new airport ____ if they hadn?t stopped working on it. A would complete B had been completed C had completed D would have been completed 5 If he ____ his doctor?s advice, he ____ alive.

A had taken, might still have been B had taken, might still be C might have taken, had still been C took, might still be 6 If you ____ in good health, I ____ you on a trip yesterday. A were, would have let B had been, would have let C had been, had let D were, had let 7 I lost your address, otherwise (or) I ____ you long before. A had visited B have visited C would have visited D should visit II. 运用虚拟语气,将下列句子翻译成英语。

8. 要是没有你的帮助,我就不可能完成这件事了。

______________________________________________. 9. 假如天下雨,庄稼就能得救。

______________________________________________. 10. 如果他有时间的话,他就会和你去。

______________________________________________. 11. 我希望我知道这个问题的答案。


12. 他那样对待我,好象我是陌生人。

______________________________________________. III. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

13. He wishes he ______ (pay) more attention to pronunciation then he ______ (be) in the first year.

14. How nice it ______ (be) if the wind ______ (not blow) so hard now.

15. During the strike the workers demanded that working hours ______ (shorten) and working conditions ______ (improve)

选修六 Unit One Art 作业 (三) 答案

1~5 A D C D B 6~7 A C

8. But for your help (If it hadn?t been for your help) I couldn?t have done it. 9. If it should rain, the crops would (could, might) be saved. 10. If he had time, he would (could, might) go with you. 11. I wish I knew the answer to the question.

12. He treats me as if I were a stranger. 13. had paid, was 14. would be, were not blowing 15. should be shortened, should be improved


Unit One Art 作业 (四)

1. One way to increase your vocabulary is to learn words in families. Make sure you know what each word means. In groups make a collection of the words with the same root. predict(v.)---prediction(n.) exhibit---___________(n.) impress(v.)---__________(n.) possess(v.)---___________(n.) civilize(v.)---___________(n.) realize(v.)---____________(n.) profession(n.)---__________(adj.) convention(n.)---___________(adj.) prefer(v.)---___________(n.) differ(v.)---__________(n.) ___________(adj.)---evidence(n.) _________(adj.)---permanence(n.) ___________(adj.)---fragrance(n.) distant(adj.)---__________(n.)



2. Complete the passage using the words in the box.

Shadow district fragrant typical signature

Bunch avenue cafe reputation painting

Once there was a poor artist who wanted to enter an important painting competition. One day he took his paints and brushes to a local _______ to drink his coffee and get inspiration. The __________ where he lived was full of trees which formed a leafy ______. As he looked around him, he noticed how the _________ of the trees were growing longer as time passed. He decided to paint them in the style _______ of the Impressionists. Taking a ________ of brushes from his bag, he chose one that was suitable for painting and began. The __________ was completed soon. It looked so real that one could almost smell the ___________ flowers that hung from the branches of the trees. Happily he wrote his ____________ at the bottom of the painting and sent it to the competition committee. His painting was given high marks by the judges and it also won him a ____________ as a famous Impressionist painter.

3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets. ? 1.虽然我不是现代艺术方面的学者,但是去看展览的主意对我很有吸引力。(scholar;

contemporary;exhibition;appeal to) ? _________________________________________________________________________


? 2.你知道几何学在传统的西方艺术中曾被用来勾画绘画作品吗?(geometry) ? _________________________________________________________________________


? 3.埃及文明吸引着来自全世界各地的旅游者。(civilization;Egypt)

? _________________________________________________________________________


? 4.陶土罐非常脆弱, 所以需要小心处理。(clay;fragile)
