
选修六 Unit One Art

作业 (一)

一、 单词运用:根据句子的意义及所给的首字母提示写出单词的适当形式。 1. Because of her poor life, she was forced to have her last baby a________. 2.This meal is t______________ of local cookery.

3.These are children?s television programs aimed at a s__________ age.

4.The a______________ of the project is to help the people who suffer from AIDS. 二、完成句子:用本单元所学的单词、短语或句型填空,每空一词。 1. 我企图说话,可是有人要我安静点。

I __________________________________ but was told to be quiet. 2. 这家化工厂排出大量的污水。

This chemical factory drained out ___________________________________waste water. 3. 显然你累了。 _______________________________that you are tired. 4. 儿子在家吃好饭而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。

The son was having a good meal at home,_______________the parents were working inthe fields.

5. 夏威夷是个旅游胜地,值得一游。

Hawaii is a beautiful place for traveling,which is ________________________________ 6. 我们特别喜欢吃甜食。 We_______________________________________ sweet food. 7. 他如此紧张以致他不能集中精神考试。

He was so nervous that he couldn?t _________________________________ his test. 8. 我们力求质量而不是数量。

We _____________________________quality rather than quantity

9. 他人赃并获. He was caught _____________________________________stolen goods 10. 我有她的所有唱片, 却从未见过她本人.

I've got all her records , but I've never seen her ____________________________ 11.政府呼吁市民节约用水。

The government _______________________________citizens for saving water. 12. 他决定辞职,一方面因为他厌倦了目前的工作;另一方面他想换个地方。

He decided to quit his job. _______________________, he was tired of the present job; __________________________, he wanted to move to another. 13.真巧合,我们要搭同趟车回家。 _____________________, we will take the same bus back home.

三、 单项选择

1.--- John always thinks of others instead of himself.

---So he does. It is _of him to want to help others. A. aggressive B. evident C. typical D. convenient

2. All schools in our province _ new English textbooks to improve students' listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities three years ago. A. admired B. admitted C. adopted D. afforded

3. David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam, so that he could be sure of passing it at her first _ . A. purpose B. desire C. wish D. attempt

4. They will start their project _ at helping the poor children to be educated in China's west. A.aims B.aiming C.being aimed D.to aim 5. He came here without friends or _ and made his fortune. A. possessions B. possession C. wealth D. good

6. Tom wasn't good at physics at first,but his physics has improved_ since the new teacher began to teach him.

A. a great deal B. scores of C. plenty of D. a great many

7. __________, my deskmate and I were born on the same day and same year ,so we have a lot in common.

A.By accident B.By chance C.By coincidence D.By misadventure 8. ---The last one __________pays the meal. ---Agreed!

A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving

9. Tom worked hard, but ____________didn?t please the boss. A. one B. it C. what D. which

10. They didn't tell me a time, but I guess the party is going to begin at 9 pm. A. special B. specific C. temporary D. especial

11. Among the workers who built the stadium _ , who used to live in the countryside. A. are the peasants B. the peasants are C. were the peasants D. the peasants were

12. --- How do you like the new novel?

---It is ___________interesting than I expected.

A. a great deal much B. a great deal of more C. a great deal of much D. a great deal


13. It is ridiculous of you to be afraid of your own _________, which follows everywhere you go when there is light.

A. shade B. shadow C. figure D. sculpture

14. Of the two paintings,Mr.Black chose the cheaper one out of ________,though it was not the work of a famous painter.

A. possession B. technique C. adjustment D. preference 15. She came with a large __________of yellow roses in her hand. A. branch B. bunch C. bit D. beach

16. The good thing about children is that they _ very easily to new environments. A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. apply

17. I have got all her records but I have never seen her . A. in person B. on her own C. in the flesh D. by nature 18. ---Did he say anything that _ to you especially? ---Not really. Actually I slept through his speech.

A. adapted B. attached C. appealed D. referred 19. ---Docter, when will my father be able to leave hospital? ---I would rather he ___________tomorrow.

A. left B. should leave C. would leave D. will leave

参考答案:选修6 Unit1巩固练习一

I. 1. adopted 2. typical 3. specific 4. aim II.

1.attempted to speak. 2.a great deal of 3.It?s evident / obvious 4.while 5.worth a visit 6.have a preference for 7. concentrate on 8.aim at 9.taking possession of / in possession of 10. in the flesh 11.appealed to 12. For one thing; for another 13.By coincidence III.1-10 CCDBA ACCBB 11-19 CDBDB ACCA


Unit One Art

作业 (二)

1. Jack is late again. It is ______ of him to keep others waiting.(08 江西) A .normal B. ordinary C. common D. typical

2. The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to _____ its reality. (08 湖北)

A .make up B. figure out C. look through D .put off

3. Whether the building in this area should be pulled down has remained_____; people are still looking for other possible solutions.(12 湖北)

A unchallenged B fragile C controversial D contemporary 4. ---How did you like Nick?s performance last night?

--- To be honest, his singing didn?t _____ to me much. (10 安徽) A appeal B belong C refer D occur

5. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good _______. (10 江苏)

A expectation B reputation C contribution D civilization

6. An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a person?s character; however, they are not always ______. (11 湖北)

A practical B avoidable C permanent D beneficial

7. How could he tell them the whole truth without breaking _______ with the Party?

A confidence B faith C trust D belief 8. The orphan is optimistic and always ________ faith in the future.

A breaks B puts C keeps D shakes

9. When the smart hunter found _______ aim in the distance, he took _______ aim at it immediately.

A a;a B a;/ C an;/ D an;an

10.Our school has ___ a new teaching method to meet the requirement of the students.

A adapted B appealed C adjusted D adopted 11. He is possessed _____ the idea that he is being followed by someone. A with B of C for D on

12. You can?t legally take _____ of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.

A charge B advantage C control D possession

13. ___________, my deskmate and I were born on the same day and in the same year ,so we have a lot in common.

A By accident B By chance C By coincidence D By design 14. The phenomenon that the earth is becoming warmer has attracted ______ attention.(吉林)

A. a huge number of B . a large sum of C. a great deal of D. a great many

15. So dark are the _____ that a man standing there could not be seen. A shadow B shade C shadows D shades 16. I could just make out a figure______.

A in the shadows B in the shade C under the shadow D under the shade 17. I would like a job which pays more, but ___I enjoy the work I?m doing at the moment.(浙江)

A in other words B on the other hand C for one thing D as a matter of fact

18. It is not possible to _____ with any certainty what effect this will have. A predict B preserve C foretell D forecast 19. ---I?d like your help tomorrow. (天津)

---No problem, but can you be more ___ so that I can make advance preparations?

A serious B brief C formal D specific

20. When I _____ in the kitchen, nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted.
