
3. ____________ will be a light rain tomorrow. 4. ____________ will be sunny and cool.

审学: 练练 改改 一、翻译

1. heavy rain_________________ 2. strong wind________________ 3. light snow______________

4. weather forecast________________ 二、仿照例句写句子。 例:(light snow\\next Friday)

There will be a light snow next Friday. (clear\\tomorrow)

It will be clear tomorrow. 1. (light wind\\next Sunday)

____________________________________ 2. (heavy rain\\tomorrow)

____________________________________ 3. (sunny\\next Thursday)



“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.


一、词汇:bring 带来,bottle瓶子,picnic野餐,fruit水果,bar条;棒,peanut花生,candy糖果,wait等;等待,can罐;听

二、句型:I will bring a bottle of orange juice.我将带一瓶橘子汁。 I will bring a few cans of Coke.我将带几罐可乐。 三、语法:will和单位词

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 翻译:

1、带来( ) 2、水果( ) 3、等待( ) 4、花生( ) 5、野餐( )



模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习 I will bring a bottle of orange juice. I will bring a few cans of Coke. ......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

1、复习will的用法:will+动词原形,表示将会....... 2、a bottle\\can\\box\\bar of.....一瓶\\罐\\盒\\条..... 练习:选词填空

bottle box can bar 1. a _______ of chocolate 2. a _______ of Coke

3. a _______ of mooncakes 4. a _______ of water

审学: 练练 改改 一、仿照例句写句子。 例:( a\\box\\cakes)

I will bring a box of cakes. 1. (a few\\can\\Coke)

________________________________________________ 2. (two\\bottle\\orange juice)

________________________________________________ 3. (a few\\bar\\chocolate)

________________________________________________ 4. (four\\box\\cakes)



1. peanut_____________ 2. cookie___________

3. candy_____________ 4. sandwich_____________


“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Assessment II




二、句型:四到六单元重点句型。 三、语法:四到六单元重点语法。


( )1、There was an even smaller box in that, A. 越来越 B.更加

( )2、Today’s moon is round and bright. A.明亮的 B.饱满的

( )3、We were very interested in them.

A.对......感到很有兴趣 B.对......感到很吃惊

( )4、We celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival at home. A.拥有 B.庆祝


1. lotus seed___________ 2. red bean____________ 3. light rain___________

4. strong wind_____________

5. weather forecast______________ 6. a box of cakes_____________

7. a few bars of chocolate______________ 8. sunny and warm_______________ 9. sunny and cool_______________ 10. heavy rain________________


( )1、Autumn is ___________.

A. come B. coming C. came

( )2、I will bring some _________ and __________.

A. peanut, candy B. peanut, candies C. peanuts, candies ( )3、I will bring three __________ of milk. A. bottle B. box C. bottles

( )4、I can’t wait ___________ tomorrow to come. A. for B. to C. At


体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 7 What can I do?



一、词汇:weak弱的,slow慢,an old man 一位老人,make tea做茶,make cakes做蛋糕,clean their homes打扫房间,make them happy让他们开心,help old man on the road 帮助老人过马路

二、句型:What can I do? 我可以做什么?

I can make them happy.我可以让他们开心。 三、语法:情态动词can

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 翻译:

make tea___________ make them happy_______________ clean their homes____________

help old people on the road__________________


模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习 ----What can I do?

----I can make them happy. ......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

情态动词can:意思是“可以”,后接动词原形。 例如:I can make them happy.

改为一般疑问句:Can you make them happy? 肯定回答:Yes, I can. 否定回答:No, I can’t.

练习:根据汉语提示完成句子。 1、我能唱歌给他们听。 I can ________ to them. 2、我能帮助他们拿东西。

I can _________ _________ to carry things. 3、我能帮助他们上车或下车。

_________ _________ help them to get ________ or ________ the bus.


