
“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays?


一、词汇:during在....期间, holiday假日, learn学习, practise练习, speak说, learn words and sentences学习单词和句子, play games玩游戏, learn writing, practise listening

二、句型:---What did you do during the holidays?假期里你做了什么? ---I read many books.我看了许多书。 三、语法:一般过去时

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


1、学习________________ 2、练习________________

3、假日________________ 4、在......期间__________________ 二、选择划线部分正确的汉语意思。 ( )1、Take out your book.

A、放下 B、拿出 C、打开 ( )2、The bell rang.

A、铃 B、电话 C、电视机 ( )3、Why didn’t you run around the tree?

A、如何 B、什么 C、为什么 ( )4、I became a good swimmer.

A、游泳 B、游泳者 C、去游泳 【试说试练】

模仿,会说并能用下列句子进行会话练习: What did you do during the holidays? I read many books.

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

一般过去时:表示过去做的事情。句子中动词要变成过去式。 动词过去式的变化规则:

1、一般情况直接在词尾加ed,如work------worked 工作 2、以字母e结尾的动词只加d,如practise----practised 练习

3、以辅音字母加y结尾的,先变y为i再加ed,如worry----worried 担心

4、以重读闭音节结尾的,先双写最后一个字母,再加ed,如stop----stopped 停止

5、特殊变化的动词过去式如下表: 动词原形 过去式 意思 动词原形 过去式 意思 do did 做 take took 拿 write wrote 写 read read 读,看 go went 去 speak spoke 说


learn learnt 学习 have had 有,吃 teach taught 教 say said 说 ring rang 铃响 run ran 跑 练习:写出下列过去式的原形形式。 1、practised_____________ 2、listened_____________ 3、read________________ 4、did________________ 5、went________________ 6、learnt_______________ 7、taught_______________ 8、spoke_______________

审学: 练练 改改 一、从每组中选择不同类的一项。

( )1、A. you B. I C. holiday ( )2、A. writing .B. listening C. during ( )3、A. speak B. good C.great ( )4、A. a B. an C.learn 二、仿照例句写答语。

What did you do during the holidays?

例:I read many books. (read many books)、

1、____________________________(play football) 2、____________________________(practise listening) 三、连词成句。

1、writing learnt I

____________________________________________ 2、us to Read it !



“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 2 Katie always gets up early.

【学习目标】 一、词汇:always总是, weekday平日, often常常, after在....之后, wave挥手, return返回, sometimes有时, never从不,wave goodbye挥手告别, be late for school上学迟到, do her homework做作业, take a walk散步,play chess下象棋, read a newspaper看报纸

二、句型:Katie always gets up early.凯蒂总是很早起床。 三、语法:一般现在时、动词的第三人称单数及频度副词


导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


( )1、early A. 早晨 B.早 C. 早餐

( )2、weekday A. 周 B. 休息日 C. 平日

( )3、after A. 在.....之后 B. 在......之前 C. 在......之间 ( )4、return A. 返回 B. 往返 C. 去往 【试说试练】

模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习: always gets up early.

Katie often does her homework before dinner. sometimes plays chess with her father. never takes a walk.

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

一般现在时:表示经常反复做的或者发生的事情。一般现在时的标志就是句子中出现频度副词always, never, sometimes, often。在句子中,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要变成第三人称单数形式。


1、一般情况直接在词尾加s,如get-----gets 得到

2、以s, sh, ch等字母结尾的单词加es,如watch----watches 观看

3、以辅音字母加y 结尾的,先变y为i再加es,如study----studies 学习 4、特殊变化:have-----has 练习:

一、写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式。 例:return-----returns

1. take----___________ 2. play----__________ 3. get----____________ 4. do----____________ 5. go----___________ 6. watch----___________ 二、用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. Sometimes he ________ ( study ) birds.

2. I often ________ ( have) breakfast at 7:00 a.m.

3. Anne never _________ ( watch ) TV in the evening.

审学: 练练 改改


1. She is _________(从不)late for school.

2. Zhang peng _________(常常)plays football with Mikes. 3. Lily ____________(有时)draws pictures in the park. 4. Daming __________(总是)has dinner at 7:00 p.m. 二、仿照例句写句子。

例:( Peter\\go to school\\by bus\\always) Peter always goes to school by bus.


1. ( Jenny\\play chess\\ before dinner\\sometimes)

____________________________________________________ 2. (Amy\\go to bed\\ 9:30p.m.\\often)

____________________________________________________ 3. (John\\play basketball\\never)



“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 3 I like my computer

【学习目标】 一、词汇:search查找, find out about发现, world世界, email给.....发电子邮件, send发送;寄, greeting问候,email my friends给我的朋友们发邮件, send greetings发送问候, search for a lot of things查找许多东西, find out about countries 二、句型:I like my computer.我喜欢我的电脑。

We can play games on the computer.我们可以在电脑上玩游戏。 三、语法:情态动词can 的用法

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


1. e d s n ____________ 2. f d n i_____________ 3. d w o r l___________ 4. e a i l m_____________ 【试说试练】

模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习: I like my.....

We can.....on the computer.

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

情态动词can 的用法

can 意为“能,可以”,其后接动词原形 例如:I can speak English. 我可以说英语。

有can 的陈述句变成一般疑问句时,直接把can 提前到句首,后面内容不变。 例如:She can speak English.-------Can she speak English? 练习:选词填空(只填选项)

A. to B. for C. on D. out


1. I can search__________ a lot of things.

2. We can send greetings_____________ our friends. 3. You can find ____________ about countries. 4. What can we do __________ the computers?

审学: 练练 改改


1. search for________________ 2. find out about__________________ 3. learn drawing_______________

4. play computer games_________________ 二、单项选择。

( )1、It is not good _________ your eyes. A. to B. for C. With

( )2、Don’t play computer games _________ often. A. to B. too C. Two

( )3、Peter’s father bought __________ a computer for _________birthday. A. him, he B. he, his C. him, his ( )4、----What’s Peter doing on his computer? ----____________

A. He could collect some photos. B. He can collect some photos. C. He’s collecting some photos.


“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Assessment I


一、词汇:during, holiday, learn, practise, speak, always, weekday,often, after, wave, return, sometimes, never, search, find out about, world, email, send, greeting 二、句型:1. I read many books during the holidays.假期期间我读了很多书。 2. Katie always gets up early. 凯蒂总是很早起床。

3. Her family often has breakfast at 6:45a.m.她的家人常常在早上六点四十五吃早餐。

4. We can email our friends. 我们可以给朋友们发电子邮件。 三、语法:复习一至三单元已学的语法知识,




( )1、A.常常 B.有时 C.从不 ( )2、A.世界 B.工作 C.为什么 ( )3、A.听 B.说 C.写

( )4、A.在.......之间 B.在.......之前 C.在......之后 ( )5、A.平日 B.周末 C. 一周

二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。 ( )1、A. I read many books.

B. I visited my grandparents.

( )2、A. Lingling always gets up at 7:00a.m. B. Lingling often gets up at 7:00a.m. ( )3、A. We can email each other.

B. We can send greetings to our friends. ( )4、A. What did you learn? B. What did you read? 笔试:


1. computer like my I (.)

______________________________________________ 2. try now Let’s it (!)

______________________________________________ 3. email We can friends our

______________________________________________ 二、根据汉语意思补全句子。(首字母已给出) 1、它很快。

It’s very f_______.


I saw a________ i______________ b_________ in a book yesterday. 3、现在你可以查找许多关于它的信息。

Now you can s_________ f__________ a lot of things a_________ it.


“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.

【学习目标】 一、词汇:the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节,nearby附近的, centre中心,mooncake月饼,type类型,lotus莲花,seed种子,bean豆子,taste尝


二、句型:I enjoy eating mooncakes.我很喜欢吃月饼。 I enjoy looking at the moon.我很喜欢赏月。 三、语法:enjoy的用法

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 翻译:

1. red bean________________ 2. lotus seed_______________

3. shopping centre________________

4. the Mid-Autumn Festival_______________ 【试说试练】

模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习 I enjoy.......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

enjoy意为“喜欢”,后接动词的ing形式 练习题:仿照例句写句子。

例:I enjoy eating mooncakes. ( eat mooncakes)

1. _______________________________________ (drink tea)

2. _______________________________________ (listen to music) 3. _______________________________________ (read storybooks)

审学: 练练 改改 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. The Mid-Autumn Festival is _________ (come). 2. This mooncake _________ (taste) good.

3. I enjoy _________(read) poems when _________(look) at the moon. 4. There __________(be) many mooncakes in the shopping centre. 二、写出下列单词的过去式形式。

1. open_________ 2. enjoy__________ 3. get__________ 4. put_____________ 5. cut___________ 6. are___________


“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow.



一、词汇:forecast预报,clear晴朗的,light轻柔的;微弱的,rain雨;下雨,heavy大量的;重的,weather cast天气预报,light rain小雨,heavy rain大雨,suuny and warm晴朗又温暖,sunny and cool晴朗又凉爽,strong wind强风,light snow小雪

二、句型:It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.明天将是晴朗又温暖。 There will be a light rain tomorrow.明天有小雨。 三、语法:一般将来时

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


1、e c a l r _________________( ) 2、t i l h g _______________( ) 3、v e y a h ______________( )

4、f c s t a e o r _________________( )


模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习 It will be sunny tomorrow. There will be sunny and warm.

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】 一般将来时:

1、概念:一般将来时表示将来发生的事情。在句子中常有tomorrow明天,next year明年等表示将来时间的词汇。 2、结构:

(1)will + 动词原形 (will的意思是“将会”) 例如:I will go to Kaili tomorrow.明天我将去凯里。 注意:will的否定形式:will not =won’t 不会

例如:I will not go to Kaili tomorrow. 明天我不会去凯里。 或:I won’t go to Kaili tomorrow.

(2)be going to + 动词原形 意思的“将要做.....打算做.....” 例如:I am going to go to Kaili tomorrow.明天我打算去凯里。 He is going to go to Kaili tomorrow. 明天他打算去凯里。 We are going to go to Kaili tomorrow. 明天我们打算去凯里。 注意:否定形式:be not going to + 动词原形


will will be 1. Tomorrow ___________ clear in Beijing. 2. It __________ rain tomorrow.

it there


3. ____________ will be a light rain tomorrow. 4. ____________ will be sunny and cool.

审学: 练练 改改 一、翻译

1. heavy rain_________________ 2. strong wind________________ 3. light snow______________

4. weather forecast________________ 二、仿照例句写句子。 例:(light snow\\next Friday)

There will be a light snow next Friday. (clear\\tomorrow)

It will be clear tomorrow. 1. (light wind\\next Sunday)

____________________________________ 2. (heavy rain\\tomorrow)

____________________________________ 3. (sunny\\next Thursday)



“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.


一、词汇:bring 带来,bottle瓶子,picnic野餐,fruit水果,bar条;棒,peanut花生,candy糖果,wait等;等待,can罐;听

二、句型:I will bring a bottle of orange juice.我将带一瓶橘子汁。 I will bring a few cans of Coke.我将带几罐可乐。 三、语法:will和单位词

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 翻译:

1、带来( ) 2、水果( ) 3、等待( ) 4、花生( ) 5、野餐( )



模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习 I will bring a bottle of orange juice. I will bring a few cans of Coke. ......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

1、复习will的用法:will+动词原形,表示将会....... 2、a bottle\\can\\box\\bar of.....一瓶\\罐\\盒\\条..... 练习:选词填空

bottle box can bar 1. a _______ of chocolate 2. a _______ of Coke

3. a _______ of mooncakes 4. a _______ of water

审学: 练练 改改 一、仿照例句写句子。 例:( a\\box\\cakes)

I will bring a box of cakes. 1. (a few\\can\\Coke)

________________________________________________ 2. (two\\bottle\\orange juice)

________________________________________________ 3. (a few\\bar\\chocolate)

________________________________________________ 4. (four\\box\\cakes)



1. peanut_____________ 2. cookie___________

3. candy_____________ 4. sandwich_____________


“体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Assessment II




二、句型:四到六单元重点句型。 三、语法:四到六单元重点语法。


( )1、There was an even smaller box in that, A. 越来越 B.更加

( )2、Today’s moon is round and bright. A.明亮的 B.饱满的

( )3、We were very interested in them.

A.对......感到很有兴趣 B.对......感到很吃惊

( )4、We celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival at home. A.拥有 B.庆祝


1. lotus seed___________ 2. red bean____________ 3. light rain___________

4. strong wind_____________

5. weather forecast______________ 6. a box of cakes_____________

7. a few bars of chocolate______________ 8. sunny and warm_______________ 9. sunny and cool_______________ 10. heavy rain________________


( )1、Autumn is ___________.

A. come B. coming C. came

( )2、I will bring some _________ and __________.

A. peanut, candy B. peanut, candies C. peanuts, candies ( )3、I will bring three __________ of milk. A. bottle B. box C. bottles

( )4、I can’t wait ___________ tomorrow to come. A. for B. to C. At


体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 7 What can I do?



一、词汇:weak弱的,slow慢,an old man 一位老人,make tea做茶,make cakes做蛋糕,clean their homes打扫房间,make them happy让他们开心,help old man on the road 帮助老人过马路

二、句型:What can I do? 我可以做什么?

I can make them happy.我可以让他们开心。 三、语法:情态动词can

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 翻译:

make tea___________ make them happy_______________ clean their homes____________

help old people on the road__________________


模仿,会说并能用下列单词说句子并进行会话练习 ----What can I do?

----I can make them happy. ......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

情态动词can:意思是“可以”,后接动词原形。 例如:I can make them happy.

改为一般疑问句:Can you make them happy? 肯定回答:Yes, I can. 否定回答:No, I can’t.

练习:根据汉语提示完成句子。 1、我能唱歌给他们听。 I can ________ to them. 2、我能帮助他们拿东西。

I can _________ _________ to carry things. 3、我能帮助他们上车或下车。

_________ _________ help them to get ________ or ________ the bus.



体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit 8 We shouldn’t waste water.


一、词汇:should应该,waste浪费,blouse女士短上衣,enough足够的,save节约,drop(一)滴,fresh新鲜的。 二、句型:We should keep the rivers clean. We shouldn’t kill wild animals. 三、语法:情态动词should

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


1. w h b l o u s e m o q __________________ 2.e n o u g h t q g m __________________ 3. w a a r g z n f r e s h ________________ 4. m u y w a s t e e s a p _____________ 【试说试练】

用下列句型进行讨论: We should .... We shouldn’t....

如:We should keep the rivers clean.

We shouldn’t spit on the road. ......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

情态动词should表示“应该”,否定形式should not==shouldn’t“不应该” 其后接动词原形。 练习:选词填空

should shouldn’t 1. We _________ litter.

2. We _________ keep the rivers clean. 3. We _________ pick flowers in the park. 4. We _________ spit on the road.

审学: 练练 改改 一、单项选择

( )1、There _______ enough water on the earth. A. aren’t B. are C. isn’t

( )2、We must save every ________ water. A. drop B. drop of C. 不填

( )3、We should use bikes instead ________ cars. A. of B. with C. to



1. kill We shouldn’t animals wild (.) _________________________________________

2. clean fresh We should the air and keep (.) _________________________________________ 3. plant should We more trees (.) _________________________________________


体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit9 This bird is bigger than the first one.


一、词汇:than比,clay黏土;泥土, big, bigger, biggest small, smaller, smallest tall, taller, tallest

short, shorter, shortest long, longer, longest 二、句型:Tom is taller than mike.

Tom’s hair is shorter than Mike’s. 三、语法:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 完成表格。 原级 比较级 最高级 tall taller tallest big longer smaller shorter 【试说试练】 运用比较级的句型结构练习说句子。 例如:I am taller than you.

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】





三:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的变化方法如下: 1、规则变化 情况 加法 例词 一般情况 直接加er, est tall--taller--tallest 以e结尾的词 加r,st nice--nicer--nicest 以“辅音+y”结尾的词 变y为i再加er,est dry--drier--driest heavy--heavier--heaviest 以一个辅音字母结尾的辅音字母双写,再加er,est thin--thinner--thinnest 词 big--bigger--biggest fat--fatter--fattest 多音节和部分双音节的在词前加more,most more delicious 词 most delicious 2、几个不规则的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级如下表: 原级 比较级 最高级 good,well better best bad, ill worse worst many, much more most far farther\\further farther\\furthest little less least 四:比较级句型结构:A+be动词+比较级+than+B (A比B更....) Tom is taller than John. 汤姆比约翰高。


1、变比较级:loud__________ short___________ 2、变最高级:big__________ high___________ 3、变原级:faster__________ smaller_________

审学: 练练 改改 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. Lucy’s hair is _________ (long) than Jenny’s. 2. Peter is the _________ (tall).

3. This is the ___________ (four) one.

4. Wei Lei’s wallet is __________ (big) than __________ (John). 二、选出画线部分正确的汉语意思。

( )1、Once there were there big birds in a forest. A. 从前 B.有一天 C.一次

( )2、The birds decided to sing together. A. 准备 B.决定 C. 开始

( )3、They are really the best singers in the forest!


A. 最差的 B.最大的 C. 最好的


体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Assessment III


一、词汇:复习7到9单元单词及短语。 二、句型:复习7到9单元句型。


一、熟读单词及课文。 二、完成课本书面练习题。 三、选出每组中不同类的一项。

( )1. A. or B. weak C. and ( )2. A. house B. home C. himself ( )3. A. slow B. coffee C. tea ( )4. A. carry B. make C. can ( )5. A. help B. on C. off 四、连词成句。

1. biggest It’s the (.)

_______________________________________ 2. faster runs Peter (.)


3. bigger third It’s than one the (.) _______________________________________ 五、将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。 ( ) You need water. Everyone needs water. ( ) I’m sorry, Mum.

( ) What are you doing, dear? ( ) Why?

( ) We shouldn’t waste water. ( )I’m washing my blouse.



体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit10 I don’t feel well today.


一、词汇:feel, well, cough, headache, fever, medicine, rest, just,

have a cough, have a headache, have a fever, take medicine, have a good rest 二、句型:---What’s wrong with you? ---I don’t feel well. ---I have a fever.

三、语法:What’s wrong with you?

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


( )1. feel A,感觉 B,感情 C,摔倒 ( )2. check A,咳嗽 B,中心 C,检查

( )3. well A,(身体)好的 B,为什么 C,浪费 ( )4. just A,跳 B,只是 C,果汁 【试说试练】

创设情景,练习会话: ----What’s wrong with you? ----I don’t feel well today? ......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

What’s wrong with you?用来询问他人的身体状况。也可以说:What’s the matter with you?意思都是“你怎么了?”。 练习:情景交际

( )1、医生要检查身体时会说:____________ A. Let me check. B. Let’s have a picnic. ( )2、梅梅感冒了,你会建议她说:____________ A. Drink more juice. B. Drink more water.

( )3、小明今天上课精神不佳,老师会关切地问:___________ A. What’s that? B. What’s wrong with you?

审学: 练练 改改 一、英汉互译。

1. feel_________ 4、看病____________ 2. ill________ 5、吃药____________

3. rest_________ 6、好好休息____________

二、根据表格内容完成对话。 Amy Mike John have a cold have a headache have a cough


Doctor: What’s wrong with you? Amy: I have a cold.

Doctor:______________________ Mike:_______________________ Doctor:______________________ John:_______________________


1. fever You a have (.)

____________________________________________ 2. Just rest good have a (.)


3. takes doctor see Her mother her to a (.) ____________________________________________


体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit11 Shall we go to the theatre?


一、词汇:theatre, call, plan, idea, play, concert, hall, film 二、句型:---Shall we go to the theatre?Let’s see a film. 三、语法:一般将来时shall,let’s

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】


1.c l a l ______________ 2.n a p l ____________ 3.e i a d ______________ 4. a p y l ______________



Shall we go to the theatre? Let’s enjoy the music. ......

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】



Shall“将会”,用在一般将来时的句子中,主语通常是第一人称。 例如:I shall go to the cinema tomorrow. Shall we go to the theatre?

2、let’s==let us “让我们”,后接动词原形。 例如:Let’s go. 连线题:

1. Shall we ro to the cinema? A. Let’s enjoy the music. 2. Shall we go to the theatre? B. Let’s see a film. 3. Shall we go to the concert hall? C. Let’s see a play.

审学: 练练 改改 一、判断下列翻译是否正确。

1. free 感觉 2. pig 猪

( ) ( )

3. diary 日记 4. carnival 春节 ( ) ( )

5. yourselves 你自己 6. newspaper 报纸 ( ) ( )


1. good 2.enjoy 3. make 4. see

A. Play B. A film C. Idea D. The music

a. 看电影 b. 好主意 c.制定计划 d.享受音乐


1. go see Let’s play and the (.) ____________________________________

2. talking they’re day the plan about for the (.) ____________________________________ 3. that I play know (.)




体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Unit12 It’s Christmas again!

【学习目标】 一、词汇:Christmas, decorate, colourful, light, present, dress up, Santa Claus, receive, merry, greet

二、句型:Here’s a present for you. 三、语法:

导学: 试读 试写 试说 试练 【试读试写】 翻译:

1. dress up_____________ 2. give out_____________

3. roast turkey_______________ 4. Christmas pudding_____________ 5. Christmas Day______________ 6. the Spring Festival___________



----Hi, Amy. Merry Chritsmas! ----Merry Christmas to you, too! ----Here’s a present for you.

----Thank you. Here’s one for you, too.

议学: 试悟 试练 【试悟试练】

Here’s a present for you.这是给你的礼物。 Here’s==here is 练习:选词填空。

up out on to

1. Christmas falls __________ 25th December. 2. I can’t wait ___________ open it.

3. People dress _________ like Santa Claus.

4. They give __________ small presents to children.

审学: 练练 改改 一、连词成句。

1. Christmas It’s again !

_______________________________________________ 2. Present Here’s you for a .

_______________________________________________ 3. too Merry you Christmas to ,!




( )1、before A.在......之前 B.在.....之后 C.在.....之间 ( )2、hearty A.心脏 B.丰盛的 C.美味的 ( )3、ham A.火腿 B.汉堡包 C.鸡腿 ( )4、decoration A.盛装 B.装满 C.装饰物


体验型课堂”学习方案 英语(六年级上册)班级_________ 姓名___________

Assessment IV


一、词汇:10到12单元单词及短语。 二、句型:10到12单元重点句型。 三、语法:10到12单元重点知识。

一、复习单词及短语。 二、朗读课文。

三、完成课本书面练习题。 四、写出下列单词的过去式。

1. go_________ 2. see___________ 3. have__________ 4.say_________ 5.read__________ 6.cut__________ 7.put_________ 8.buy__________ 9.bring__________ 10.get_________ 12.eat__________ 13.make__________ 14.come________ 15.can__________ 16.do___________ 17.begin__________ 18.give_________ 19.are_________ 20.is_________ 21.feel__________ 22.hear________ 23.know_________ 24.tell__________ 25.think_________ 26.write_________ 27.wear__________ 28.sit__________ 29.ring__________ 30.swim_________ 31.run__________ 32.find__________ 33.sing_________ 34.drink_________ 35.stand_________ 36.meet_________ 37.speak_________ 38.take_________ 39.sleep_________ 40.fly_________


1.do___________ 2.go__________ 3.have____________ 4.watch___________ 5.wash_________ 6.try___________


7.cry__________ 8.play___________ 9.fly___________

10.make__________ 11.study___________ 12.write__________


1.tall_________ 2.big___________ 3.high___________ 4.fat_________ 5.thin_________ 6.nice_________

7.beautiful_________________ 8.good__________ 9.little__________ 10.many_____________


1. I can help them on the read. 2. I will bring a few cans of Coke. 3. We can email each other. 4. Write an email to your friend. 5. There will be a heavy rain. 6. It will rain tomorrow.


______________ ______________ _______________ ______________ ________________ _______________ 22
