
Unit 2 Short conversations

1. A. He should learn the Olympic spirit in tomorrow’s race.

B. He should remember the Olympic spirit.

C. He should relax and not worry about tomorrow’s race. D. He should compete fairly in the Olympic Games 2. A. The competitive nature of the Olympic Games.

B. The huge effort Olympic athletes must make. C. The lives of Olympic sports stars.

D. The gold medals awarded to Olympic winners.

3. A. Because he thinks the hundred-meter dash doesn’t involve much effort.

B. Because he thinks the longer races involve much greater effort.

C. Because he thinks the hundred-meter dash involves as much effort as longer races. D. Because he thinks the longer races don’t involve great effort, either. 4. A. She doesn’t believe it.

B. She believes much of it.

C. She isn’t sure whether it is true. D. She believes it is completely true. 5. A. Yes, he was good enough to do so. B. Yes, he had an opportunity to do so.

C. No, he lost his chance because he was hurt. D. No, he never had the heart to compete.

6. A. Because his mother helped him get strong. B. Because his mother said so. C. Because he swore he would.

D. Because his mind was on the medal.

7. A. Because he wants to be ready for the Olympics. B. Because he is used to denying himself. C. Because he doesn’t like healthy food. D. Because he doesn’t like sweet food.

8. A. Most people don’t want to put in so much effort. B. Most people don’t want to enter the Olympics. C. Most people don’t know how to get there at all. D. Most people don’t want to be like the athletes. 9. A. One. B. Two. C. Four. D. Five. 10. A. 1958. B. 1975. C. 1896. D. 1869.

Long conversations

1. A. Because he is excited about the upcoming Olympics.

B. Because he is the world’s greatest amateur athlete. C. Because he is going to compete in the Olympics. D. Because he is exercising every day.

2. A. He is so strong that he’ll win in the Games.

B. He is strong enough to enter the Olympics. C. He isn’t sure whether he is strong enough. D. He isn’t strong enough for the competition.


Unit 2 3. A. It’s greater than the woman thinks.

B. It’s as strong as his heart.

C. It’s unequaled among amateurs. D. It’s his only problem.

4. A. She heard it from some other athletes.

B. She believes he has no problems.

C. She has seen him win races in the past. D. She has seen him run without stopping. 5. A. The Olympics will never accept him. B. His determination is not strong enough. C. He needs more passion to compete. D. The Games have already finished.

Long conversation 2

1. A. People can get injured easily.

B. People can die by not getting air. C. People can fail to go up fast enough. D. People can meet dangerous fish.

2. A. Not coming up to the surface too fast.

B. Paying attention to dangerous fish and stuff.

C. Receiving enough training and following the rules. D. Wearing protective clothes to avoid being hurt.

3. A. Nothing can go wrong. B. It isn’t really that interesting.

C. There are too many rules. D. It’s an amazing experience. 4. A. It’s an exciting sport. B. It’s more dangerous than diving. C. It’s for people who are stupid. D. It’s not even worth trying. 5. A. Because there is a pool that isn’t so deep.

B. Because it can be an amazing experience. C. Because it’s a whole other world down there. D. Because she can see all kinds of fish and things.


1. A. Because the Olympics were in Germany that year.

B. Because many countries and athletes would participate. C. Because a black athlete was competing in Hitler’s Germany. D. Because the world’s greatest athletes would participate. 2. A. They believed Germany would win the most gold medals.

B. They believed white people were better than black people. C. They believed Hitler was Germany’s greatest leader ever. D. They believed Jesse Owens could win many gold medals. 3. A. Jesse Owens was a black. B. Americans beat Germans.

C. Owens won four events. D. Germans set no world records. 4. A. He participated in the Olympics in 1936.

B. He won four gold medals in a single Olympics. C. He was known all over the world.

D. He demonstrated that black people were as good as people of other races.


Unit 2 5. A. Because he set many world records in his sport.

B. Because he won four gold medals in 1936. C. Because he wrote great books after the Games. D. Because he showed the true Olympic spirit.

Passage 2

1. A. People don’t agree about it being a sport.

B. People of all ages enjoy doing it every day. C. People learn how to do it only in classes.

D. People don’t know much about aerobic dancing.

2. A. It teaches good values. B. It makes the mind stronger. C. It improves your life. D. It rids you of stress.

3. A. The teacher of the class. B. The person introducing the activity.

C. Other people in the class. D. A special coach in the room.

4. A. It helps you keep your figure. B. It helps you become stronger.

C. It brings you together with other people. D. It requires strength to do it right.

5. A. Only people who want to become better athletes.

B. Only people who want to become healthier.

C. Only people who want to lose weight and get fit. D. People who want more out of life.

Compound dictation

Words and Their Stories: Baseball

Now here are some common expressions from baseball. Someone who is “1) __________________” is intelligent and able to do a good job, but a person who “threw a curve ball” 2) _________________. Someone who “steps up to the plate” is ready to do his or her job. “A pinch hitter” takes the place of someone else 3) _______________. A person who “strikes out” or “goes down swinging” attempted something but failed. We also might tell the person that “three strikes and you are out”, but someone who “hit a home run” or “4) ______________” did something extremely well. Sometimes I have to give information quickly without time to 5) __________, then I would say something “right off the bat”. If someone is doing an extremely good job and 6) __________, you might say he or she is “batting one thousand”. If I say I want to “touch base with you”, I will talk to you from time to time about something we plan to do. I might say I “touched all the bases”, if I did what is necessary to 7) _________. And if I “covered my bases” I was well prepared. However, someone who is “way off base” 8)__________ or may be even dishonest or immoral. A person with strange ideas might be described as “out in the left field”. Let us say I want to sell my car, but I do not know exactly 9) _________. If someone asks me the price, I might give “a ballpark figure” or “a ballpark estimate”. If someone offers me an amount that is 10) _________, I might say the amount is “in the ballpark”.


Unit 3 Short Conversation 1. A. The secret of the success of her mixed marriage. B. The way she deals with problems in her marriage. C. The reason why she wanted to marry a foreigner. D. The problems she experiences in her mixed marriage. 2. A. They are successful in general.

B. They have race problems.

C. They have been discussed a lot. D. They do more harm than good.

3. A. She finds them too charming to get married to.

B. She thinks she will have difficulty with French culture. C. She believes French culture is not as good as other cultures. D. She feels they are not as charming as people tend to think. 4. A. To marry someone of a different race.

B. To travel very far to get married.

C. To receive criticism about his marriage. D. To have an easier marriage than others.

5. A. He asked about different places to get married.

B. He planned ways to have a successful marriage.

C. He looked for clues as to how to have a happy marriage. D. He learnt about his wife’s culture.

6. A. Because the man hasn’t got enough money.

B. Because the man put it off till a later time. C. Because the man is from a different culture. D. Because the man couldn’t afford the wedding. 7. A. Getting a lot of help in China.

B. Understanding marriage better.

C. Becoming familiar with Chinese culture. D. Learning the Chinese language. 8. A. Someone who is tougher than he is.

B. Someone who is from a similar culture. C. Someone who is ready to accept his culture.

D. Someone who will easily adapt o another culture. 9. A. He is her husband.

B. He is her brother. C. He is a friend of hers.

D. He is her husband’s friend. 10. A. 60 percent.

B. 65 percent. C. 70 percent. D. 75 percent.

