
Unit 4 I like the city very much

【单词回顾】 明信片_______ 脏的________ 害怕_______ 因为________ 出售______ 农村_______ 剧院________ 想念_______ 整天_________

一、重点单词及短语:holiday, interesting, dirty, afraid, outside, sell, country, theatre, miss, so many, go outside, be afraid to, at night, go to sleep, too many, go back home, be different to, can’t wait to, be born, all day…. 二、句子:

1. I like the city very much.

2. There is much more to do in the city than in the countryside. 3. I can’t go to sleep because there are too many cars. 4. I can’t wait to go back home and see all my friends. 三、重点精析:

1. holiday 假日 summer holiday 暑假 winter holiday 寒假 Holiday, vacation, 和leave 的区别:



New Year’s Day is a holiday for everyone. 3)leave表示“休假”“假期”,主要指雇员因有某种理由而获准的休假;还通常指军队、政府、机关等的休假。

She has been given sick leave. 她获准休病假。 2. interesting 表示“有趣的,引起兴趣的”,用来描述事物的特征。 This movie is so interesting.

interested 表示“感兴趣的”,用来描述人的感受。 be interesting in sth. / doing sth. I’m interested in English.

3. be afraid for 害怕…… be afraid to do … 害怕做……

我害怕蛇。 ________________________________________________________ Amy害怕在河里游泳。 _______________________________________________ 注:be afraid of doing sth. 和be afraid to do sth. 的区别:

前者指因顾及后果而怕做某事;后者则侧重表示因担心做某事有后患而不愿或不敢做某事。 他害怕爬树。 _______________________________________________________ 他不敢怕这棵树。 ___________________________________________________ 4. at 的用法:

1)表示时间或时刻:at night, at noon, at six o’clock, at dawn, at the weekend… 2)表示在某处:at home, at school, at the gate, at the hospital… 5. too many 太多;用来修饰可数名词复数。 too many cars too much 太多;用来修饰不可数名词。 too much water

much too 太……;用来修饰形容词或副词,表示程度。 It’s much too cold. 6. be different to 和…… 不同 反义词:the same as 和…… 一样 It’s very different to our home on the farm. 它和我们在农场的家不同。 I think the same as you do about this. 在这件事上,我的想法和你一样。

7. because 因为,用来描述原因,引导从句。通常用来回答why提问的问题。 I can’t go there because I must do my homework. -------Why do you like live in the countryside? ------Because it’s quiet and comfortable.



1. That is not _____ kite.That kite is very small, but ______ is very big. ( I ) 2. My holiday is very ________(interest).

3. The traffic _____(be) very heavy and the streets are ________(crowd). 4. _______(we) dresses are red. What colour are _______( you )?

5. I can’t _______(wait) to get back home and see all my _______(friend). 二、单项选择题。

( ) 1. My uncle gave a new bike to ________.

A. theirs B. they C. me D. I ( ) 2. Help________ answer the questions.

A. I B. my C. me D. mine ( ) 3. He is ________ in cooking.

A. interest B. interesting C. interests D. interested ( ) 4. ________ he _________ Guangzhou?

A. Do; live in B. Does; live in C. Do; lives on D. Does; lives on ( ) 5. There are _______bread on the table.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too ( ) 6. In the city, it’s crowded. And it’s very noisy _______.

A. too B. also C. to D. either ( ) 7. Let _____give ____a book.

A. me, your B. you, my C. me, you D. you, mine ( ) 8. ---Why do you like this dog? --- _______it’s cute.

A. Of B. Because C. As D. With ( ) 9. 1.-What are in English? -They’re basketballs.

A. this B. these C. they D. Them ( ) 10. The traffic is too _____in the city.

A. big B. large C. heavy D. crowded

( ) 11. ---Hello! Is ____Miss Green speaking? ---No, ______is Cindy speaking.

A. that, that B. you, I C. that, this D. you, that

( ) 12. ---Look! What is ____over there on the hill? ---I think it’s a small house.

A. this B. that C. she D. he

( ) 13. We _____at the party last Sunday.

A. enjoyed myself B. enjoyed ourselves C. enjoyed ourself D. enjoy ourselves

( ) 14. ---Do you have a computer? ---Yes, I have a good _____.

A. some B. one C. it D. ones ( ) 15. Listen to me. I have ______to tell you.

A. anything surprising B. something surprising

C. surprising D. surprising something 三.从B栏中找出与A栏各句相应的答语


( ) 1. Are you from the U. S. A. ? A. No, he's Zhou Weilun. ( ) 2. Is she Jane? B. Yes, she is. ( ) 3. Where are you from? C. No, they aren't.

( ) 4. Where is he from? D. His name is Michael. ( ) 5. Is he Tom? E. No, I'm from Canada. ( ) 6. What's his name? F. They're from New York. ( ) 7. Are they from England? G. He is from Beijing. ( ) 8. Where is Nanjing? H. We're from China. ( ) 9. Where are they from? I. It's in Jiangsu. ( ) 10. Good evening! J. Good evening! ( ) 11. Thank you. k. Fine,thank you. ( ) 12. How are you L. That’s OK. 四、完成句子。

1. 有时候我害怕出去。

Sometimes I am _______ ________ _______ ________. 2. 它和我们在农场的家不一样。

It’s very _______ _______ our home on the farm. 3. 街道又拥挤又脏。

The streets are ______ and ______. 4. 今天天气怎么样?

What’s the _______ _______ today? 5. 你可以去看电影或去超市购物。

You can ______ _______ _______ _______ or shop at the supermarket. 五、阅读理解。

What's the weather like today? It's sunny, windy and warm. I go to meet my pen pal — a girl from Dalian, in the City Zoo. The zoo is between a supermarket and a library. My pen pal's name is Lingling. She is thirteen years old and she wants to be an animal feeder (饲养员). She loves animals very much. Now we are watching elephants playing. They are funny and clever. There are many people in the zoo. They like to see animals. A boy is feeding a koala. But the animal feeder stops him. We have a good time today. ( ) 1. The weather today is ______.

A. cloudy, windy and warm. B. rainy, windy and cold. C. sunny, windy and warm D. sunny, cloudy and cool.

( ) 2. Ling ling is from ______.

A. Hainan B. Shanghai C. Taiyuan D. Dalian ( ) 3. The zoo is ______.

A. across from a hotel B. between a supermarket and a library C. next to a post office D. in front of a pay phone ( ) 4. What does Lingling want to be?

A. A doctor B. A teacher C. A nurse D. An animal feeder ( ) 5. Which is wrong(错误的)?

A. People can feed koalas in the zoo. B. Lingling loves animals.

C. We can see elephants in the zoo. D. Ling ling is a girl and she is 13.

六、 读短文,根据短文回答问题。

Mr Cook is American. He lives in a small farm near New York. Now Mr Cook and his family are going to move to a new house in New York. He has a got a new job there .He is going to work at a post office in this big kitchen. In front of the house there is a big garden. His new house is much smaller than the old one. It has only two bedrooms and one living room, one toilet and a small kitchen. But Mr Cook likes his new job. And he think life in the city is better than the life in the country. (1) Where is MR Cook’s old house?

____________________________________________________________________ (2) Is MR Cook’s new house much bigger than his old house?

____________________________________________________________________ (3) Which has more bedrooms, the old house or the new one ?

____________________________________________________________________ (4) Does MR Cook like his new job?

___________________________________________________________________- (5) Does he thinks life in the city is better than the life in the country?

____________________________________________________________ __ 七、写作:你喜欢城市生活吗?为什么?在你印象中,你觉得城市生活是怎样的?

