
________________________________________ 8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)

_______________________________________ 9.they, the tree, sing, now, under. (用现在进行时连词成句.) ______________________________ 10. The young girls are helping the old woman. (改为一般疑问句)

_______________________________________ 六、根据短文内容判断正(T),误(F)。

It's fine today. The sun is in the sky. Mr Green and his family are in the park. Mr and Mrs Green are standing under the trees and look at their children. Ann is flying a kite. The boy in a white shirt and blue trousers is her brother. He's reading a book . Ann's younger brother is too young. He can't walk and run. He's drinking milk. Ann's sister isn't in the park. She is at school.

( )1. There are five people in Ann's family. ( )2. Ann is a girl.

( )3. Ann's sister is a student. ( )4. Ann's brother is flying a kite. ( )5. Ann has two brothers.



Module 2 City life

Unit 3 Where are you from?

【单词回顾】 城市______ 学生______ 纽约________ 美国_______ 安静的_______ 便宜的________ 现代化的_________ 嘈杂的_______ 宽阔的________ 拥挤的________ 酒店______ 舒服的_________ 拥挤的,大量的_________ 缓慢_____________ 一、重点单词:tall, new, wide, crowded, big, modern, large, clean, comfortable, heavy, slow, quiet, cheap, noisy, expensive…

短语:be from; visit a museum; go to the cinema; each other; play with… 二、句型:

1. Where are you from? I am from New York City in America. 2. It’s a big and modern city but it’s quite noisy. 3. Everything is very expensive in NewYork. 三、重点精析:

1. be from = come from 来自

Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?

David来自美国。 ____________________________________________________ 你是来自法国的吗? ___________________________________________________ 2. be born 出生

我出生于广州。 _____________________________________________________ 你在哪里出生呢? ____________________________________________________ 3. go to the cinema 看电影 = go to the moves go to + 名词 表示去某地或做某事

go to the park go to the farm go to school go to work go to the hospital go to the zoo go to sleep 4. each other 互相

They always help each other.

5. play with + 名词 玩耍……; 和…… 玩

Play with water play with a toy car play with my brother

四、重点语法:人称代词:表示“你,我,他,她,它,你们,我们,他们,她们,它们”等 主格 宾格 形容词 名词 I we you he she it they 怎么样区分:



(3)没“的”------动词/介词+宾格 (介词:for, about, with, to, of…) 如:Please give me this book. This book is for me.

(4)名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词,所以名词性物主代词后面不必加名词。 如:Is this your book? No, it isn’t. It’s hers (her book). This pen is mine。

主语it的特殊用法: 1)it用来表示时间、天气等。 如:It’s six o’clock. 现在六点了。(时间)

It’s sunny today. 今天天气晴朗。(天气)

2)表示不明性别的婴儿、动物或不明身份、不确定的人。 如:-----Who’s knocking? -----It’s me. It’s a cute baby.

2) 用来指代前面提到过的事物。

如:------Where’s my dog? ------It’s in the kitchen. 【即时演练】


1. _______(他的) coat is black, but ______(她的) is red.

2. Whose wallet is this? It’s _____(我的). It’s ______ (我的) wallet. 3. I’m a new student. ______name is Helen.

4.-Are these ______(你们的) skateboards? -Yes, they’re _____(我们的). 5. Nancy is my cousin. _______eyes are big.

6. Look, there is his new book. ________(我的) is as new as his. 7. _____am a teacher. And all the students like _____(我).

8. _____often plays basketball after school. I often watch ______(他) . 9. ______(我们) buy a pair of shoes for _______(她). 10. This is no _____(I) shirt. It’s ______(he). 二、根据首字母填写单词。 1. W____ are you from?

2. Paris is so n_____ and c______.

3. The apples in this supermarket are c______ or e_______. 4. It’s big and m______ city but it’s quite n______. 5. The hotel is c_____ and c______.

6. The traffic is h______ and s____ in Guangzhou. 三、选择正确的选项。

( ) 1. This is Sandy. ______looks like _____mother.

A. He, her B. She, her C. She, his ( ) 2. Let ____give _____a book..

A. me, your B. you, my C. me, you ( ) 3. This is not ___bike. ______is broken(坏了).

A. his, He’s B. her, His C. his, His

( ) 4. These are my friends. _____names are Sam and Jack.

A. His B. Theirs C. Their ( ) 5. We _____ at the party last Sunday.

A. enjoyed myself B. enjoyed ourselves C. enjoyed ourself ( ) 6. — _________ are you from? — I’m from Shanghai.

A. Who B. Where C. How

( ) 7. — Are you from Cuba? — _________

A. Yes, they are. B. No, I’m not. C. No, they aren’t.

( ) 8. — Where are Yang Dong and Zeng Mei from? — _________ from Chongqing.

A. She’s B. He’s C. They’re

( ) 9. — Who are they? — _________ are Maria and Jane.

A. He B. They C. She

( ) 10. — _________ he come from the U.S.A.? — No, he comes from China.

A. Are B. Is C. Does

( ) 11. A: Are you from Guangzhou?

B: ______. We are from Nanjing.

A. Yes, we are B. No, we aren't. C. No, I'm not

( ) 12. London is in _______________.

A. China B. England C. America

( ) 13. A:______ they speak? B:They speak English.

A. What are B. What do C. Where do

( ) 14. A: ______ are you from? B: I'm from Tianjin.

A. What B. How C. Where

( ) 15. I can speak ______ English.

A. many B. a lot C. a little

( ) 16. Americans speak _______________.

A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese

( ) 17. A: Who ______ you English? B: Miss Gao.

A. teach B. teaches C. does teach

( ) 18. ___________ Changsha.

A. Welcome B. Welcome to C. Meet to 四、阅读理解。

My name is Zhou Dan. I’m a Chinese girl. I’m twelve. I’m from Zhengzhou, China. Do you know Zhengzhou? It’s in the middle of China. I’m in No. 8 Middle School. There are about nine hundred students and fifty teachers in our school. Ours is a good school in Zhengzhou. I’m in Class 2, Grade 1. There are 49 students in our class, 29 girls and 20 boys. My English teacher is Miss Zhao Dan. Our names are almost the same, right? She is nice to me. We’re good friends. I like English, and I like music, too. I want to find a pen friend. Please write to me.

( )1. Zhou Dan is from ________.

A. Chinese B. China C. English D. England ( )2. There are _________teachers in their school.

A. 15 B. 50 C. 900 D. 19

( )3. There are _______boys in Zhou Dan’s class.

A. forty-nine B. twenty C. twelve D. twenty-nine ( )4. Zhou Dan and her English teacher are good _______.

A. friends B. students C. teachers D. boys ( )5. Zhou Dan wants to find a ________.

A. pen B. teacher C. pen friend D. worker
