5B M3U2小卷子

Module 3 Things around us

Unit 2 Weather (1)

Ⅰ. Read and write(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号):

it was a sunny day yesterday but today its a rainy day _____________________________________________________________

Ⅱ. Look and write(看一看,写一写,每线一词,首字母已给): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Look, it’s a s_________ day today. The wind blows strongly.

2. --- What’s the boy doing? --- He’s m_________ a snowman. 3. --- What’s the temperature? --- It’s thirty d__________.

4. --- Do you like the w__________ days? --- No, I don’t. 5. --- Are there any white c__________ in the sky? --- Yes.

6. --- Can you see the building clearly? --- No, it’s a f__________ day.

Ⅲ. Choose the best answer(选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. --- What colour is __________ sun? --- It’s red. A. the B. a C. / ( ) 2. There are __________ days in three weeks.

A. fourteen B. twenty-one C. twenty-eight

( ) 3. Look, the dragonflies(蜻蜓) fly very low. It will be a ________ day. A. sunny B. windy C. rainy ( ) 4. --- __________ is the weather? --- It’s fine.

A. What B. How C. Where ( ) 5. In UK, __________ is the second day of a week.

A. Monday . B. Tuesday C. Sunday ( ) 6. It __________ snowy yesterday. The birds __________ very cold A. was…was B. is…are C. was…were ( ) 7. --- Is it one __________ today? --- Yes. It’s raining now.

A. degree B. degrees C. temprature

( ) 8. It’s a __________ day. Let’s go for a picnic in the park. A. sun B. the sun C. sunny

( ) 9. --- Pitter-patter, pitter-patter. What do you hear? --- The________. A. rain B wind C. rainy ( ) 10. --- _________ is it today? --- It’s Friday.

A. What B. What day C. That day

Ⅳ. Look, think and write(根据如下图标,写出完整的单词形式完成短文,每线词数不限):

1. 3rd Jan. Mon. 1

It’s the __________ of __________ (date). It’s __________ (week). How is the weather? It’s very cold. It’s __________ (weather). It’s __________ (temperature). It’s time to _________________________.

2. 1st Aug. Fri. 33

It’s the __________ of __________ (date). It’s __________ (week). How is the weather? It’s very cold. It’s __________ (weather). It’s __________ (temperature). It’s time to _____________________. 3. 4th Oct. Wed. 15

It’s the __________ of __________ (date). It’s __________ (week). How is the weather? It’s very cold. It’s __________ (weather). It’s __________ (temperature). It’s time to ___________________________. 4. 3rd Apr. Sun. 17 It’s the __________ of __________ (date). It’s __________ (week). How is the weather? It’s very cold. It’s __________ (weather). It’s __________ (temperature). It’s time to __________________________.

Module 3 Things around us

Unit 2 Weather (2)

Ⅰ. Look and write(朗读句子,按要求写出相应的同类词,每线词数不限): 1. --- How is the weather today, Peter? --- It’s sunny. __________ __________ __________ __________ 2. --- Children, no fishing here. --- OK.

__________ __________ __________ __________ 3. --- What day is it today? --- It’s Monday. __________ __________ __________ __________ 4. --- Why do you like June?

--- Because my birthday is in June.

__________ __________ __________ __________ 5. --- Which subject do you like best? --- I like English best.

__________ __________ __________ __________

Ⅱ. Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每线一词): 1. --- How many __________ (month) are there in a year? --- Twelve. And the __________ (twelve) one is December. 2. --- What __________ (be) the weather like yesterday? --- It __________ (be) rainy.

3. --- Do you like ___________ (wind) days?

--- Yes, and I can __________ (fly) the kites in the park.

4. --- Where __________ (be) the farmers?

--- They _________ _________ (plant) the vegetables in the field(田地中). 5. --- __________ the caterpillar __________ (like) leaves? --- Yes, it __________ (like) them very much.

6. It __________ (be) foggy yesterday morning. But now it __________ (be) sunny. It is twelve __________ (degree).

Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentences(按要求改写下列句子,每线词数不限): 1. How is the weather today? (把today改成yesterday,其余作相应变化) _________________________________________________________ 2. It’s Monday today.(根据划线部分提问)


3. It’s 7 degrees.(根据划线部分提问)

_________________________________________________________ 4. He likes sunny days.(改为否定句)

_________________________________________________________ 5. The boy had some milk in the morning? (改为一般疑问句)

_________________________________________________________ 6. What’s the weather like today?(根据实际情况回答)


Ⅳ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):

A class

The children of Class Three, Grade Five are having an English class. Miss Li is talking about the weather with the students. Miss Li: Children, what’s the weather like today?

Danny: The sun is shining today. There are some white clouds in the sky. The birds are singing happily.

Miss Li: Do you like sunny days?

Peter: Yes, but I like cloudy days best.

Alice: My favourite weather is snowy days. I like making snowmen outside. Ben: I like foggy days.

A. Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示): ( ) 1. The children are in Class Five, Grade Three.

( ) 2. Miss Li an English teacher.

( ) 3. The children are talking about the sun. ( ) 4. It’s a sunny day today.

( ) 5. Ben doesn’t like foggy days.

B. Answer the questions(根据短文,回答下列问题,每线词数不限):

1. What are the children doing now? ________________________________ 2. Can you see the white clouds in the sky? __________________________ 3. How are the birds singing? _____________________________________ 4. What weather does Peter like? __________________________________ 5. Does Alice like making snowmen? _______________________________
