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Abstract: With the development of the Internet and the change of people's life style, the takeaway has become a new way for people to eat. Thus, a variety of online ordering platform came into being. The Elema is a platform which occupies the most market share. Elema for a free lunch in the area of the major schools and white-collar workers accumulete of a large number of user groups. After that, Elema, but also through their own WeChat platform and its own website, app has a deep interaction with their users. Elema for the development of the now, I feel Elema needs to focus on food safety to takeaway rather than the users. Another important part of the takeaway is the delivery. Now Elema’s takeaway distribution mode is seller distribution, hummingbird distribution and third party logistics cooperation with the three delivery methods. After investigation, users of hummingbird distribution is relatively more happy.And the use of hummingbird distribution can establish their own good brand image.And it can also make elema’s better and better.

Key Words:elema marketing strategy food safety takeaway delivery

