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Unit 1 May I speak to kitty?

第 1 课时 教学内容: May I speak to kitty? 教学目标:


Mobile phone. Make a phone call. Go to the Internet. Send a message. Read an e- book. book.Send an e-mail.

2、能准确理解本课内容,并能在实际生活中和别人进行打电话练习。 教学重点: May I speak to…? This is … Is that…? Kitty is out.

Ask somebody to do something. Sounds good. 教学难点:

能准确理解本课内容,并能在实际生活中和别人进行打电话练习。 熟练运用短语:Mobile phone. Make a phone call. Go to the Internet. Send a message. Read an e- book. book.Send an e-mail. 教学准备:



教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。 学法:自主学习,合作探究。 教学过程: 一、热身导入

What do you think is the most useful? Number the following things from one to five. I… every day. 二、新课展示

Mobile phone. Make a phone call. Go to the Internet. Send a message. Read an e- book. book.Send an e-mail. 2、学生试读 3、引出句型 May I speak to…? This is… 4、讲述知识点

Watch TV. Listen to the radio. Listen to MP3. Play games on the computer. Use a mobile phone. 三、Look and choose

What news. Play games and. Listen to music Send an e-mail. Take photos. Call your friends.

四、Let's talk. 1.Kitty is out. Send out. 2. Hello, may I speak to…? 3. This is…

4. Could you please ask… to… 5. I'll tell her when she comes back. 6. Is that…? 7. Who is that?

8. I will use it to make phone calls and send messages. 五、拓展延伸

1、Read the words and the dialogue . 2、Preview part B.

第 2 课时 教学内容: May I speak to kitty? 教学目标:


2、通过教学更熟练的应用英语和亲朋好友通话。 教学重点: 打电话的表达. 教学难点:

一般过去时、一般将来时的用法。 教学准备: 教学资源包。

教学方法:高效课堂模式。 教法:情景教学法,趣味游戏法。 学法:自主学习,合作探究。 教学过程: 一、热身导入

May I speak to…This is … speaking.Who is that?This is … speaking. 二、新课展示

Could I have a mobile phone. I'm afraid you can't.

Mobile phones are very useful.

It takes too much time and it's bad for their eyes. I won't use it to go on the Internet or read e-books. Let me think about it. 三、重点点拨。

1.use something to do something. 2. Be bad for. 3. Think about. 4. Play tennis.

5. one is… the other is…
