
个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途

1. None of her books really lends itself to being made into a movie. 2. We learned how to handle the problems which do not lend themselves to simple solutions. fuNsDv23Kh Implement['implim?nt] vt. carry out or put into practice 实施;执行,贯彻tqMB9ew4YX 1. The current tax system has existed for years。 a new one will be implemented next year.

2. The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions.HmMJFY05dE as it wereas one might say 可以说是,换句话说 bring aboutcause to happen 导致;带来

1. How can we bring about a change in their attitude towards AIDs sufferers?

2. Many possible factors have brought about changes in the weather。 the greenhouse effect (温室效应> is an important one.ViLRaIt6sk Combine[k?m'bain] v. [(with>] join together。 unite [常与with连用]<使)联合;<使)结合9eK0GsX7H1 1. None of us has much money. But if we combine what we've got, it'll make a difference.

2. She has managed to combine her career with her family life. naK8ccr8VI in-deptha. [usually before noun] very thorough and detailed [常出现在名词前]深入地,彻底地B6JgIVV9ao 17 / 24

个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途

They eventually worked out a solution to the problem after making an in-depth study of it.P2IpeFpap5 Multiple['m?ltipl] a. [no comp.] including many different parts, types, etc. [无比较级]多样地,多重地3YIxKpScDM Pointlessa. often derog meaningless。 useless 〖常贬〗无意义地;无用地gUHFg9mdSs Specialist['spe??list] n. [(in>] a person who has special interests or skills in a limited field of work or study [常与in连用] 专家,行家uQHOMTQe79 Illusion[i'lju:??n] n. a false idea, esp. about oneself 幻想,错误观念;错觉IMGWiDkflP 1. It's an illusion to think that our company is doing well. In fact it's facing a financial crisis.

2. Credit (赊购货物> creates the illusion that you can own things without paying for them. WHF4OmOgAw in depthgoing beneath the surface appearance of things。 done with great thoroughness 深入<地),彻底<地)aDFdk6hhPd 1. We should study the situation in depth, that is, to do it with great thoroughness.

2. We'll discuss his proposal in depth before we can decide whether to accept it or not. ozElQQLi4T Pointlessa. often derog meaningless。 useless 〖常贬〗无意义地;无用地CvDtmAfjiA 18 / 24

个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途

so to speakinfml as one might say。 rather 〖非正式〗可谓,可以说,简直是QrDCRkJkxh 1. She is as accurate as a Swiss watch, so to speak.

2. The boy is, so to speak, the little king of the family.4nCKn3dlMX Passport['pɑ:sp?:t] n. [(to>] a small official book given by a government to a citizen, which proves who that person is and allows them to leave their country and enter foreign countries。 sth., such as a quality or possession, that makes it possible for a person to do or get sth. desirable [常与to连用] 护照;<获取某物地)手段 ijCSTNGm0E lay the foundation(s> for

provide the conditions that will make it possible for sth. to be successful 为···奠定基础vfB1pxanfk 1. He is always keen to observe animals, which has laid the foundation for his career in biology.

2. This agreement laid a sound foundation for future cooperation between the two countries.JbA9VhEou1 Associate[?'s?u?ieit] v. [(with>] join (people or things> together。 connect (ideas, etc.> in one's mind [常与with连用] 将<人或事物)联系起来;在头脑中联想<注意等)X7Ahr18pJI 1. He wishes to forget everything associated with his former life. 2. A lot of evidence proved that he had never associated with the criminal.b3zqXLCqXo 19 / 24

个人收集整理资料, 仅供交流学习, 勿作商业用途

Occupational[??kju'pei??n?l] a. of, about, or caused by one's job 职业地pZyytu5rc5 Equip[i'kwip] vt. 1> [(for>] make able, fit, or prepared [常与for连用] 使有能力,使胜任,使有准备

2> provide with what is necessary for doing sth. 装备,配备DVyGZezsrM 1. Her school training has equipped her for her present position in our company.

2. Not being a specialist in the subject, I am not well-equipped to answer such questions.

1. He was well equipped for the trip: bread, water, warm clothes, etc. 2. The hotel rooms vary in size and are equipped with hairdryers, televisions and telephones.RQxPvY3tFs distinction

[dis'ti?k??n] n. [C。 U (between>] the fact of being distinct。 clear difference [常与between连用]区别,明显差别;特性 5MxX1IxuU9 draw a distinction betweenpoint out differences between 指出···之间地不同jIw5xs0v9P 1. – Can you draw a distinction between these two points of view? – I think there is no difference between them.

2. He claimed that he would draw \\ make no distinction(s> between terrorism and murder.xEve2buwnw wage-earnerwage [weid?]-earner n. someone who works for wages 挣工资地人KAvmyVYxCd 20 / 24
