
摄像机、底座、镜头等相关知识,他完全可以在那里任教。”尽管他才华出众,但学业成绩太低使他转学受挫,真正的电影学校都不接纳他。 Steven contrived to rectify the situation on his own by diverting his attention away from academics. He cleaned his old suit and briefcase and returned to visiting Universal Studios where he had worked as a boy. He discreetly sneaked into any department he could, such as shooting rooms, editing and sound-mixing studios, and he quietly watched until he was discovered and ordered to leave. Introducing himself under the pretext of being either an actor, director, or producer, he would invite people to dinner to make connections and learn as much as he could. Even though he was caught and expelled at least once a day, he always returned to smuggle himself back in again.


Steven repeatedly tried to prove himself to the Universal executives, while working in a cafeteria to save up money for equipment. He would discretely create scenes and then shoot and re-shoot his movies. He kept upgrading from 8 to 16 and finally 35 mm film before he was allowed a screening. Finally, his film Amblin was given a chance in front of the executives. It was a short, silent film and the plot differed greatly from the sci-fi and combat films that would later predominate Steven's career. Still, the short film was awesome enough to win Steven, only 21 years old, a seven-year contract with Universal Studios.

史蒂文一边再三向环球公司管理层证明自己,一边在餐厅打工攒钱买设备。他将各场景单独进行创作,一次又一次地拍摄。在得到放映机会前,他不断升级胶片,从 8 毫米到 16 毫米,再到 35 毫米。最后,

他的影片《漫步前行》终于有机会出现在管理层面前。这是一部无声短片,情节和史蒂文日后职业生涯中的主流科幻片和战争片大相径庭。不过那个短片依然足够精彩,为年仅 21 岁的史蒂文赢得了环球的七年合约。

After directing smaller TV dram
