成熙英语 - 中级班 - 听力脚本(新版)

8.Change,There Is No Better Way

(1) Life in trouble A

A: So where are you working now, Terry?

B: Oh, I'm still at the bank. I don't like it, though. A: That's too bad. Why not?

B: Well, it's boring, and it doesn't pay very well.

A: I know what you mean. I don't like my job either. I wish I could find a better job.

B: Actually, I don't want to work at all anymore. I wish I had a lot of money so I could retire now.

A: Hmm, how old are you, Terry? B: Uh, twenty-six.

(2) Life in trouble B

A: So how are things going with you and Susie, Terry?

B: Oh, you didn't know? She and I broke up a couple of months ago. We decided we needed a break from each other for a while. But I miss her a lot. I wish we could get back together again.

A: I'm sure you will.

B: I really hope so. So what kind of job would you like to look for?

A: I'm not sure, but I'd really like to move to another city. I'm sick of this place. I need to live somewhere more exciting.

B: I know what you mean. It sure can get boring around here at times.

(3) I really need a change!A

Yeah, I really need a change. I've been doing the same things for ever five years now, and I'm just not learning anything new. It's the same routine every day, and I am really sick of sitting in front of a computer. I think I need to try something totally different. I want to be in a profession that involves meeting people.

(4)I really need a change!B

I really need to join a club or sports team to give me something to do on weekends. I get really bored on the weekends, and if I joined a club. I'd probably get to meet people and make new friends.

(5) I really need a change!C

I should take a typing course this summer. I really need if it for my school work. And people say that if you can type really well, it's something you'll find useful later in life.

(6) I really need a change!D

Gosh, I really have to go on a diet. I've gained ten pounds since last year, and everyone tells me I look fat. And if I don't lose weight now, I won't be able to get into any of my summer clothes.

9. Career Development

(1) Personality Traits A

A: I don't know what classed to take this semester. I can't decide what I want to do with my life. Have you thought about it, Brenda?

B: Yes, I have. I think I'd make a good journalist because I love writing.

A: Maybe I could be a teacher because I'm very creative. And I like working with kids. B: Oh, I wouldn't want to be a teacher. I'm too inpatient. A: I know one thing I could never do. B: What's that?

A: I could never be a stockbroker because I'm not good at making decisions quickly.

(2)Personality Traits B

A: My history professor says I should think about a career in politics. But I don't think I'd make a good politician. B: Why not, Brenda?

A: Oh, you know me. I'm terrible at speaking in front of a lot of people-you know, like giving speeches and things. And politicians have to speak in public all the time. B: That's true. You know, that reminds me of a problem I'm having. A: What is it?

B: You know my parents have a really successful restaurant, right? Well, my father wants me to be the manager.

A: And you don't want go?

B: No, not at all. I'd be a terrible manager. I'm much too disorganized

(3) Job-hunting A

A: Any interesting jobs listed on the Internet today?

B: Well, there are a lot of retail jobs-selling clothes and stuff. But you have to work Saturdays and Sundays.

A: Hmm. I hate working on weekends

B: Hmm… so do I. Oh, here's a job in sales. It's a job selling children's books to bookstores. A: That sounds interesting.

B: Yeah. Let's see. You need to have a driver's license. And you have to work some evenings. A: I don't mind working evenings during the week. And I enjoy driving. So, what's the phone number?

B: It's 7983455

(4) Job-hunting B

A: Delta Education.

B: Hello. I'm calling about the job you advertised for a salesperson. Is it still available? A: Yes, it is.

B: Well, can you tell me something about the job?

A: Sure. Our company sells educational books for children. We're looking for part-time salespeople to promote our books to local bookstores.

B: That sounds interesting. I'm a student, and I'm looking for part-time work. A: Well, perhaps you'd like to come in for an interview. B: Yes, I would.

A: Oh, just one thing we didn't mention in the advertisement. Some of our books are in Spanish, so we'd like to hire someone who speaks Spanish. B: Oh, as a matter of fact, I do.

A: Good. Well, let me arrange a time for you to come in for an interview.

10. Movies and Books

(1) Review on 007 A

A: [Music] Welcome to A Night at the Movies! I'm Pauline Kahn… B: And I'm Colin Hale. Good evening!

A: Tonight we're going to review the new James Bond film. Well, I really liked this new James Bond actor very, very much! B: Mm-hmm.

A: He's the best actor they've ever had in the role-warm, human, even funny. A totally believable character.

B: I have to agree, a prefect double-oh-seven type. Pauline, what did you think of the story? A: It was a standard story for a Bond movie…uh, the usual beautiful women, the usual evil villain-nothing new.

B: Well, I'm surprised. I have to say that I thought the story was unusually good. The race car scenes were exciting, and the surprise ending was great. A: Well, I can't agree with you there!

B: Well, what did you think about the photography?

A: I was not very impressed at all by the photography. Everything looked fake, not real. I can't believe it was actually filmed in Africa where the story took place.

B: I can't believe you! I haven't seen such good photography in a long time, especially in the action scenes.

A: Now that brings up another weakness in the film: the special effects. Again, it's just the same old stuff… the car that flies, the pen that's really a gun. You get tired of that kind of thing.

B: I'd hardly think you and I saw the same movie, Pauline. I have to say that the special effects were the best ever in a Bond film. For example, the scene where A: Excuse me, Colin. We're going to have to break for a commercial. B: You're right, Pauline. We'll be right back with our ratings. [Music]

(2)Review on 007 B

A: [Music] So, Colin, how do you rate the new James Bond movie that we've reviewed this week?

B: Well, Pauline, I'd have to say that I'm proud to give this movie my highest rating…four stars…and I would like to encourage everyone to go and see this movie soon! How about you, Pauline? You did like the new actor who plays James Bond.

A: That part's true, Colin; however, I have to give the movie only two stars…a rating of “fair.”

B: Hmm. Well, that's all from us tonight. See you next week. [Music]

(3) Book and Reviews A

A: What did you think of the new Stephen King book?

B: Oh, I couldn't stop reading it once I got started. I stayed up till four o'clock in the morning to finish it!

A: And wasn't the ending great?

B: Yeah, it really was! Such a surprise! And the whole story moved along so fast, too!

(4) Book and Reviews B

A: How did you like the movie?

B: Well, I walked out after half an hour. A: You did?

B: Yeah, it was so dull that I started falling asleep! And I've never seen such bad acting from Jim Carrey!

A: Oh, really? He's usually pretty good.

B: Well, not in that movie. I wish he'd choose better roles.

(5) Book and Reviews C

A: This John Grisham novel looks interesting.

B: Oh, it is. It's about a guy who joins a corrupt law firm and then can't leave. Luckily he has a brave wife who helps him out of the mess. A: Hmm. Maybe I'll read it.

B: Well, the movie is even better.

A: Oh, is that the movie that stars Tom Cruise? B: Yeah. Why don't we rent the video? A: You don't mind seeing it again?

B: Not at all. You rent the video, and I'll bring the popcorn.

11. So That’s What It Means!

(1) Body Language A

A: Have you met Raj, the student from India? B: No, I haven't.

A: Well, he seems really nice, but there's one thing I noticed. He moves his head from side to side when you talk to him. You know, like this. B: Maybe it means he doesn't understand you. A: No, I don't think so.

B: Or it could mean he doesn't agree with you.

C: Actually, people from India sometimes move their heads from side to side when they agree with what you're saying.

A: Oh, so that's what is means!

(2) Body Language A

A: So how are things at school, Raj? B: Oh, pretty good, actually.

A: Do you find it easy to communicate with people?

B: Most of the time-though there are some things I find a bit unusual-for example, the way that people end a conversation. You know, they'll say things like, “Hey, let's get together soon.” At first, I thought that they were inviting me to do something, but then I realized it's just a way of saying good-bye. It's not really an invitation at all. It takes a bit of getting used to.
