
Martha replied,“I know you want to,Stumpy,but we have a lot of bills.You know the money is tight,and$10 is$10.” So Stumpy went without.Over the next few years they returned every year to the fair, and the same thing happened:Stumpy wanted a ride,but Martha said they couldn’t afford it.Finally,when Stumpy and Martha were both about 70 years old,Stumpy fixed his eyes on Martha and said,“Martha,I’m 70 now,and I don’t know if I’11 ever get the chance again,SO I just have to have a ride in that airplane.’’Martha replied in the same old fashion,and Stumpy became depressed.The pilot standing nearby overheard the conversation and he cut in,“Excuse me folks,I have a deal for you.I’11 take both of you up together,and if you can both make the entire trip without uttering a word.I’11 give you the ride for free.But if either of you makes a sound,it’s $1 0 each.”Martha and Stumpy looked at each other and agreed.The pilot took them up,and started to climb,spin,dive,climb and spin again.There was no sound.After the pilot landed the plane,he praised the old man,“1 want to congratulate you for not making a sound.You are a brave man.“Maybe SO,”said Stumpy,“but I got to tell you,I almost screamed when my wife fell out,but$10 is$10 1. A)what did the old man want

B)He wanted to have a ride in the plane.

2.What reason did the old woman give for not riding in the plane A)They had to pay a lot of bills.

3.What happened when the old man and woman were about 70 years old C)The man wanted to fly but the woman did not want him to. 4.What deal did the pilot offer

C)The couple could have a flee ride if neither of them made a sound during

the trip.

5.What happened to the old woman finally D) She fell out of the plane

IV. Speaking Out

MODEL 1 I'd like to book hotel and airline reservations.

Travel agent: Horizon Travel, how may I help you

Helen: This is Helen Parker. I'd like to book hotel and airline reservations.

Travel agent: And what's your destination. Ms. Parker

Helen: I'm headed for Las Vegas to attend an electronics trade show. Travel agent: OK. Can you spell your name, please Helen: My last name is Parker, P-A-R-K-E-R, and my first name is Helen.

Travel agent: Will you be traveling alone Helen: Yes, I'll be traveling by myself.

Travel agent: Will that be a one-way or a round-trip ticket

Helen: Return. I plan on leaving July 21st and coming back on the 30th.

Travel agent: Will you be flying first class or business class Helen: No, no, not a chance. Economy class, the cheapest. If there's a three-star hotel located downtown, that would be great. If it has a pool, that's better still.

Travel agent: OK, let me check the computer. I can book your flight immediately. I'll have to inquire about the hotel reservation and call you back.

Helen: No problem. I'm at 658-0266, extension 513. I'll be expecting your call.

Travel agent: OK, Ms. Parker. Thank you for your call. I'll get back to

you soon. Bye bye.

Helen: Bye


A: Globe Travel Agency, can I help you

B: This is Linda Carter. I'd like to book hotel and airline reservations. A: Where are you going, Ms. Carter

B: I'm headed for Toronto to attend an industrial exhibition. A: Could you spell your name, please

B: My surname is Carter, C-A-R-T-E-R, and my given name is Linda.

A: Will you be traveling by yourself B: No, Ill be traveling with my boss, James Adams. So I need two tickets and two rooms.

A: Would you like to have one-way or round-trip tickets B: Return tickets. But since we re not sure when we can come back, I prefer open tickets for the return journey. A: Will you fly economy class or business class

B: Business class, please. My boss always flies business class. If there's a five-star hotel located downtown, that would be great.

A: Well, let me check the computer. I can book your tickets right now.

I'll have to check the hotel reservation and call you back. B: No problem. I'm at . I'll be expecting your call. A: OK. Thank you.

MODEL 2 Last week I flew non-stop to Sa~Francisco.


Nora: Hey John.

John:hey Nora: I took a course on how the airport runs, and I don't suffer from fear of flying any more. Last week I flew nonstop to San Francisco.

John: Congratulations! Which flight did you take Nora: United Airlines, Flight UA858.

John: How did it go Everything smooth sailing

Nora: Not everything. Since I hadn't traveled by air for a long time, I wasn't familiar with the airport. It took me quite a while to find the United Airlines check-in counter.

John: Then how did you find it

Nora: In fact, it was displayed on the monitor: \UA858 c~/Counter 45.\

John: And was everything OK once you found it

Nora: No, there was a terrible line-up. I had to wait there for an hour. John: I see. You must have been burned out waiting before you even boarded the plane.

Nora: That still wasn't the end of my troubles. When I finally got to the counter and handed in my passport and ticket, the airline agent looked at my passport and at me again and again. John: Why Did she think your passport was a fake

Nora: I don't know. I just told her my photo did not flatter me at all. John: Your photo certainly doesn't do justice to your beauty.
