

Flying there is not half the fun II·Basic Listening Practice

1 Script

M:would you prefer a window or an aisle seat,madam

W:Aisle,please.If there's none 1eft,then a wind。w seat is OK.But

I don't like middle seats。

Q: what is the order of the woman’s preference C: aisle-wingdow-minddle 2 Script

M:I’d like to fly economy to Thailand on October 8th.1 want to book two tickets.

W:we have only one seat left in economy,but we will give you two business class seats for the same price as one economy and,one business class seat. Q:What can the man get

B: Two business class tickets at a reduced price 3 Script

M:Excuse me,where do I check in for British Airways to London I can’t find the

right check-in counter.

W:You should go to Counter 26 on the left-hand side.sir.It's just next

to Thai Air.You’d better hurry, though. There’s a long queue Q:What does the woman say ”

C)The British Airways counter is counter26. 4.Script

W:Airport security checks always make me nervous.I’m afraid I’11 set

off the alarm

because of the jewelry I’m wearing. ’

M:I know. I’ll set off the security alarm. I have a steel plate in my arm from a rugby


Q:Why will the man set of the alarm D)Because he has a metal plate in his body 5.Script

M:Welcome home! Here,let me take your suitcase.The car is out in the parking lot.

your plane was two hours late:you must be exhausted.

W:Yes,we have to check in three hours before take-off time;secufity guards take

ages searching carry_0n stuff, but they ignore check-in baggage.Strange system.

Q:What is the woman NOT complaining about A)Security guards search her check-in suitcase

III.Listening In

Task 1: the smaller the airport, the bigger the checkup

Paul:The airport security checks sometimes seem very strange to me. Sylvia:What do you mean

Paul:I just completed an international flight.And with all the threats to security of travel today I expected to have my luggage searched. Sylvia:that’s understandable.I mean, with all the fear that’s out there

about terrorism, of course they’re going to check your baggage—especially your carry—ons.

Paul:I don’t mind them checking my baggage.In fact,I expect it.But

there seems to be an inverse ratio at work.

Sylvia:What on earth do you mean They check everyone’s baggage,don’t they

Paul:Yes,but here’s what’s funny:The smaller the airport,the greater the security.The less likely a plane is to be hijacked,the more precautions they take.

Sylvia:Are you serious Why should a small airport be more aware of security

than a large one

Paul:Here’s what I’ve experienced:Once at a small airport,they seized a roll of adhesive tape and argued that it could be used in hijacking.Then they asked me to remove my digital camera from its case and demonstrate that it could take pictures.

Sylvia:And is this different from a large airport

Paul:According to my experience,it is.When I flew from Vancouver to Paris,they simply ran my bags through the scanner, and 1 was on my way Sylvia:If that’s the case,the baggage checking system is really strange.

Paul finds the airport security checks sometimes very strange.In an international flight he did expect to have his luggage searched.Sylvia agrees, knowing that with a11the fear that’s out there about terrorism,they will check passengers’ baggage—especially their carry-ons.In fact, Paul does not mind them checking his baggage but there seems to be an inverse ratio—at work:The smaller the airport, the greater the security. The less likely a plane is to be hijacked, the more precautions they take.Paul further says that once at a small airport, they seized a roll of adhesive tape to prevent hijacking.They also asked him to remove his

digital camera from its case and demonstrate that it could take pictures.On the other hand,a large airport is different.When Paul—flew from Vancouver to Paris,they simply ran his bags through the scanner, and he was on his way. Finally, Sylvia admits that the baggage checking system is strange

Task 2: jet lag

Jet 1ag is the feeling of tiredness that comes after crossing time zones in an airplane.People get jet lag often,especially if they travel far.For example,a flight from New York to Beijing is a tong trip.Passengers will cross many time zones and may have a bad case of jet lag.However, there are some things that can help reduce jet lag.First.drink a lot of liquids.Water is the best liquid to drink.Also,eat low—fat foods during the flight.Noodles are always a good choice.Next,try to do some exercise on the plane.Walk around or stretch your muscles.Also,try to adjust your schedule to correspond with the local time as soon as you can.For instance, if you usually go to sleep at 10 ., then when the local time is 10 p.m.,go to bed.Finally,when you arrive at your destination.get some exercise.Ask the front desk clerk where the hotel’s gym is.Remember that if you adjust your schedule to correspond with the local time,your jet lag will not be too bad. In general, your body takes only a few days to reset its biological clock,and you’ll soon overcome jet lag. 1.T

Task 3: $10 is $10

One day,an old man named Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the Illinois State Aviation Fair A man was selling plane tides for$10 per person.Stumpy was fascinated and said to,Martha,“I think we really should try that.”
