be that stated in the relevant Resolution.
(iv) Subject to the provisions of the Act and without prejudice to Article 4 (a) any shares may be issued which are to be redeemed or are liable to be redeemed at the option of the Company or the holder of such shares on such terms and in such manner as may be provided by the Articles or as the Company may by Resolution to determine. Regulation 3 of Table A shall not apply. (4)¸ù¾Ý¡¶¹«Ë¾·¨¡·µÄ¹æ¶¨ºÍÖ»Òª²»ÓëµÚËÄÌõµÚ1¿îÏà㣣¬Èκα¾¹«Ë¾»ò¹É¶«¿ÉÒÔ°´±¾Õ³ÌÌõ¿î¹æ¶¨»ò±¾¹«Ë¾¾öÒé¹æ¶¨Ö®Ìõ¼þºÍ·½Ê½Êê»ØÖ®¹É·Ý¾ù¿ÉÓèÒÔ·¢ÐС£¸½±íAËùº¬µÄ¹æÔò3²»µÃÊÊÓá£
5. The instrument of a transfer of a share may be in any usual form or in any other form which the Directors may approve and shall be executed by or on behalf of the transferor. Regulation 23 shall not apply.
6. Subject to the provisions of Section 162 of the Act the Company may with the sanction of an ordinary Resolution purchase its own shares (including any redeemable shares) on such terms as the Directors may think fit and make a payment in respect of the redemption or purchase of such shares otherwise than out of the distributable profits of the Company or the proceeds of a fresh issue of Shares and subject to the provisions of Section 173 to 175 of the Act. Regulation 35 shall be modified accordingly.
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7. The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share (whether or not it is a fully paid share) for all moneys (whether presently payable or not) called or payable at a fixed time in respect of that share, and the Company shall also have a first and paramount lien on all shares (whether fully paid or not) standing registered in the name of any person for all moneys presently payable by him or his estate to the Company, whether he shall be the sole registered holder thereof or shall be one of several joint holders; but the directors may at any time declare any share to be wholly or in part exempt from the provisions of this Article. The Company's lien, if any, on a share shall extend to all dividends payable thereon. Regulation 8 of Table A shall not apply. µÚÆßÌõ±¾¹«Ë¾Ó¦¶ÔËùÓйɷÝ(ÊÇ·ñ½É×ã¹É¿î²»ÂÛ)ÒòËùÓÐÒѾ´ß½ÉµÄ»òÔڹ涨ʱ¼äÓ¦µ±Ö§¸¶µÄÓë¸Ã¹É·ÝÏà¹ØµÄ¿îÏî(Ä¿Ç°ÊÇ·ñÓ¦ÓèÖ§¸¶²»ÂÛ)¾ßÓеÚÒ»ºÍÓÅÏÈÁôÖÃȨ£¬±¾¹«Ë¾»¹Ó¦¶ÔËùÓÐÒÔ¸öÈËÃûÒåµÇ¼ÇÔÚ²áµÄ¹É·Ý(ÊÇ·ñ½É×ã¹É¿î²»ÂÛ)ÒòËùÓÐÄ¿Ç°Ó¦ÓÉËû»ò´ÓËûµÄ²Æ²úÖÐ
8. If at any time the share capital is divided into different classes of shares, the Rights. attached to any class may, whether or not the company is being wound up, be varied with the consent in writing of the holders of three fourths of the issued shares of that class, or with the sanction of an extraordinary resolution passed at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares of the class. To every such general meeting the provisions of these Articles relating to general meetings shall apply but so that the necessary quorum shall be two persons at least holding or representing by proxy one third of the issued shares of class and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy may demand a poll.
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9. (i) No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to business. Two persons entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted, each being a member or a proxy for a member or a duly authorized representative of a corporation, shall be a quorum.
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(ii) If a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or such time and place as the Directors may determine and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for such adjourned meeting, it shall be dissolved. Regulations 40 and 41 shall be modified accordingly. 2)Èç¹ûÔڹ涨Óë»áʱ¼ä°ëСʱÄÚ³öϯ»áÒéÕßδ´ïµ½·¨¶¨ÈËÊý£¬´ó»áÓ¦ÑÓÆÚµ½ÏÂÖÜͬһÌìͬʱ¼äͬµØµã»ò¶Ê»áËù¾ö¶¨µÄʱ¼ä»òµØµãÕÙ¿ª£¬Èç¹ûÔÚÑÓÆÚÕÙ¿ªµÄ´ó»á¹æ¶¨Óë»áʱ¼ä°ëСʱÄÚ³öϯÈËÊýÈÔδ´ïµ½·¨¶¨ÈËÊý£¬»áÒéÓ¦Óè½âÉ¢¡£¹æÔò40ºÍ41Ó¦ÓÉ´Ë×÷ÐÞÕý¡£
(iii) At any General Meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded by the Chairman or by any member present in person or by proxy. 3)ÔÚÈκιɶ«´ó»áÉϸ¶Öî±í¾öµÄ¾öÒé¾ùÓ¦ÒÔ¾ÙÊÖÐÎʽ¾ö¶¨£¬´ó»áÖ÷ϯ»òÇ××Ô»òÓÉÈË´úÀí³öϯ´ó»áµÄÈκιɶ«Ìá³öͶƱ±í¾ö(ÔÚÐû²¼¾ÙÊÖ±í¾ö½á¹û֮ǰ»ò֮ʱ)µÄ³ýÍâ¡£
Unless a poll is duly demanded a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, lost or not carried by a particular majority and an entry to that effect in the book containing the minutes of the proceedings of the Company shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of votes recorded in favor of or against such resolution.
(iv) Subject to the provisions of the Act any resolution in writing signed by all the members for the time being entitled to receive notice of and attend and vote at general meetings, or by their duly appointed attorneys, shall be as valid and effective as if the same had been passed at a General Meeting of the Company duly convened and held. Any such resolution may consist of several instruments in the like form each executed by or on behalf of one or more of the members or their attorneys. Regulation 53 shall be extended accordingly.
4)¸ù¾Ý¡¶¹«Ë¾·¨¡·µÄ¹æ¶¨£¬Óɵ±Ê±ÓÐȨÊÕµ½Í¨ÖªÇÒ³öϯºÍ²Î¼Ó±í¾öµÄÈ«Ìå¹É¶«»òÓÉËûÃÇÕýʽָ¶¨µÄÂÉʦǩÊðµÄÊéÃæ¾öÒéÓ¦ÊÓΪÓëÔÚ±¾¹«Ë¾ÕýʽÕÙ¿ªµÄ¹É¶«´ó»áÉÏËùͨ¹ýµÄ¾öÒéÒ»ÑùºÏ·¨ºÍÓÐЧ¡£ÈκδËÖÖ¾öÒé¿É×÷³ÉͬÑù¼¸¸öÎı¾£¬¸÷Óɹɶ«Ö®Ò»»ò¶àÃû¹É¶«Ç©Êð»òÓÉÆäÂÉʦ´úÇ©¡£¹æÔò53Ó¦ÓÉ´ËÀ©´óÊÊÓᣠVOTES OF MEMBERS¹É¶«±í¾ö
10. Subject to any special rights or restrictions for the time being attached to any special class of shares in the capital of the Company, on a show of hands every member who (being an individual) is present in person or (being a corporation) is present by a duly authorized representative, not being himself a member entitled to vote, shall have one vote only and in the case of a poll every member shall have one vote for each ordinary Share held by him.µÚÊ®Ìõ¸ù¾Ý±¾¹«Ë¾¹É±¾Ö®ÈκÎÌØÊâÀà±ð¹É·ÝËù¸½µÄÌØȨ»òÏÞÖƹ涨£¬ÔÚ¾ÙÊÖ±í¾öʱ£¬Ã¿Î»Ç××Ô³öϯ(×ÔÈ»ÈË)»òÓÉÕýʽÊÚȨµÄ´ú±í´úÀí³öϯ(·¨ÈË)Ö®¹É¶«(Èç´ú±í±¾È˲»ÊÇÓбí¾öȨµÄ¹É¶«)£¬Ö»¾ßÓÐһƱ±í¾öȨ£¬ÔÚͶƱ±í¾öʱ£¬Ã¿Î»¹É¶«Ã¿³ÖÓÐÒ»·Ý¹É¾ÍÓÐһƱ±í¾öȨ¡£ PROXY´úÀí
11.The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing in any usual common form£¬or such other form as may be approved by the Directors£¬and shall be signed by the appointer or his attorney£¬duly authorized in writing£¬or if the appointer is a corporation shall be either under its Common Seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney so authorized. An instrument of proxy need not be witnessed.
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12. (i) The number of Directors shall be determined by the Company in General Meeting but unless and until so fixed the minimum number of Directors shall be one and there shall be no maximum number. Regulation 64 shall be modified accordingly.
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(ii) A Director shall not require any share qualification, but shall nevertheless be entitled to attend and speak at any General Meeting of the Company or at any separate meeting of the holders of any class of shares of the Company. 2)¶Ê²»µÃÒªÇóÈκιÉȨ×ʸñ£¬µ«Ó¦ÓÐȨ²Î¼Ó±¾¹«Ë¾µÄÈκιɶ«´ó»á»ò¹«Ë¾¸÷Öֹɷݵ¥¶ÀÕÙ¿ªµÄÈκλáÒé²¢¾ßÓз¢ÑÔȨ¡£
(iii) Any person may be appointed or elected as a Director irrespective of whether or not he has
attained the age of seventy years or any other age, and no Director shall be required to vacate his office by reason of his attaining or having attained the age of seventy years or any other age. 3)ÈκÎÈ˾ù¿É±»ÈÎÃü»òµ±Ñ¡Îª¶Ê£¬²»¹ÜÆäÊÇ·ñÒÑÂúÆßÊ®Ëê»òÆäËûÄêÁ䣬Èκζʾù²»µÃÒòÆ佫»òÒÑÂúÆßÊ®Ëê»òÆäËûÄêÁä¶ø±»ÒªÇóÀëÖ°¡£
(iv) In the event of the minimum number of Directors fixed by or pursuant of these Articles or Table A, being one, a sole Director shall have authority to exercise all the powers and discretion by Table A or these Articles expressed to be vested in the Directors generally.
(v) The Directors may, by power of attorney or otherwise appoint any person to be the agent of the Company for such purposes and on such conditions as they determine, including authority for the agent to delegate all or any of his powers.
5)¶Ê»á¿É¾ÊÚȨίÍлò¾ÆäËû·½Ê½Ö¸¶¨ÈκÎÈËΪ±¾¹«Ë¾µÄ´úÀíÈË£¬ÒÔ°´¶Ê»á¾ö¶¨µÄÌõ¼þºÍÄ¿µÄÐÐÊ£¬°üÀ¨ÊÚȨ´úÀíÈËתίÍÐÈ«²¿»ò²¿·ÖÆäȨÁ¦¡£ ALTERNATE DIRECTORS´úÀí¶ÊÂ
13. (i) Each Director shall have the power to nominate any other Director or any person approved for that purpose by resolution of the Board and willing to so act as alternate Director in his place during his absence, and at his discretion to revoke such nomination, and on such appointment being made, each alternate Director whilst so acting shall be entitled to exercise or discharge all the functions, powers and duties and undertake all the liabilities and obligations of the Director he represents but shall not be entitled to receive any remuneration from the Company. An alternate Director shall have one vote for each Director he represents, in addition to his own, vote if he is a Director, but shall not be counted more than once in the quorum. A nomination as an alternate Director shall ipso facto be revoked if the appointer ceases for any reason to be a Director
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(ii) Notice of all Board Meetings shall be sent to every alternate Director as if he were a Director of the Company until revocation of his appointment save that it shall not be necessary to give notice of such a meeting to an alternate Director who is absent from the United Kingdom. 2)¶Ê»áËùÓлáÒéµÄ֪ͨ¾ùÓ¦Ïò±»ÊÓΪ±¾¹«Ë¾¶ÊµÄÿλ´úÀí¶ÊÂËÍ·¢£¬³ý·ÇÆäÈÎÃü±»³·Ïú£¬Èç¹û´úÀí¶Ê²»ÔÚÁªºÏÍõ¹ú¾³ÄÚ£¬Ôò²»±ØÏòÆäËÍ´ï´ËÖÖ»áÒé֪ͨ¡£
(iii) The appointment of an alternate Director shall be revoked and the alternate Director shall cease to hold office whenever the Director who appointed such alternate Director shall give notice in writing to the Secretary of the Company that he revokes such appointment. Regulations 65 to 68 shall not apply.
(iv) Without prejudice to Article 13 (i) and save as otherwise provided in the Articles, an alternate Director shall be deemed for all purposes to be a Director and shall alone be responsible for his