
A.I got a job as soon as I left university. B.As there was no answer, I wrote again. C.You must do the exercises as I show you. D.Wealthy as he is,Mark is not a happy man.

62.Which of the following prepositional phrases can function as an adverbial? A.Are you sure of Simon's disappearance? B.The man with a beard is talking to the manage.

C.Every precaution was taken against the failure of the plan. D.Despite the rain,everyone enjoyed the trip.

63.A:Mother.you promised to take me out. B:Well_____ A. so I did! B. so did I. C. so I do! D. so do I

64.Which of the following prepositional phrases is an adverbial of concession? A.They used the box for keeping treasures. B.I stepped aside for her to get in first.

C.For all that he seems to dislike me,I still like him. D.The parents bought a birthday cake for their son. 65.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A.Poultry are very expensive in the city. B.New machinery were introduced in the factory. C.The police are investigating the murder case. D.The militia were called out to rescue flood victims.

66.The girl cannot come to school today on account of the flu.The underlined part means_____.

A.concerning B.because of C.as to D.for

67.Mary and John are busy looking for a hotel for their wedding _____. A.meal B.snack C.refreshment D.banquet 68.Mini-skirts first _____ in the 1960s.

A.caught out B.caught in C.caught on D.caught up 69.That outburst at the meeting was ____ of his bad temper. A.illustrative B.explanatory C.expository D.revealing 70.The earthquake refugees are ____ for food and blankets. A.desirous B.ambitious C.seriously off D.badly off

71.When Linda heard the good news she tried to sound casual,but her excitement was obvious.

The underlined part means _____.

A.uncaring B.disinterested C.without plan D.without warning 72.Most Chinese people went to work by bike within living _____. A.mind B.knowledge C.memory D.scope

73.The speaker was very good at ____ his ideas during the discussion. A.putting aside B.putting across C.putting back D.putting off

74.The food is good at this hotel,but the ____ is poor;the waiters don’t seem to be well trained.

A.maintenance B.repair C.charge D.service 75.Slavery was ____ in America in the 19th century.

A.abolished B.cancelled C.abandoned D.terminated

76.Mercifully,I was able to complete all I had to do within a few days.The underlined part means _____.

A.efficiently B.surprisingly C.fortunately D.shortly

77.The boys in the dorm ____ a coin to decide who would clean the floor. A.held B.tossed C.put D.collected

78.The patterns of spoken language are ____ from those of writing. A.distinct B.distinctive C.distinguished D.distinguishing

79.A(n)____ shape has four straight sides at 90°to each other, two of which are much longer than the other two.

A.square B.oval C.oblong D.circular 80.I’d like to have a ____ word with his parents. A.peaceful B.quiet C.silent D.personal PART V READING COMPREHENSION 【25 MIN】

In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements,each with four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two. TEXT A

Saying“thank you”is probably the first thing most of us learn to do in a foreign

language.After all,we’re brought up to be polite,and it is important to make a good impression upon other people—especially across national divides.

So.what exactly are you supposed to say when \way to express gratitude? According to a recent survey,19 other ways of expressing appreciation finished ahead of \.

Pollsters found almost half of those asked preferred the more informal“cheers”,while others liked to use such expressions as“ta”,“great\.

So,just what is the appropriate form of words to express your thanks?

Fortunately, the clue is in the language itself.“Cheers”,despite its popularity,is considered an informal way to say thank you—and this is a definite clue as to when you can best use it. For instance,when going for a drink with friends,a smile and a“cheers”by way of thanks is not only appropriate to the situation,it is also culturally accurate.

“Ta”,originated from the Danish word“tak”, was the second-most popular expression of thanks,and is also commonly used in informal situations,along with phrases such as“nice one”, and“brilliant”.Interestingly, one word that didn’t make it into the top 20 was“thanks”.Thank you's shorter, more informal cousin.

“Thanks”can be useful,as it is able to bridge the divide between the formality of “thank you\and the downright relaxed“cheers”.

Certain words can double as an expression of thanks as well as delight.Again,the words themselves offer the clue as to when best to use them.

For example,words like“awesome”,“brilliant\and they can hint at both your pleasure at someone's action,as well as serving to express your thanks.If you are on the receiving end of a“new”thank you,you can respond with a simple“no problem”, or“sure”.

Of course,in certain circumstances,a simple wave,nod or smile may be appropriate.For instance,if a car driver slows down to let you cross the road,simply raising your hand in acknowledgement is enough to show that you appreciate the driver's consideration.

Sometimes,formality is necessary, and“thank you”is still the best choice in such situations. But students should not worry about when exactly to use certain expressions.

Many people in Western countries are worried that good manners are in decline.People are tired of seeing their acts of kindness and service pass without comment.So don’t think that your
