Lecture Notes - U5

attention to the anticipatory (先行词) “it”. Then do the following two tasks. 1) It?s a biological law of human efficiency: to achieve your best with the least effort,… (Para. 6, Text A)

2) We must break the silence, making it safe for you to reach out for compassion. (Para.12, Text B)


先行词it 用作形式主语、形式宾语,是指先行词it在主语或宾语的位置,真正的主语或宾语是后面的不定式、动名词或名词性从句。

一、作形式主语。主要用于“It is+ adj. /n. + doing/to do/that…”句型。例如: ? It is silly of him to do so. ? It?s no good waiting here. ? Is it certain that they will win?

? It?s my duty to help you improve English.


1. vt. (find, think, make, etc. ) + it +adj. /n. +doing/ to do/that…例如: ? He made it a rule never to eat between meals. ? We found it no good arguing with him.

? I?ll make it clear to you that failure is the mother of success.

2. vt. (enjoy, like, love, hate, prefer, appreciate, take, etc. ) +it+ if /when…例如: ? I don?t like it if you arrive late. ? She hates it when he uses her pen. ? I take it that you have been out.

3. see to it that…/depend on it that… (因介词后通常不接that从句,故用it作形式宾语)。例如:

? See to it that you are not late again.

? You may depend upon it that we shall never lose heart.

4. take it for granted that… 例如:

? I took it for granted that you would stay with us.

? Now, do the tasks on Pages 159-160 in your textbooks.

Section C Theme-Related Writing

The following is an excerpt from an article in The Guardian. Make comments on the news.


Suicide blights China’s young adults Survey reveals main cause of death of people under 35 Suicide is the main cause of death among young adults in China, the state media said yesterday in a report that highlights the growing pressures to succeed in love, work and education in one of the world?s fastest changing societies. Increasing stress, loneliness and a lack of medical support for depression are thought to have contributed to an annual suicide toll that is estimated at 250,000 people a year. According to China Daily, an additional 2.5 million to 3.5 million make unsuccessful attempts to kill themselves each year. (by Jonathan Watts, July 26, 2005) ▆ Sample Essay: Why Do Young Adults Kill Themselves?

Young adults are in the prime of their lives and are supposed to pursue their dreams and enjoy themselves. Yet it was reported in The Guardian that suicide is the main cause of death among young adults in China. Why have so many young people ended their lives?

Three factors are thought to account for the high suicide rate: increasing stress, loneliness and a lack of medical support for depression. The most pressing one, I think, is stress. Take my college life for example. From the first day I entered the university, I have been living under pressure. I used to worry that I could not quite fit into the campus life; I also feared that I might not catch up with my classmates in my studies or could not live up to my parents? expectations. Now I am deeply concerned about whether I can find a desirable job after graduation. Endless pressures give rise to stress. Loneliness is another problem. Many young people find they just feel helpless when they are suffering intolerable sadness or frustration.

Suicide is a great tragedy, especially for the young. If we can find ways to relieve them of their stress and offer timely help, we may save many young lives.

