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翻译:Overview of LED lighting technology
LED Summary
LED (Light Emitting Diode), light-emitting diode, is a solid state semiconductor devices, which can be directly converted into electricity to light. LED is the heart of a semiconductor chip, the chip is attached to one end of a stent, is the negative side, the other end of the power of the cathode, the entire chip package to be epoxy resin. Semiconductor chip is composed of two parts, part of the P-type semiconductor, it inside the hole-dominated, the other side is the N-type semiconductor, here is mainly electronic. But linking the two semiconductors, among them the formation of a \junction.\zone in the hole with electronic composite, and then to be issued in the form of photon energy, and this is the principle of LED luminescence. The wavelength of light that is the color of light, is formed by the PN junction of the decisions of the material. With the appearance of the White Light-Emitting Diodes, the LED also developed to be used for lighting. It is a new type of light source in the 21st century with advantages of high efficiency, long-life span and invulnerability which can not be compared with the traditional light sources. When being pressured with positive voltage, the LED can emit single-color, discontinuous light, which belongs to a kind of Organic Electroluminescent Effect. Varying the chemic component of the semiconductor material being used, we can make the LED emit a certain light which is very closed to ultraviolet radiation, visible light and infrared ray.
LED history
50 years ago, people have to understand semiconductor materials can produce light of the basic knowledge, the first commercial diodes in 1960. English is the LED light emitting diode (LED) acronym, and its basic structure is an electroluminescent semiconductor materials, placed in a wire rack, then sealed with epoxy resin around, that is, solid package, Therefore, the protection of the internal batteries can play the role of line, so the seismic performance LED good.
LED is the core of the P-type semiconductor and components of the N-type semiconductor chips, the P-type semiconductor and N-type semiconductor between a