
(一)什么是句子重音? 我们在朗读英语或用英语交谈时,并不是句子中的每个词都读得一样响亮。一样清楚,而是有些词读得或说得又轻又快,而且较为含糊,有些词则读得或说得又重又慢,而且较为清晰。那些读得或说得响亮而清晰的词就是句子重音所在。 (二)句子重音的功能 1.体现句子的节奏感和韵律感。 2.突出重点,使听者更容易理解。 (三)哪些词在句子中需重读? 1.一般来说,在句子中需重读的词都是实词,比如,名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、代词等。不重读的多为虚词,比如,冠词、连词、介词、感叹词等。例如: The streets are wide and clean. (这句话中的streets是名词,wide和clean是形容词,它们都要重读;the, are, and不重读。) I am so glad to see you again. (这句话中的so, glad, see, again要重读,而I, am, to, you不重读。) 2.有时候虚词也要重读,以下几点需注意: 1)强调或突出某个虚词或be动词时,应将其重读。例如: We saw him playing by the river.(这句话中的we和him一般不重读,但为了表示强调也可以重读。比如,如果we重读,则强调是“我们”而不是别人看见。) 2)介词在句首时往往要重读。例如: On my way to school, my bike was broken. (这句话中的on在句首应重读。) 3)be动词及助动词和not结合时要重读。例如:I?m sorry I can?t do that. (这句话中的can?t要重读。) Didn?t I tell you yesterday? (这句话中的didn?t要重读。) 4)句子末尾的be动词和助动词一般要重读。例如: -Are you a student? -Yes, I am. (这里的am要重读。) 注意:上文刚出现过的并且重读的单词,第二次提到时一般不再重读。如: —How many boys are there in the room? —There are twenty boys in it. (问句中的boys要重读,但答语中的boys不重读。) 17

交流展示 1.I?m going to show you around my hometown. show sb around: 带某人四处看看 Please come to my house and I?ll show you around. 翻译:那位工人带孩子们在工厂里到处参观。 That worker ____________________________________________. 2.I hope you can come and visit soon. 我希望你很快就能过来参观。 注意hope的用法: hope to do 希望做某事 hope (that)+从句 希望……. 不能说: hope sb to do sth. I hope _______ with his wife tonight. (A) him come to my birthday party (B) he to come to my birthday party (C) to him to come to my birthday party (D)he can come to my birthday party 课堂巩固 一.根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.I ______ ______ (真的喜欢)my hometown. 2.Who is going to ______ _______ _______the factory?(带领我们参观) 3.______ ______ about ______ ______to get to the supermarket on foot.(大约花费10分钟) 4.I think it is a _____ ______ ______ _____ ______.(居住的极好地方) 5.I hope you can ______ _______ ______ our city some day.(来参观) 6.I _____ ______ ______ ball _________on the playground.(确实喜欢玩球类运动) 7.______ ______ ______ ______(哪种房子)do you ______ ______(住)? 8.They ______ _______(骑自行车)to school every day. 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空. 1.That sounds ___________(wonder). 2.There are many boys and girls in the hall. They are _________(have) a party. 3. Daniel, how many __________(plate) are there on the shelf? 4.We should buy some more _______(packet)of sugar. 5.Do you have any friends ____________(near)? 6.I think our town is a good place _________(live). 三.同义句转换。 1.I like the youth centre best. The youth centre is _______ _______. 2.I often go to school on my bicycle. a) I often ______ _______ _______ to school. b) I often go to school ______ _______. 3.I?m going to take you to visit my home town. I______ ______ you ______my home town. 4.We have fun at the youth centre. We ______ ______ ______ ______ at the youth centre. 四.写作训练。 18

假如你是Jenny你的朋友Sandy和Millie下周要来你的家乡参观。请根据提示,通过电子邮件向他们介绍有关你家乡的情况。要求语句通顺,语言流畅,80词左右。 要点: 1)你很乐意领她们参观你家乡。 2)你家离市中心骑车约20分钟路程,周围有许多建筑物。 3)市中心附近有购物中心,电影院青少年活动中心; 4)汽车不能进入市中心,因此污染不多,人们喜欢住在这儿。 Dear Sandy and Millie Welcome to my home town. ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I am sure you will have a good time here. Yours Jenny 教学反思:

7B Unit2 Welcome to Sunshine Town单元测试卷


( )1.Yi Jianlian,______ NBA star,will continue_______match this season. A an;the B.an;a C.a;the D.the:a

( )2.The boys don’t.have to go far if they need help_________ the homework. A.do B.with C.about D.doing

( )3.一How far is your family from here? 一It?s about ten________walk. A.minute’s, B.minute C.minutes’ D.minutes ( )4.一What shall we do tomorrow? 一Why ________to the cinema?


A.don’t go B.not go C.don’t going D.not going ( )5.一_______meat do you want to buy? 一six kilos,please.

A.How many B.How much C.What D.How ( )6.Will you please______us________ your city? A.take;visit B.take;visiting C.show;to visit D.show;around ( )7.一_________do the calendars belong to? A.Whose;Mine B.Who;Me C.Whose;Me D.Who;Mine

( )8.一How much________would you like? —three loaves,please. A.apple B.apples C.bread D.meats ( )9.The post office is _______from our school. A.ten metres far B.ten metres away C.ten metres far away D.ten metre away ( )10.You call ________in the park.

A.walking B.walks C.go walking D.are walking ( )l1.When will you________in Shanghai tomorrow?

A.get B.arrive C.reach D.take ( )l2.Millie lives on_________floor in a tall building.

A.five B.fifth C.the fifth D.the five ( )13.I can’t swim.What_________you?

A.about B.can C.are D.is ( )14.The light is still on.Mr Li________in the office.

A.can be B.must be C.mustn’t be D.can’t be ( )15.Tom has ________house to live in in the city.

A.no B.not C.none D.some 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

Uncle Wang has 1 big farm at the foot of Mount Tai(泰山). 2 name is Red Star Farm.Uncle Wang lives there 3 his family.There are many tall trees 4 bamboos(竹子)there.Uncle Wang grows vegetables on the farm,SHCII as carrots,potatoes, 5 and so on.There are many animals on the farm,too.You can see chickens,cows(奶牛)and horses 6 .There is a lake behind the farm.They can 7 in it.There are some shops not far from the farm.They usually go 8 by bicycle there.When they are free,they can ride a 9 near the farm and do some sightseeing(观光).They sometimes go to the cinema 10 to the theatre by bus in the city.They all like living on the farm.

( )1.A.a B.all C.the D./ ( )2.A.It B.Its C.It’s D.It is ( )3.A.with B.and C.to D.in ( )4.A.but B.not C.and D.with

( )5.A.apples B.oranges C.tomatos D.tomatoes ( )6.A.day and night B.here and there C.in the river D.on the road

( )7.A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swims

( )8.A.shop B.shopping C.the shop D.the shopping

