
难 点 教学内容 Step I: Warm –up Step II: Revision Step III. Presentation Step IV Practice Step V Sum-up Step V. Homework Write simple rules using sample writings as guidance 教师活动 Duty topic 1. Read Part C 1. Play the cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. 2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly. 3. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model. 4. Play the cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to and say the rhyme. 5. Ask them to work in pairs. They look at the pictures at the top of the page and talk about the things the children should or should not do. 6. Tell the pupils to look at the pictures at the bottom of the page and match them with the sign. 1. The pupils can make clear and simple pictorial signs to go with their written signs. To finish the exercises of Workbook 学生活动 Duty topic 1. Read Part C 1. Listen to the four words at the bottom of the page and to circle the words with the same letters and sound. Get the pupils to repeat the rhyme. 2. Listen to and say the rhyme. 3. Work in pairs 4. Look at the pictures at the bottom of the page and match them with the sign. 备注 后 记 Notes: Most of the pupils can ask and answer the questions each other. They make the sentences one by one. They talk about their school rules in pairs F部分是每一课的Task,是对ABC重点词语和句子的运用,相当于小作文,为了提高学生写作的能力,教师必须引导学生认真复习好本课的ABC部分,仔细阅读F1、2和3. 鼓励学生独立完成F4. 由于前期复习工作充分,批改F4 时发现除了学生在They上面有些运用不当,其他完成得很棒。

课 题 重 点 难 点 教学内容 Step I: Warm –up Step II: Revision Step III. Presentation and Practice Step VI Homework 后 记 课 题 重 点 难 点 Unit 1 Remember the rules Part F G H Talking about sequence 教师活动 Duty topic 1. Read Part B2 and B1 1. Ask them to read the library rules then look at the picture. Talk with the class. 2. Ask them to write down what each child is doing wrong in the list below Remind the students that they should only use must or mustn’t.. 3. Ask them to return to P7. Ask them to choose one of the locations. 4. Put the students in groups of three and ask them to discuses the rules in a museum and a Children’s Palace. 5. Then ask the students to return to their desks and use their notes to fill in the blanks in the letter to parents at the bottom of the page. 6. Go through the answers with the class. Ask more confident students to read out their completed letters to the class. Write answers on the board. 1. Finish Workbook. 课 时 6 学生活动 Duty topic 1. Read Part B2 and B1 1. Read the library rules then look at the picture. Talk with the class. 2. Write down what each child is doing wrong in the list below .Remind the students that they should only use must or mustn’t. 3. Return to P 7and them to choose one of the locations. 4. Put the students in groups of three and ask them to discuses the rules in a museum and a Children’s Palace. 5. Return to their desks and use their notes to fill in the blanks in the letter to parents at the bottom of the page. 1. Finish Workbook. 备注 学生觉得B1的学习有点难度,为了降低难度,让学生运用联想法在头脑中构建课本的情境,然后听、读、说熟练后,小组模拟表演,收到良效,学生说英语的积极性在逐渐提高。 Unit 1 Remember the rules Finish the exercises. Part I and J Finish the exercises 课 时 7 教学内容 Step I: Warm –up Step II: Revision Step III. Presentation and Practice Step VI Sum-up Step V. Homework 教师活动 Duty topic 1. Read Part B2 and B1 1. Talk to the students about what rules they fellow out of the street. 2. Ask them to draw some street signs. Ask them what they mean. 3. Tell the students to look at the sentences below and circle the correct words according to what they have read in the passage . 4. Check the answers with the students. 1. Check the answers of the Workbook. 2. Read the whole text. Recite the whose text. To do 《一课一试》 学生活动 备注 后 记 Duty topic 1. Read Part B2 and B1 1.Listen and talk. 2.Draw some street signs and say what they mean. 3. Look at the sentences below and circle the correct words according to what they have read in the passage . 4. Check the answers with the students. 1. Check the answers of the Workbook. 2. Read the whole text. Part I & J部分掌握得还不错。但是活动手册中最后一道大题有很多同学不理解题目的意思,经过讲解大多数同学都能掌握。

课 题 重 点 难 点 教学内容 1.Organization: 2. Revision: 3. Presentation: 4. Practice 5.Summing-up: 6. Homework: Unit 2 Helping people Learn the new words of this unit Learn the new words of this unit 教师活动 1. Warm-up: Free talk. 2. Duty report.. 1. Ask them some questions. 2. Retell the rulers in your school. 1. Bring in a bag filled with items, e.g. keys, coins, bananas. Hide some items in the classroom. 2 Tell the class / lost a banana. Can you find it? Let the students look for it. When found, tell the students Look, (student's name) found my banana. 3 (Books open.)Tell the students that you are using present and past tense. Ask them to look at the word boxes on the page. Explain the difference between the tenses if necessary. 1 (Books open.) Show Transparency. Point to the pictures. Read aloud or play Pupil's Book Cassette. 2 Ask the students to repeat the words after you. 3 Ask the students to work in pairs and role-play the dialogues. 课 时 1 Today we have learned Part A of this unit. 学生活动 1. Warm-up: Free talk. 2. Duty report. The pupils answer the teacher’s questions all together. 1. Learn the new phrases 2. Pay special attention to the pronunciation and intonation of each word. 3. The pupils repeat the sentences after the cassette. 1. Listen and read. 2. Some individual pupil read A one by one. 3. Play a game. 4. Make sentences with the new words. 5. Listen and do. 1. Copy each words a line. 2. Listen and read A ten times. 备注 课 题 重 点 难 点 Unit 2 Helping people The sentences patterns of this unit. The sentences patterns of this unit. 课 时 2
