2005 - 2009年MBA联考英语真题 - 考研英语二的前身!

The Discovery astronauts performed superbly during their two-week mission,and the shuttle looked better than ever in some respects.(62)space officials were justifiably happy that so much had gone well,despite daily worries over possible risks. the flight clearly achieved its prime objectives. The astronauts transferred tons of cargo to the international space station,which has been limping along overhead with a reduced crew and limited supplies carried up on smaller Russian spacecraft .(63)They replaced a broken device .repaired another and carted away a load of rubbish that had been left on the station,showing the shuttle can bring full loads back down from space. This was the most scrutinized shuttle flight ever. with the vehicle undergoing close inspection while still in orbit.(64)New sensing and photographic equipment to look for potentially dangerous damage to the sensitive external skin proved valuable .A new back flip maneuver allowed station astronauts to photograph the shuttle‘s underbelly .and an extra-long robotic arm enabled astronauts see parts of the shuttle that were previously out of sight . (65)The flood of images and the openness in discussing its uncertainties about potential hazards sometimes made it appear that the shuttle was about to fall apart,In the end the damage was clearly tolerable . A much-touted spacewalk to repair the shuttle‘s skin the first of its kind moved an astronaut close enough to pluck out some protruding material with his hand Preliminary evidence indicates that Discovery has far fewer nicks and gouges than shuttles on previous flights. perhaps showing that improvements to reduce the shedding of debris from the external fuel tank have had some success .


Section I Vocabulary and
