
5.What does Bill like to do for fun? Bill 喜欢做什么? He likes to play chess. 他喜欢下棋


1. Be careful! Don’t cross the street here. It’s dangerous.小心,不要在这儿穿越街道。


2. Sorry, I won’t do that again. 对不起,我不会再这样做了。

3. Please use the footbridge over there. It’s safe. 请你使用那边的人行桥。它很安


4. Can you pass me a dictionary? 你能递给我一本个字典吗? Here you are. 给你.

5.Can you help me with English? 你能在英语方面帮助我吗?

Sure. I’m good at it . 可以,我很擅长它. Sorry, I’m not good at it. 对不起,我不擅长它.

6. Where does Andy’s father work? Andy的爸爸在哪里工作? He works in a post--office. 他在邮局工作. What does he do there? 他在那里做什么? He is a mailman. 他是一个邮递员.

What do you want to be, Bill? Bill,你想作什么工作呢? I want to be a singer. 我想当一个歌手. Why? 为什么?

Because it’s exciting. 因为它很激动人心.

7. Which job do you like? Why? 你喜欢哪个工作?为什么?

I like table tennis players. Because it is very exciting. 我喜欢当一个乒乓球运动员,


四年级下册 Unit 9

1. Where is the bookstore in your community? 你们社区的书店在哪里?

It’s across from the hotel. 它在旅馆的对面。

2. Excuse me. How can I get to the newspaper stand? 请问,到买报亭怎么走?

Go straight and turn left at the second crossing. 一直走,到第二个十字路口左转 It’s on your right. 它就在你的右手边。 3. Please park your car here. 请把你的车停在这里。

Unit 10

1. Is there a park in the city? 你居住的城市有公园吗?

Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. 是的有。/ 不,没有。 Where is it? 公园在哪?

It’s on Peach Street. 它就在桃子大街。

2. What are you going to do this weekend? 这个周末你打算干什么?

I’m going to Tian’anmen Square with my grandparents. 我打算和爷爷奶奶去天安


What do you want to do there? 你打算在那里干什么事情? I want to fly a kite. 我想放风筝。 Unit 11

1. Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?

I come from Japan. 我来自日本。 2. Where do you live ? 你住在哪里?

I live in Tokyo. 我住在东京。

3. What is the city famous for? 那个城市因什么而闻名?

It’s famous for the CN Tower. 因多伦多电视塔而闻名。 Unit 13

1. Where do you want to go this summer vacation? 这个暑假你想去哪里?

I want to go to the beach with my parents. 我想和父母去海边。 2. What do you want to do there? 你们想在那里做什么?

We want to swim there. 我们相去那里游泳。 3. How do you want to go there? 你想怎么去那里?

I want to go there by plane. 我想乘飞机去。 Unit 14

1. What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

My hobby is taking picture. 我的爱好是照相。 2. What do you think of it? 你对它有什么看法?

I think it’s interesting. 我觉得挺有意思。 Unit 15

1. Do you often send an E-mail to your friends? 你经常给朋友发电子邮件吗?

Yes,I do./ No, I don’t. 是的。/不,不是。 2. What’s your phone number? 你的电话号码是多少?

My phone number is 245-3769. 我的电话号码是245-3789. 3. What’s your e-mail address? 你的电子邮件地址是什么?

My e-mail address is Mary @ sina.com.cn 我的地址是Mary @ sina.com.cn 4. 电话用语

May I speak to Peter, please? 请帮我找一下彼得。 This is Peter speaking. 我是彼得。 Who’s this? 您是哪一位? This is Jack. 我是杰克。

五年级上册 Unit 1

1、What does your classmate look like? 你的同学长什么样?

Her hair is blond and curly. 他的头发是金黄色的,而且卷曲。 2、Tell me about your classmate? 给我讲讲你的同学

3、What’s he/she like? 她/他的性格是什么样的? He /she is friendly 她/他很友好。 Unit 2

1、 两个人物之间的比较

Who is shorter? 谁更高? Jane is shorter than Jill 珍妮比吉尔矮 Who runs faster? 谁跑的更快 Betty runs faster than Jane 贝蒂比珍妮跑得快。 2、 两个事物之间的比较

Whose hair is longer? 谁的头发长?

Nina’s hair is longer than my hair. 妮娜的头发比我的头发长。 Unit 3

1、Who is the oldest? 谁的年纪最大? Lulu is oldest 露露的年纪最大 2、Whose book is the thickest? 谁的书最厚? My book is the thickest 我的书最厚。

3、Who dances best in your class? 我们班谁跳得最好?

I think Mary dances best in our class 我认为马丽在我们班跳的最好 Unit 5

1、How much is it? It’s 20 yuan 这个东西多少钱?20元。 2、How much are they? 这些东西多少钱? They are 15 yuan 它们15元。

3、Can I help you? Yes ,I want...... 你想买的什么?是的我想…… 4、Try them on. 穿上试试。 5、They fit me. 它们挺适合我。 6、It’s a good deal.I’ll take it.\\them 价廉物美,我买了。

Unit 6

1、What do you need to make…… 你做…….需要什么?我需要……. 2、How do you make…..? 你怎么做…..?

First,...second….then…finally… 首先…其次….然后….最后….. Unit 7

1、What time is it on? It’s on \\at 节目几点演? 在…..演 2、What channel is it on? It’s on Channel 2 几频道?在二频道

3、What do you think of…..? 我认为……怎么样? I think it’s \\they’re….. 我认为……

4、What kind of TV show do you like? 你喜欢那种节目?

五年级下册 Unit 1

1、What do you do after school? 你放学以后干吗? I often… 我经常…

What does he/she do after school? 她/他放学以后干吗? He/she often… 她/他经常… 3、 How often do you….? 你多久做…?

I…twice a…. 我做…...一周两次 How often does he/she…? 她/他多久做……..? He/she\\ often…… 她/他…….. Unit 2

1、What do you have to do in you spare time? 你在课余时间做什么? I play the flute. 我经常吹笛子。 2、Can I go to the movies? 我能去电影院吗?

Sure,you can .But first you have to finsh you project可以,但是你必须完成作业 Sorry,you cant’t you have to practice the violin. 对不起,不能去,因为我要练习钢琴 Unit 3

1、You should/shoulden’t brush your teeth. 你应该刷牙/你不应该… 2、What’s wrong? 你怎么了? I have a headache。 我头痛。 Unit 5

1、What did you do last weekend? 你上个星期干什么? 2、Did you ……last weekend? 你上个礼拜……..

Yes I did /No ,I didn’t 是的/不是 Unit 6
