

A.The victim was seriously wounded, so he couldn’t be in court in person. B.The witness was badly wounded himself, so he couldn’t appear in court in person. C.The victim wounded himself badly, thus he couldn’t appear in court personally. D.The witness wounded seriously, thus he couldn’t be at court personally.


1.D 11.A 21.D 31.B 41.B 51.B 61.A 71.B

2.D 12.D 22.B 32.C 42.B 52.C 62.D 72.A

3.A 13.C 23.A 33.B 43.C 53.D 63.C 73.C

4.B 14.C 24.A 34.C 44.B 54.B 64.C 74.B

5.A 15.C 25.D 35.C 45.C 55.C 65.C 75.D

6.B 16.D 26.B 36.D 46.A 56.B 66.B 76.D

7.A 17.C 27.D 37.D 47.D 57.C 67.D 77.C

8.A 18.D 28.A 38.D 48.D 58.A 68.C 78.C

9.D 19.A 29.C 39.B 49.A 59.B 69.D 79.A

10.C 20.C 30.B 40.C 50.A 60.C 70.B 80.B


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