
W:I don’t like football. It’s a boy’s game, I think I really enjoy running. I find it very quiet and relaxing. Do you like running?

M:No, I seldom run. I prefer cycling to running. I enjoy seeing the countryside. W:I’ve heard that you are also good at swimming.

M:Ah, yes. Swimming is my second favorite activity. It’s a great chance to have fun with my friends, especially in summer. In winter, though, I usually play table tennis.⑨ It’s good exercise when it’s cold outside.

(Text 8)

M:Hello. Is that the library? W:Yes. Can I help you?

M:I hope so. I rang earlier and asked for some information about Dennis Hutton, the scientist. You asked me to ring back.

W:Oh, yes. I’ve found something for you. M:Good. I’ve got a pencil and paper. Go ahead.

W:Okay. Dennis Hutton, born in Darlington,1836, died in New York,1920.⑩ M:Yes, got that.

W:Inventor and physicist, the son of a farm worker. He was accepted by the University of London at the age of 15.?


W:He graduated at 17 with a first-class degree in physics and mathematics. All right? M:Yes, all right. When did he go to America?

W:Let me see. In 1920, he went to teach in New York and died there suddenly after only three weeks.?

M:Okay, got all that. Thanks very much for your help. (Text 9)

M:Hi, Jannie. Are you excited about the weekend?? I remember you said you have something special going on?

W:I sure do, Rob. I have something fun planned with my sister. She arrived in the city by bus the day before yesterday.?

M:I didn’t know you had a sister. What are you and your sister going to do?


W:Well, since she leaves for college next Monday, this is her last free weekend. I’m going to show her around the city. So tomorrow morning, we are going to bike down to my favorite café and have breakfast.??

M:Oh, the one you like down on First Street? I went there yesterday and had really good coffee.

W:That’s the one. Then we will take my dog for a walk in the park for a while. After that, she wants to do some shopping downtown.

M:Oh, yeah? I heard that they’re having a huge sale on shoes, sunglasses and handbags. You really wanted a new pair of sports shoes, didn’t you?

W:Oh, yes!? That’s great! Then on Sunday, we were planning to go to the movies.?? M:Cool! Have a great weekend. (Text 10)

OK, so my friends, they convinced me to go on this hiking trip through the mountains.? Eight of us, we were going to go for a week,? hiking through the mountains, backpacking, carrying all the equipment on us, so that we could camp out and cook over a fire and everything.

We ended up camping out every single night.Two of the nights were really nice because it was clear. The sky was so clear that you could see all the stars. It was warm, and it was beautiful. But on the second night, we had a huge rainstorm.? It scared us to death. You know, we were out there in the middle of nowhere, and we were wet and scared, but it was OK, because the next day it was warm, sunny,? and all of our stuff got to dry out, so it worked out OK. We covered about 200 miles in one week. We were really moving.

第二部分 阅读理解 [共两节,满分40分]




We were late as usual. My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself, and when he discovered that he couldn’t manage he asked me for help at the last moment. So now we had an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, there were not many cars or buses on the


road and we were able to get there just in time.

We checked in and went direct to a big hall to wait for our flight(航班) to be called. We waited and waited but no announcement(通知) was made. We asked for information and the girl there told us that the plane hadn’t even arrived yet. In the end there was another announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get a free meal voucher(餐券) and that the plane hadn’t left Spain for technical reasons. We thought that meant that it wasn’t safe for the plane to fly. We waited again for a long time until late in the evening when we were asked to report again. This time we were given free vouchers to spend the night in a nearby hotel.

The next morning after a bad night because of all the planes taking off and landing, we reported back to the airport. Guess what had happened while we were asleep! Our plane had arrived and taken off again. All the other passengers had been woken up in the night to catch the plane, but for some reason or other we had been forgotten. You can imagine how we felt!

【解题导语】 本文是记叙文。作者讲述了自己和丈夫赶飞机的一次不愉快经历。 21.Before leaving for the airport, the author________. A.helped water the flowers B.found it hard to start her car C.cleaned the garden by herself D.made a phone call to her husband

A 解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的My husband had insisted on watering the flowers和he asked me for help可知,A项说法正确。

22.Why didn’t the author’s plane take off on time? A.The airport was too busy. B.The weather was terrible. C.Some passengers were late. D.Something was wrong with it.

D 解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的the plane hadn’t left Spain for technical reasons可知,作者的飞机出了故障,故选D项。

23.How did the author probably feel the next morning? A.Lucky. B.Excited.


C.Angry. D.Nervous.

C 解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中的Our plane had arrived and taken off...we had been forgotten可知,作者可能会很生气,故选C项。

24.What’s the main idea of the text? A.It is important to be a polite passenger. B.A couple were left behind at an airport. C.It is dangerous to travel around in a plane. D.More and more airports provide a bad service.

B 解析:主旨大意题。由于飞机延误,作者和丈夫被安排在机场附近的宾馆过夜,然而飞机在夜间抵达时却没有人通知他们,于是他们错过了那趟航班,故选B项。


(2016·河北衡水冀州中学高一上期中)I always feel sorry for world leaders busy dealing with fights between nations. When my three children were young, most days it was hard keeping my house from becoming a battlefield.

It got worse as they grew older. Three years ago, Zack, then 16, couldn’t make it through a day without making his sisters, Alex 11 and Taryn 9, angry.

My husband and I tried to be understanding the boy at such an age. We reasoned, punished, and left heartfelt notes on his bed about how he was hurting our family. His answer was “I say it because it’s true.”

I even tried telling the girls to fight back. Bad idea.Now I had three children at war. Whatever I said to them, they paid no attention. When there was no way out, I told everything to my sister, Mary, in an e-mail. She replied,“Don’t e-mail me. E-mail him.”

Our son was online every day, mailing and talking with his friends. Maybe he would actually hear me this way. I didn’t say anything different, but e-mail just took the tension away. There’d be no shouting or door banging. Zack wouldn’t feel under attack.

Zack didn’t reply for days. When he finally did, his entire message was four small words. I smiled when I read them: “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

The children still fought, of course, but Zack changed. Best of all, I now have a better way to talk with not one but three of them. I like it that they don’t tune_me_out as much as they used to.

