Lesson Six Another School Year综合英语一下册课文,练习语法讲解

Lesson Six Another School Year—What For?


John Ciardi

Learning Guide


一、Word List

1.disaster n. 不幸;灾难

2.career n. 职业,事业,生涯 (不可数名词) 3.job 指具体的工作(可数名词) 4.damn v. 诅咒;骂 5.hip n. 臀部

6.pharmacist n. 药剂师;药商 7.pharmacy n. 药剂学;药学;制药 8.stuff n. 作品等的内容;题材;素材 9.as conj. (引出让步从句)尽管,即使 10.faculty n. 大学的系、科、院(的全体教员) 11.put v. 表达;表述 12.working day n. 工作日


13.usefully adv. 有用地 14.engineering n. 工程(学)

15.professional adj.具有专门知识的,专业的,职业的 /amateur 业余的 16.cyanide n. [?sa???na?d] 氰化物 17.aspirin n. 阿斯匹林(一种镇痛解热药) 18.bull n. (未阉割的)公牛

19.client n. (律师的)当事人;(医生的)患者 20.incompetence n. 不胜任,不称职 21.involve v. 包含,需要,涉及 22.rear v. (美)养育(女子等) 23.sufficient adj. 足够的,充足的 24.raise v. (美)养育(孩子等)

25.expose v. 使接触,使??处于某种作用或影响之下 26.profound adj. 深刻的,深奥的 27.civilization n. 文明社会;文明 28.civilized adj. 文明的,开化的

29.intellectually adv. 与智力(或思维)有关地;理智地 30.intellect n. 智力,思维能力 31.head n. 头目,领导,首脑 32.contact n. 接触;联系

33.continuity n. 连续(状态),连续性 34.business n. 职责;工作;生意 35.philosophy n. 哲学

36.fine arts n. 美术(如绘画、雕刻等) 37.mechanized adj. 机械的;呆板的 38.savage n. 野蛮人;野人 39.push-button adj. 用按纽操纵的 40. unaided adj. 无助的 42.invent v. 创造,发明


43.essentially adv. 本质上,基本上 44.spiritual adj. 精神的,心灵的 45.resource n. 资源;财源 46.store v. 储存,储备 47.acquire v. 获得,学到,得到 48.fragment n. 部分,片断;碎片 49.necessarily adv. 必定,必然

50.literal adj. 实际的;字面的;直译的 51.limitation n. 局限(性) 52.humanity n. 人性;人类 53.developed adj. 成熟的 54.existence n. 存在

55.specialist n. 专家;专业人员


Page 139 Para. 1

1. Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of

1940 and I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at a university.



A disaster 本意:灾难,彻底的失败;不幸;祸患,这里作者用夸张的手

法讲述他和学生之间沟通的不愉快的事情 B career 职业生涯

C fresh 新鲜的;淡水的;新的;无经验的 D out of = from

E. graduate school 研究所,研究生院


school 指大学里面的研究生院

2. A tall boy came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked

at me as if to say: \一个高个子的男生来到我的课堂,坐了下来,两臂交叉往胸前一放,看了我一眼好像在说:\好吧,哥们儿,教点什么吧。\A. fold 折叠;合拢;抱住;笼罩

e.g. Fold the letter and put it in an envelope. 将信折好放进信封。 B as if 似乎,此处后面接不定式

3.Two weeks later we started Hamlet. 两个星期后我们开始上《哈姆雷特》 4.Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips. \

here to be a pharmacist. Why do I have to read this stuff?\pointed to the book which was lying on the desk.



A with his hands on his hips , with复合结构,表示伴随情况。


B to be a pharmacist 想成为一名药剂师 不定式表示目的 C point to 朝?..方向指着

Page 139 Para. 2

5. New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this boy that he had enrolled, not in a technical

training school, but in a university, and that in a university students enroll for both training and education.


