Procedure for Cleaning,Flushing,Gauging and Hydro Testing of Pipelines

Rev.: A1 Labor Crane operator China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP) Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0014 Engineer of hydraulic pressure Excavator operator Construction Procedure for Cleaning, Gauging And Hydro testing of Pipelines Planning and dispatching East-west Gas Pipeline Project Electrician Site vice manager Site manager Foreman Driver Page 5 of 56

Equipment repairman Document control engineer Welder and pipe fitter Quality engineer Air compressor unit operator HSE engineer Filling Water pump operator Hydraulic pressure testing operator

East-west Gas Pipeline Project Construction Procedure for Cleaning, Gauging And Hydro testing of Pipelines Rev.: A1 China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP) Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0014 3.1 Humans The work will be performed by the experienced personnel (testing engineers and operators). The Test Engineer or his representative shall be present on site throughout all testing operations and shall have overall responsibility for all aspects of testing and associated works together with the safety of all personnel.

The personnel planned for the pipeline cleaning, gauging, hydrate sting construction are listed in the table below. Post Site manager HSE and Quality engineer Planning and dispatching Foreman Engineer of hydraulic pressure test Hydraulic pressure testing operator Filling Water pump operator Air compressor unit operator Welder and pipe fitter Qty. 1 3 1 1 2 2 4 4 3 Responsibility Responsible for all works of pre-commissioning Responsible for HSE and quality management of pre-commissioning Responsible for construction planning & dispatching Responsible for all site works of pre-commissioning spread Responsible for site testing and recording Operating the testing pump and hydraulic pressure Operating the filling pump and hydraulic pressure testing Dry air drying operation of air compressors and driers Prefabrication of pre-commissioning facilities and Welding of equipment Equipment repairman Driver Electrician Excavator operator Crane operator Labor Total 1 9 1 1 1 10 44 Maintenance and repair of testing equipment and facilities Responsible for transportation of equipment, materials & personnel Maintenance and repair of electric equipment and Responsible for operating the excavator Responsible for operating the crane Responsible for works of the sites Page 6 of 56

3.2 Equipment and Materials East-west Gas Pipeline Project Construction Procedure for Cleaning, Gauging And Hydro testing of Pipelines Rev.: A1 China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP) Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0014 QuantityNo. Item Specifications . 3Purpose provide compressed air for 1 section cleaning & gauging 1 Air Compressor 4200m/h, 0~140bar 2 Air Compressor 1800m/h, 0~24bar 3provide compressed air for section cleaning & gauging 3 Feed Pump 400m/h, lift≥50m 200m/h,lift≥200m 0~30m/h, 333to pump test water from pond 6 and river 3 for water filling operation for 2 pressurization during 3 Filling Pump 4 Positive-Displacement Pump lift≥ 30MPa 0~5m/h, 3hydrostatic test For pressurization of test 6 head to inject chemicals into test 2 water 5 Pressurizing pump lift≥ 30MPa 6 Chemical Injection Pump 0.1~0.5 m/h 337 Water Filter 500m/h,≤500micron ≥200 hours radio 3 for water filtration for locating the traveling pigs 8 Pig Tracer type 2 to provide electricity for 9 Power Generator 220 KVA 1 pumps to provide electricity for 10 Power Generator 110 KVA 1 pumps 11 Power Generator 50KVA Page 7 of 56

1 electricity for pressure test 12 East-west Gas Pipeline Project Construction Procedure for Cleaning, Gauging And Hydro testing of Pipelines Rev.: A1 China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP) Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0014 communication for testing Communication Facility Available In ≥50km 3 Pig launcher 13 Pig receiver 48” 48” 3 3 for launching pigs during the operation of cleaning & gauging for connecting hydrostatic 14 Hydrostatic test head 48” 14 test equipment and devices to the pipeline trunk 4m×1.5m×2m 15 Water tank 2.5m×1m×1.5m 3 3 for storing test water for pressure test pumps for Pipeline Cleaning & 16 Pig body 48?? Gauging 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Pig spare part Aluminum Gauge Plate Pressure test Cabin Excavator Crane Pick-up Car Truck Water tank truck Oil tank truck Oil tank Notebook computer 48〞 48〞 25T 20m 10m Page 8 of 56

33 20 3 1 1 5 1 4 1 1 1 5 Prepared for Pigs for Pipeline Gauging
