
Semantic Field: 1)The massive word store a language like English can be conceived of as composed around a number of meaning areas, some large, and others smaller. Viewing the total meaning in this way is the basis of field theory.

2) The German linguist Trier saw vocabulary as ‘an integrated system of lexemes interrelated in sense. Therefore, the ‘words of languages can be classified into semantically related sets or fields.

3) According to Trier’s vision of fields, the whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields.

4)Words in each field are semantically related and define one another.



问题:在反义关系中, 同一个词具有不同的涵义, 因此也就具有了多个不同的反义词 ( true or false )

问题: true e.g. fast, dull

问题: 反义词分为哪三类:

1) Contradictory terms

2) Contrary terms

3) Relative terms

问题:可以用形容词比较级, 可以用程度副词 加以修饰的反义词是属于哪一类?

答案: Contradictory terms

问题: 可以接纳一个Middle ground, 这样的词是属于哪一类反义词?

答案:contrary terms

问题: Husband and wife , man and woman 这都是表示性别的反义词,但是他们属于同一类反义词的划分, 对还是错?

答: 错

husband and wife : relative terms

man and woman : contradictory terms

问题: empty 与 vacant 这两个词都表示空荡荡的感觉, empty表示的是修饰容积,容量, 没有填充物的空荡荡, 而vacant 表示的是一个not occupied, not taken 所以一般我们说没有放家具的房间叫做vacant apartment, 而人去楼空的房间叫empty room, 请从同义词的角度对这种用法加以分析? (书111 页)


Differnece in application :

Empty, vacant are synonyms, but their collocations are not the same.

Empty implies that there is no one or nothing inside while vacant suggests that something or some place is not occupied.

问题: 反义词之间存在不存在包容性概念semantic inclusion, 请举例说明?

答案: e.g. man / woman , dog/ bitch

tall/ short, old /young

问题:Face 具有不同的它有一个primary meaning也有很多的derived meanings ,那么,这种基本语义和派生语义体现在face的身上, 是用哪一种方法论研究得出来的结果?

答案: diachronic approach

像车轮式一样进行发展的语义属于哪一种模式? 举例说明?

答案: radiation

e.g. face, neck

问题:harvest 它的意思是time of cutting, time of harvest, 现在是指yield of grain or food 是哪一种方法论得出的.

答案: diachronic approach

问题:huge/tiny, 这是一组反义词, 请从反义关系的角度来分析这是哪一种类型的反义词,并加以理论的解释?

答案:contrary terms

Antonyms of this kind form part of a scale of values between two poles and can accommodate a middle ground belong neither to one pole nor to the other as shown below:

huge/very big/big/quite big / medium-sized/ quite small/small/ tiny ( 这种分析题目易考)

看例子: desk, table, chair, cupboard , 这些词都算在什么范畴之内, 加以理论分析?


这些词都属于furnature, furnature 是superordinate, desk , table ... 是furniture 的subordinate words 或者称作hyponyms ,它们之间形成的relationship is called hyponymy.

第七章: Changes in Word Meaning


1. Types of Semantic changes (五种)


extension 又被称作generalization

e.g ’manuscript’ original meaning ’ handwritting---now ’any author’s writing whether written by hand or typed with a type-writer

\ barely’---now ’storeroom’


narrowing 又被称作specialization

e.g. \now just ’deer’

\now ’maize’only

’garage’ any safe place---’ a place for storing cars’

(3) degradation

degradation 又被称作pejoration

e.g. \




(4) elevation

elevation 又被称作 ameliration

e.g. \now elevated to ’delight, pleasant’

\now means ’high-ranking army officer’

\now means ’policeman’

(5) transfer

e.g. paper ( p140)

the lip of a wound ( associated transfer)

purse for ’money’ (associated transfer )

clear-sounding ( transfer of sensations )

2.Causes of Changes :

1)extra linguistic factors

(1) historical reason

a word is retained for a name thogh the meaning has changed because the referent has changed.

e.g. \

increased scientific knowledge and discovery are also important factors.

(2) class reason

elevation and degradation

(3) Psychological reason
